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Everything posted by Whovian

  1. I ... just sent a ship out, spent a number of hours missioning, landed on Laythe, and was about to land on Tylo ... then I noticed I'd had HyperEdit installed the whole time (as I'd been using it to test my Laythe SSTO and forgot to uninstall it for the actual mission). Do I need to do-over everything or is this okay? I should clarify that I never actually used HyperEdit during the mission. EDIT: Nvmd, looks like my Tylo lander doesn't work so it's quite irrelevant.
  2. I should note that the aesthetic in the OP strongly reminds me of KSPRC's retextures. Perhaps you could use those for inspiration?
  3. I've gotten it mostly working; I only used KSPRC's BoulderCo and KSPRC folders. Manually install EVE (NOT the WIP, but the 0.24 one) and Texture Replacer, install KSPRC's BoulderCo folder, drop KSPRC's Texture Replacer textures into the 1.0.4-compatible Texture Replacer folder. Drop the KSPRC folder into GameData. Don't drop anything else in. If you're using ATM get rid of BoulderCo/ActiveTextureManagerConfigs; otherwise get rid of it anyway in case you ever install ATM. The problems I'm aware of are that the sun's flare is still stock (this post might be able to help with that), Duna's clouds are barely visible from space, and Jool's rings are missing (that /might/ be resolvable with Kopernicus? The Outer Planets Mod and New Horizons have example ring configs, but I'd use Kopernicus 0.2.4 as 0.3.3 when paired with EVE is causing my framerate to drop to 1 FPS when physics is being simulated). Everything else works AFAIK. Some people are having problems with city lights in 1.0.4; they're working fine for me but if you're having problems delete BoulderCo/CityLights. Also notice that you might have to add a config file so it recognizes the female heads as female; here's my Diverse Kerbal Heads config, which should be easily adaptable. TextureReplacer { GenericKerbals { // Female heads. Texture names inside `Heads/` (without extensions). // The list must be space- and/or comma-separated and in one line. // Duplicated lists are joined. femaleHeads = f1a,f1b,f1c,f1d,f1e,f1f,f1g,f1h,f1i,f1j,f1k,f1l,f1m } } You probably should enable Legacy Females in Texture Replacer's @Default.cfg; I've no idea how heads made for the male model parse onto the female model. EDIT: Also replace Distant Objects' PlanetColors.cfg and PlanetShine's CelestialBodies.cfg with KSPRC's versions.
  4. I'd like to suggest a thing: multiple filters I'm not at all sure how easy this would be to implement, but I've sometimes found myself wanting to look specifically at, say, 2.5m engines (I can only filter specifically 2.5m parts or engines, but not both at once) or engines from a given folder in GameData (say, if it isn't from one of the mods that FE is preprogrammed to recognize) Which can be really annoying if you have too many engines to reasonably sort through them in a timely manner As far as I can think, having "part type" filters on top of cross-section filters or on top of manufacturer filters are the only ones that would result in considerable increase in ease
  5. Behemoth Aerospace Engineering goes up to 10m parts (though, personally, I much prefer SpaceY's semi-stockalike aesthetic).
  6. It uses a fair amount of RAM; I think a bit under 1 GB? It should probably go down noticeably if you remove the clouds, but I have yet to confirm this. That sounds like you installed /something/ in the wrong place; make sure Kopernicus, KerbalGalaxy, BoulderCo, etc. are all directly in Gamedata.
  7. KSP Interstellar also has jets that can function in any atmosphere.
  8. Note: at least last time I tried it, it was also compatible with Better Atmospheres. Trying to install lightning on Tekto breaks that, though.
  9. I'm pretty sure it's possible; Sigma's Galactic Neighborhood has a number of colored stars with properly colored starlight.
  10. What have you got against Dedekind cuts?
  11. As far as I know it doesn't have configs for them. In the playing I've done they seem to be technically compatible, but the new planets won't show up with Distant Object and I have no idea how Planetshine will react to you going into the SOI of a planet without a config.
  12. You're using the Comms DTS-M1 dishes? Those have a line of sight of about 25Ëš (or something like that; it's been a while since I used Remotetech); therefore it was probably just another satellite drifting into their line of sight and hence allowing communication.
  13. Probably not. Make sure Other_Worlds and Kopernicus are directly in your GameData directory. It sounds a bit like an issue I've heard of before with Kopernicus where something isn't installed in the right place so it's looking in the wrong place for its files. Is the screen stars, or just black?
  14. Unless the last update was a huge visual overhaul, that's not standard in NH. I also had a question: how did you get those clouds? The cloud pack I've used looks a lot more "pencil-drawn."
  15. Outer Planets Mod. It's one of the best planet packs out there, due to its cleverness and general stockalikeness while still being interesting.
