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Everything posted by Jacke

  1. Have a link for that stream? Can't find it by searching.
  2. Know enough vi to get by. (Not too hard, I've seen editors like that since QEDX.) But I prefer emacs.
  3. Confirmed the Kraken has become resident within the KSP code. If it spreads to Unity, then many games will be doomed!!! 'Ware Kraken!!!
  4. Right Shift on Linux is the mod key. So it should be on Windows Alt + Left Click. Which as far as I can remember, correct. (Shift + Left Click is pick up entire craft by the root part.)
  5. That could be due to not enough pitch, yaw, and even roll authority both low and high in the atmosphere, especially if the thrust is off-axis with respect to the CoM as it moves.
  6. I agree with you. I don't think it's a good idea to make the fairing design try to be one part just to reduce recovery from 2 parts to 1. Rocketry textbooks even as an overview have payload structure including fairing structure and separation design occupy most of or all of one chapter for a reason. A lot of payloads have been lost due to that failing alone.
  7. Never thought of that. I've played the start of a NCD career with 10% Science rewards. Getting 9x that.... Yeah, I'd say it could be done in a few launches. But 3...hmmm. Anyhoo, will be interested to see what you figure out about the top 3 Difficulty levels.
  8. It's primarily a Caveman career with the added limitation of No Contracts, using Caveman's win condition of completing the first 5 Tech Tree Tiers. It's shorter than No Contracts because no KSC facilities are upgraded nor does it need to earn the extra funds for that. But everything needs to be done with only the Level 1 facilities and what's possible with them. The quick consensus on the Caveman topic is up to stock difficulty Hard (60% rewards, Caveman Topaz level) should be possible, especially as they start with at least 10,000 funds. The 3 custom levels beyond that (Corundum, Diamond, and Nanocrystaline Diamond) are much harder, with respectively 30%, 20%, and 10% Science rewards, but Funds rewards for all 3 are 10% and no starting funds. Without the funding from accepting contracts, Caveman rules would have to relaxed to allow an added starting seed of funds.
  9. I have a cunning plan.... A No Contract Career...as a KSP Caveman! Accept no contracts. No gameplay mods. No upgrade of KSP facilities. Difficulty Levels as for Caveman Challenge (see Caveman 1st post). Victory conditions as for Caveman Challenge: unlock all tech tree nodes possible with a Level 1 R&D facility (up to Tier 5 inclusive). Other conditions, including possible added starting seed funds, TBD. Is a Nanocrystaline Diamond career possible? (The toughest Difficulty Level, with rewards for Science, Reputation, and Funds set to 10%.) Could it be done with a sufficiently large added starting seed of funds? And how big does that seed have to be? And what Difficulty Level of Caveman game is possible without any added starting funds? Inquiring minds want to know! Enough interest and I'll start a Challenge topic for...the Community Caveman No Contract Career (CCNCC) and flesh out the details.
  10. So, I should get my screenshot galleries for my parts of the Community Caveman Jool 5 mission up soon. But while I was digging around the forums tonight, I discovered a challenge @5thHorseman created back in 2018. And I got to thinking.... How tough a Caveman career is possible while also fulfilling the requirements of.... If regular Caveman games verge on madness, Caveman with No Contract Career must be like being kicked down a Spartan financial well, wondering how to get out. Accept no contracts. No gameplay mods. No upgrade of KSP facilities. Difficulty Levels as for Caveman Challenge (see Caveman 1st post). Victory conditions as for Caveman Challenge: unlock all tech tree nodes possible with a Level 1 R&D facility (up to Tier 5 inclusive). Other conditions, including possible added starting seed funds, TBD. Is a Nanocrystaline Diamond career possible? Could it be done with a sufficiently large added starting seed of funds? And how big does that seed have to be? And what Difficulty Level of Caveman game is possible without any added starting funds? Inquiring minds want to know! Enough interest and I'll start a Challenge topic for...the Community Caveman No Contract Career (CCNCC) and flesh out the details.
  11. Isn't this similar to how FAR uses its voxel model to derive an airflow over the entire craft? A determination of the shape of the aircraft by the parts that determine that?
  12. Not if all the ported mods are KSP 2 (dramatic chord!) !!!
  13. Ha! Trying to trick us semantically! You should say "I was not Star Theory." if you weren't in the past. You should say "I am not Star Theory." if you weren't in the present. You should say "I will not be Star Theory." but that would be a stretcher, making a prediction that could later be unfounded. A programmer of your skill could be Star Theory. Therefore saying "I cannot be Star Theory...." is patently not the case. And you should know that too, so "...I would know if I was[.]" isn't accurate either. Appears to be trying to mislead. Why.... Unless.... You are Star Theory! Q.E.D.
  14. That's because @sarbian wrote code to catch those errors because they're so common when using most pre-KSP-1.8 mods in KSP 1.8+.
  15. As I quote in the bottom line of my sig, there's fun, and then there's Dwarf Fortress "fun". This applies not just to the game but on a meta level to developing and disucssing the game. Glad to hear that the new Kopernicus will be here soon. Considering the changes with KSP 1.8 and the modding depth of Kopernicus, it's quite an accomplishment.
  16. Moving this topic to the KSP2 discussion subforum is doomed.
  17. The way I saw it quite a while back was Google took that slogan and effectively interpreted it as "By definition, everything Google does isn't evil." Google does a lot of good. But some things.... Now, SpaceX is doing a lot of good too. They have a lot of fans. But there's still the possibility of some things....
  18. Oh, I saw that from the previous post. I just can't remember what changes happened to parts, besides some node adjustments around KSP 1.0/1.2 time and various problems with landing legs and wheels due to problems and changes with them in Unity. You'd have to dig through the more detailed change notes of many KSP versions to be sure. Those with better knowledge of what changes when with parts could comment better.
  19. From that far back, I can't recall exactly what but some things about parts did change. Not as bad as landing legs and wheels, which are unusable. Maybe surface mounting-only parts might be okay.
  20. @Wildcat111, can you upload your logs after a hung game load to a file sharing site and post the link? There's troubleshooting info at the link in my sig, but it may not be updated for the changes in KSP 1.8.x. You want to upload these two files (location for Player.log for Windows) C:/Users/<username>/AppData/LocalLow/Squad/Kerbal Space Program/Player.log GameData/ModuleManager.ConfigCache
  21. What @Kerballing (Got Dunked On) said.
  22. @vardicd, are you running KSP 1.8.x ? You're using Module Manager 4.1.3 and it's only for KSP 1.8.x. From KSP 1.8 on, output_log.txt is no longer used. That file would have to be a log when you last ran KSP 1.7.3 or older. The current log file, at least under Windows, is here: \Users\<username>\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program\Player.log
  23. Sorry to hear you're under the weather, @Triop. I know COPD is serious, but hopefully it can be managed and your situation improved.
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