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Colonel Cbplayer

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Everything posted by Colonel Cbplayer

  1. well Kerbin only has like 3 biomes, mountains, grass, and desert. I feel kerbin does need more scenic views if people want to go exploring. If there where stuff like volcano, waterfalls, more canyons and valleys. Those probably can be form by tweaking world generation. Everything in kerbin just feel so flat and plain, especially from a plane. Rather then adding any new game mechanics, just terrain generation need to be change so more interesting spots would appear.
  2. I feel like a brick would fly more stable than that thing
  3. http://imgur.com/a/5Ha1H http://imgur.com/a/5Ha1H Imgur albums are broken on this forum, sorry! Aircraft click on the spoilers
  4. The X-01 morgan from the ace combat series, more of an inspiration than an exact replica but it works and flies well Download
  5. Low part count F-16 Falcon replica Download Any suggestions for real/frictional replicas? Also here is a video of the craft in action
  6. Camera mode that tracks any target you have selected automatically and display it in the middle of the screen
  7. well alot of users use mods to get this data "legit" like mechjeb, far, or kerbal engineer
  8. I installed Kerbpaint with the new .dll file with nothing but the mod, squad, and modular manager 2.6.25 and it didn't work, with the same problems mention above. The GUI never shows up no matter what I do I think the shader them selves work and it just the GUI that is broken
  9. Go get texture replacer and learn how to use it Make your own textures and put them on the forums ??? Profit
  10. The one thing that is wrong with this mod is that it does not work in time control. Slow mo breaks it .-. It a shame really, otherwise it would be perfect.
  11. I once tried to build a space kraken from the hangar It bloody blew up the mission control building from the hangar.
  12. Any chance you cloud tell me where I can get such a file?
  13. My plane had a teleportation accident Apparently moving something while its engines are on have a slight chance of scrambling a craft on the ground and by that I mean this^
  14. I found the best way to fix wobble on a very agile aircraft but it is kind of a cheaty fix. For me alot of wobble comes from thrust vectoring so what I did was turn up the gimbal actuator speed 4 times faster in the config file (the base speed was 8, I turn it up to 32). After I did this the plane flies more stable than without thrust vectoring,
  15. Actually I lie, it took me like 30 minutes but here it is https://www.dropbox.com/s/ta5kdwzfjkwfmzt/1 UFO.craft?dl=0 This thing is actually pretty agile, but it has a slow roll rate
  16. it is a screenshot from long ago, the files are long lost. How ever I am rebuilding it right now and would be done in like 2 hours tops
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