  16. Welp, I just installed OPM, Kopernicus, Kopernicus Expansion, Module Manager, your OPM bundle, and Sigma Binary on a fresh install and Module Manager doesn't like Pluron's trying to use it for some reason. I just get "Found some number of errors" on the loading screen and there's no binary orbit (it's just Khato orbiting Pluron). EDIT: Module Manager 2.6.8, if that helps at all. EDIT 2: The number of errors is 7. I think I'm using Kopernicus 0.3.3?
  17. Er ... why isn't this editing Sonnah's orbit? @Kopernicus:NEEDS[New_Horizons]:AFTER[New_Horizons] { @Body[Ernus] { @Orbit { @referenceBody = Algok A @semiMajorAxis = 1238400000 } } @Body[Sonnah] @Orbit { @referenceBody = Algok @semiMajorAxis = 22075069804 @inclination = 8 @eccentricity = 0.128 } } } Same goes if I replace "Algok" with "Algok A."
  18. I'm getting weird things with this and the new version of PluronKhato; could this MM patch have anything to do with it? @Kopernicus:NEEDS[OPM]:AFTER[OPM] { @Body[Pluron] { @Orbit { @referenceBody = Helios } } }
  19. Ack Do I need a Github account for that? AFAIK I don't have one already.
  20. Quick question. I'm planning to make my own configs for New Horizons (because why not) and would like to do a weird thing with Serran and Moh. How believable would it be to have a binary gas giant system with a moon in an extremely tight orbit around one of them? The fact that 3-body systems, even if one has negligible mass, are chaotic tells me this would probably be an issue, but perhaps it wouldn't be if the orbit's tight enough. Also, quick request: could the cloud patch for OPM also copy Eeloo's clouds?
  21. Quick thing to point out: the orbital periods of the stars aren't the same, so the orbits should desync after sufficiently long passes. - - - Updated - - - Here's a config I threw together to put Other_Worlds' star into the system (I kind of made up the orbital radius and inclination, so feel free to tweak it) and put the Sentar Expansion planets into orbit around it too: @Kopernicus:NEEDS[OtherWorlds]:AFTER[OtherWorlds] { @Body[Cercani] { @Properties { @description = When astronomers discovered this star, they thought they were looking at a black hole. Thankfully, Roger Kenrose clarified that black holes usually don’t emit blinding levels of light. @sphereOfInfluence = 2e12 } @Orbit { @inclination = 6 @semiMajorAxis = 0.991e14 @argumentOfPeriapsis = 90 @longitudeOfAscendingNode = 270 @meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0.1 @epoch = 0 } } } @Kopernicus:NEEDS[SentarExpansion]:AFTER[OtherWorlds] { @Body[Ablate] { @Orbit { @referenceBody = Cercani } } @Body[Ascension] { @Orbit { @referenceBody = Cercani } } @Body[Barney] { @Orbit { @referenceBody = Cercani } } @Body[Inaccessable] { @Orbit { @referenceBody = Cercani } } @Body[Sentar] { @Orbit { @referenceBody = Cercani } } } You'll need to edit Barney's cfg so it says :AFTER[Kopernicus] instead of :FINAL to get it to work right.It's untested but I'm seeing if it works right now. EDIT: If you make the edit to Barney's cfg, it works. Also, the PlanetFactory planets look gorgeous in dim orange starlight. The only problem is that Cercani's orbit is invisible black in the tracking station (and probably the map view as well) for some reason. EDIT 2: Apparently that's part of Outer_Worlds and is not my fault. Whew!
  22. It's possibly even less noticeable on non-brown bodies. I'm not sure; I could see a case for leaving it or I could see a case for upping the brightness. If the brightness is left as is, landing would probably be an interesting challenge. - - - Updated - - - I have discovered that putting the Other_Worlds system into Helios orbit livens up the system quite a bit after removing the inner planets. Here's the (fairly rudimentary, I don't like things that involve calculations) config: @Kopernicus:NEEDS[OtherWorlds]:AFTER[OtherWorlds] { @Body[Troni] { @Orbit { @referenceBody = Helios } } @Body[Vassa] { @Orbit { @referenceBody = Helios } } @Body[Pequar] { @Orbit { @referenceBody = Helios } } @Body[Nienna] { @Orbit { @referenceBody = Helios } } @Body[Prima-Secunda] { @Orbit { @referenceBody = Helios } } !Body[Cercani] {} } I'm also thinking that it would be really interesting to put something in orbit of one of the weird star systems (say, K-Stor, Algok, or Prok/Kseema). Perhaps New Horizons' compatibility config for Kerbol+ could serve as inspiration for appropriating planet systems. EDIT: If I get the time, I might throw together a New Horizons config that throws everything into a weird orbit around a weird star.
  23. Here's a screenie of Putto's north pole: As you can tell, there's no noticeable difference between the light side and the dark side. I should probably clarify that these should not be taken as complaints and I'm quite grateful for the existence of this mod. EDIT: Upon closer inspection, the light side of Putto appears to a very slightly warmer and lighter color.
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