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Everything posted by Whovian

  1. So, after getting bored with my previous attempt, I'm going to try this again ISRU-style. Hopefully my eye-candy mods are going to keep me interested for long enough to complete my mission. Is it fine if I do this on Mac 64-bit? I can switch to 32-bit, but I'm not sure if my RAM can take the graphics mods on a 32-bit installation and, at least so far, other than occasional minor issues that shouldn't affect the mission, 64-bit seems solid.
  2. Be aware that the current version of Kopernicus breaks four of K+'s planets; I'm not sure if OPM works with the downgrade. If you must use the current version of Kopernicus, look back a few pages for a fix.
  3. Some sequence of (probably 3) numbers separated by dots. The exact value is, of course, irrelevant; god knows Squad made odd switches to 0.90 and 1.0.
  4. Definitely Eve. It still takes significantly more delta-v and reentry is a big issue. Tylo you can do a lander which only weighs a few tons. Plus, bigger landers means bigger tugs. The bigger question is: Thud from PlanetFactory/Sentar Expansion, Tylo from Alternis Kerbol/Alternis Kerbol Reloaded, or Titanus from New Horizons?
  5. KW Rocketry and Umbra Space Industries have been bitter rivals since Rovin Kerman singlehandedly bested Winston and Kyle Kerman in a game of Minmus golf.
  6. Anyone got the Biosuits' visors working? When I try, they just look like ordinary visors. And yes, I did try turning the reflections off.
  7. Huh. I had mostly framerate issues and vanishing ships, not crashes. I might be able to help if you list your mods or post your player.log.
  8. After a few hours of trying to get this to work with a billion other mods without murdering my CPU (I'm pretty sure the culprit was one of B9's dependencies), I was rewarded. - - - Updated - - - Gotta say, loving the pencil-drawn style of the EVE configs! (And no, that isn't sarcasm. I've always liked quirky art styles.)
  9. Quick question: did the update break UKS's integration? That is, should UKS users update now or wait for UKS to make a compatibility update?
  10. Sounds like Kopernicus didn't find something it was looking for. Make sure ModuleManager.2.6.6.dll and New_Horizons are directly in GameData. Also make sure you have Kopernicus installed. Also, if you have other planet packs, that could be causing issues.
  11. I ran into the same issue with an SSTO's reaction wheels blowing a little while ago, but as far as I can remember the Mark IV system wasn't involved at all; I only used B9/PWings and KSPI. So I don't think it's Mark IV's fault.
  12. Quick question. I bumped into a minor problem with getting another pair of planet packs to work with one another, and I realized that adding another two wormholes would fix the issue. Is it possible to add more wormholes with destinations other than the Gargantua system? Poking around configs suggests no, but perhaps I missed something.
  13. Question for the creator. I was trying to figure out whether I wanted the Outer Planets Mod over the stock system or this. I decided, why not both? I'm currently trying to throw together a compatibility patch between this and the stock system with OPM using Kerbal Galaxy as a mediator; the idea is to keep the stock system with OPM and throw New Horizons copies of the stock planets to put in its own solar system, also orbiting the black hole. (I'll also set up a launch site on NH's Kerbin if I can.) The only problem is that throwing New Horizons copies of the stock planets, as far as I can tell, requires me to edit the configs NH has to shift around the stock planets, hence publishing the compatibility patch would require me to publish edited versions of those configs. Is this okay? EDIT: Another similar situation's probably gonna happen with the EVE configs.
  14. I can imagine the creepypasta. Early career mode's going as expected. You've gotten Jeb into orbit, done a Mun flyby ... and then you look in the contract list and see one labeled "Scott." That's funny, you think, usually they're more descriptive descriptions, such as "test so-and-so in such-and-such a scenario." You can't decline it and it's simple enough, just plant a flag on Mun, so you accept it. You build a fair-sized Mun rocket and land. That's when KSP crashes. You restart KSP to discover that your ship is now called "enemy ship." You cannot go to it in order to view it. You generally freak out, as you weren't expecting this to happen. Then you see an orbit line appear. It must be taking off. You wonder why. Eventually "enemy ship" makes its way into LKO. You get another contract, this one called "Hullo." Its parameter is to dock with "enemy ship" and subsequently land its crew safely on Kerbin. You will get 666 reputation, but no other rewards. You do not wish to accept this contract. You attempt to leave mission control. A window appears telling you that you cannot do so until you accept this contract. You try to force quit KSP; upon restarting and opening your save you are put in mission control again. You have no choice but to accept. After accepting, you discover that attempting to enter any other body's SOI - even Mun's and Minmus's - results in instant obliteration of your craft. "Complete 'Hullo'" is now a parameter for every other contract. There's clearly no choice other than to proceed. You do so. When you dock and transfer crew, you discover that your kerbals' heads have switched to Scott Manley's. After completing the contract, you hear Scott Manley saying "I actually wasn't expecting that to happen!" (Interstellar Quest ep. 56) followed by another crash. You log on. KSC is now on Eve. You enter the tracking station and discover that Kerbin's texture is now Scott Manley's face. Et cetera.
  15. I just noticed something. If Pluron detects OPM, it should probably edit Eeloo's description to mention Pluron instead of Plock.
  16. I implore that you ignore this 56464; they've been harassing other planet pack devs.
  17. I must report that, unfortunately, I'm experiencing a screen of stars rather than the space center upon opening a save. (How much you wanna bet the issue's Texture Replacer?) EDIT: Got it. The solution, for anyone experiencing this problem, is to dump the contents into your GameData folder such that the EVE config's in /GameData/KerbalGalaxy. EDIT 2: Er ... it's a bit more confusing. Not too horrible, though.
  18. You were right; KSPRC doesn't add an aurora to Eve. My apologies.
  19. Bug report: the Eve recolor seems to remove the auroras with KSPRC. Top-down image of Eve:
  20. Yep. I can report that both the new BAE update and the fix shaw suggested fix the problem.
  21. Delete the Skybox textures in GameData/TextureReplacer/Default. There might also be some in GameData/TextureReplacer/EnvMap.
  22. Asclepius loads fine, but its contracts (in GameData/ContractPacks/AscContract) don't; essentially the update seems to have not fixed the bork.
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