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Everything posted by Alewx

  1. Here I can confirm similar behaviour with entering the VAB, now as I got my first welded parts. I have almost the same load in memory but I have currently only 1012 textures handled by LoD. @SpaceInvader: How big is your persistant save file that you use for testing? Mine is something around 9mb; 145 debris, 1 Station, 1 ship, around 20 landing flags and about 15 sattelites.
  2. Well I personally would say, I would love to see an first textured complete release package Maybe not with every part possible but with the cool stuff.
  3. Since the mipmap disabling in TR, I can have mutliple launches and revertings to the VAB, depending on the part count, 4-5 times till it crashes with oom exception. So I can't report any problems from this weekend.
  4. Why do players just never read.... EDIT: I made a different quickfix by using two normal docking washers and rotating them in the opposite direction with the same speed, so I get an even better result, because the free docking washers can't keep their reference point.
  5. Cool to see that the window gets fixed. It might already been fixed or obsolete but I fooled around with the docking washers for my new mega spacecraft, and noticed that in the description it is said that the red marker is the fixed position. But during rotation with a docking washer and a free docking washer that just keeps the top part streight, I got this. So I fixed it with rotating the model in the part.cfg and adjusting the attach nodes, but did anyone already mention it? If so, then forget about me.
  6. Better take one week more and test carefully than rushing a bugged version. But i'm really happy to see that it is going on. Did anyone think of the problem that as soon as the connection is lost, you can't return to Space Center?
  7. Tested it with TR installed but disabled mipmaps and compression, and oh wonder now LoD works perfectly. now I will again test this will partcatalog disabled and TR enabled and then report back. EDIT: First tests in VAB with some crafts did keep me at around 2.8 - 3GB RAM that is already 150MB saved to previous Version. no Crash, not trouble, no problems currently. EDIT2: It is so awesome mega monster super fast with loading the textures, it is amazing, just 2 to 3 seconds and then ready to play.
  8. OK Looks like I found the Problem with the Docking ports in the welded craft. WeldingTool seems to have Problems identifing the direction of the ports as soon as they are non direct x or yo z axis bound. So I will fix that manually with the nodes.
  9. Ok I will test that tomorrow after wakeup. Good night guys.
  10. Nope, new LoD was the only change I made. Currently I try to get some parts welded, but these mods were already installed before I got the new LoD. But yes the current thing is it works once and then it stops, and it does not matter if I change something in the config.
  11. Anyone any idea? These obstructed docking nodes are so strange. the nodes are just having direction vector for up and down and the Rotation of the parts Looks ok. Also i made an Special save file only for having it centered at 0,y,0.
  12. Yes I deleted them all again after every lauch of the game, and yeah you are right I had them all the time set to true, I try it with false now. EDIT: yep same behaviout as before with the DontLoadEditorCatalogParts = False, so no it is not that what is causing it from getting stuck.
  13. 1. Yes got the exact same result as you. its awesome see it improving 2. Acutally I was afk for dinner and the DLL didn't load anything, and also it shouldn't reprocess all Images again, that happend already in the run before.
  14. OK I now noticed a quite strange bug, and have no idea what this might be. If I delete the complete LoD Folder and start the game everything works perfect. then in the VAB the game crashes, and as I restart it, LoD seems to be stuck as I arrive in the main menue. Normally it counts up the completed textures, but now it gets stuck at 0 or 3 or 10 and then nothing again ever happens, while the game can be used regulary, just without part textures. Because I know logs are the only thing that matters, I have a little surprise for you LoadOnDemand.log
  15. Yeah success, tested the new v3 and got an CtD from the VAB with OoM and not with crashing texture problem!
  16. Looks like what I was guessing, the parts in the catalog are smaller scaled versions of the regular parts and use the complete textures. Sounds like it will be a really nice evening from what you discovered in this short time Could you still provide a little "how to" for the tga->png conversion?
  17. Roger, will do it asap as I get home. EDIT: @SpaceInvader, like it says it should avoid the loading of the vab catalog parts if set to true. I except it will Keep the parts in the catalog with 32*32 Images to avoid early crashes and smaller loading times in the VAB.
  18. That is soo freaking cool, can't wait for it. Wait, the arrows are pointing the wrong way. does that mean it is extendable? OMG
  19. But Faark also has a RL and so the next version might take days, weeks, months....(I just don't want to think further ) So every bit of memory saving is worth it.
  20. Can anyone who is more experienced with partwelding tell me what is going on with my Docking ports? They have an hex Setup with symmetry, everything works fine so far only the ports look in any direction except the correct one. I have no Problem with Fixing this manually in the part.cfg file I just Need someone who tells me what is wrong with it. it uses KW rockety parts but only for the RCS tanks and anything else is pure stock parts. Part.cfg
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