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Everything posted by Jacke

  1. BTW, that was in the Community Caveman Jool-5 mission, meaning it was completely manual. With all level-1 facilities, that's also without maneuver nodes or targetting outside of about ~50km.
  2. Matt Lowe's case isn't the only one. Take for example the comment by the creator of this video which I just watched. This is a common occurrence since the Adpocalypse a few years ago. Any video on serious subjects, involving history or weapons especially, gets demonetized. And the trend with what is expected to happen soon is that no smaller creator will get any revenue from YouTube. Eventually all that will be left there will be large corporations, people doing it because they've built up their exterior support, or those who do it for free. YouTube will not be the same place it was. Was this likely to happen whatever YouTube's policies? Probably, in some way. But @Aperture Science, there are a lot of cases of people getting screwed around by a YouTube that just reflects the casual carelessness of Google; sure you can find fault with some, but *all* of them ?!? All those small creators help establish YouTube. YouTube doesn't care about them. The way things are and with the attitudes displayed by YouTube, most of those creators who's content I like now will be gone in not too long. I think that's sad.
  3. I could help you learn how to rendezvous and dock, with whatever level of modding you're comfortable with. Just recently relearned meself.
  4. I thought it was more, but you're right, it's just a double negative. Confirmed, @razark is Star Theory.
  5. I'm hearing too many stories about YouTube doing stuff screwing around channels out of the blue with no explanation. From radically different content creators. This is real.
  6. Yes. "Zardoz" (1974). You're in for a treat.
  7. It's a secondary channel that he used to host podcasts. I believe what Jim Sterling says: YouTube just says "violated community standards" without giving any details in either the ban or the refusal response to the appeal. I'll believe Jim Sterling over YouTube. With what YouTube/Google has already done, they've already eroded all the good will I had in them. They are just being stupid, using algorithms to avoid paying for staff and having to set policies except by some vague programming no one but their programmers ever see.
  8. But of course. And as often the case, I was editting the post as you replied. It's got more now.
  9. It's not quite a statue. It flies. There's also an...interesting outfit for the crew. "And thus cars begat carports."
  10. Here's a suggestion for your next project.
  11. I don't know how anyone still sticks with creating content on YouTube except out of habit. Just watching a video by Jim Sterling from November 25. On the weekend he had a sub-channel terminated for "multiple community violations" but no details given. He appealed it and that was rejected. It's amazing how much I've watched on YouTube in the past few years. But the way it's going, within a year or two it could lose all good will and seriously decline from the crappy and inconsistent management.
  12. Hit building, lost fender, kept going, rolled over, lost more parts, ejected driver, driver gets up and find car rolling towards him on its wheels. Double @Triop with extra Triop and more Triop on the side.
  13. @The Minmus Derp is busy derping around Minmus, so nope. @Triop, are you there?
  14. Well, as for action plans, if creators you like move to another platform (there are a few forming), I'd say support them there. Because it's getting to be the same-old same-old at YouTube.
  15. Looks like Chaos is causin' some heresy here....
  16. There's a mod that's just a MM script that deals with the Breaking Ground Science Notification Spam. With an upgraded MM, it should still work. https://github.com/JarredAllen/ksp-StopBreakingGroundNotificationSpam
  17. That may be so in the crazed history of American law. But look at it from the point of view of a society. The company has to do things that provides more. Create goods and services. Provide employment. Engage in research and development and use or publish that. Even just find different ways of organizing things, including investments from other members of society. If all a corporation does is grab a bigger chunk of the pie and only benefits the few, it becomes a burden. It may be protected by legislative and regulator inertia, but if it's not doing something to benefit society, what good is it?
  18. So...when do we see the video of the getaway?
  19. The problem with YouTube is it *keeps* changing its mind. Sometimes it's justified. But often it's rather radical and abrupt and destructive. Sure, people started making careers on YouTube and perhaps they shouldn't have entered into a commercial relationship with a company that now reflects Google: obtuse, hard to get good info on, hard to contact a person, excessively corportate, etc. And the Adpocalyse was definitely the handwriting on the wall that YouTube will radically change the rules, whether from its own judgement or from outside changes. But like @Lisias said, YouTube just broadcasts content made by others. And it is really looking more and more that no one at YouTube cares about what all these abrupt changes are doing to YouTube's content creators. And that position will come back to bite YouTube.
  20. Good. Too much hype on that one, could run its own Hyperailroad Company. Yay! Perhaps it's need for a sort of...Italian job?
  21. Because the mod comes from one source (the upstream mod developer) and the metamodding of the values comes from another, @paul23. Which is why it handles upgrades of the mod better.
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