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Everything posted by Jacke

  1. That we have no information on the nature of the negotiations outside of what was in the Bloomberg article. Apparently, they starting some time in November with Star Theory asking for a 6-month extension. Later talks included discussion about selling Star Theory to TTI/PD. These talks went into December. They ended with TTI/PD cancelling the contract with Star Theory and putting out the messages over LinkedIn on a Friday evening to all 30 members of the Star Theory KSP 2 team asking them to join PD to work on KSP 2. It's impossible to say TTI/PD acted in good faith. I gave you enough information before for you to find it. Look up YongYea on YouTube. It's his video on Take 2 from yesterday. Watch from the 11-minute mark to hear about a similar action by EA with another small dev studio. That is not a statement from TTI/PD business officers. That is a 1-minute video of the two Nate's talking about what is now Intercept Studios and a bit of the technical side of making KSP 2. It says nothing about what happened with Star Theory, not even a sentence expressing regret on parting. Complete silence on the past. Therefore, we are left with only extrapolating from past behaviour by TTI, the current environment in the gaming industry, and current business and legal practices. I see no other interpretation possible. According to @K^2, currently working in the computer game industry, TTI/PD actions are uncommon even in the current jaded cutthroat environment and would be considered brutal with strong impact on their reputation. And if TTI/PD didn't want that to be the narrative, they would have to issue their own statement. Which they have not.
  2. When latitude is + North, - South, and longitude + East, - West, is it.... ( cos(LAT)*cos(LONG) , cos(LAT)*sin(LONG) , sin(LAT) )
  3. Steam doesn't record time when you launch the game directly or via CKAN. Was talked about a lot in this topic.
  4. The contract with TTI/PD could have had an exclusive clause, that Star Theory wouldn't do other work for the term of the contract. Take it or leave it.
  5. The game media doesn't have to create drama if it's being generated. How they portray it in their articles is another matter. How well Star Theory was handling the work is complete speculation. And the key events mostly took place when COVID-19 was significant only in China. The later pandemic ensured the impact on Star Theory was fatal, but it could have been fatal without it.
  6. If @linuxgurugamer updated the name of the post to include the version "1.9.x", it works in KSP 1.9.1. Follow the link in my signature for troubleshooting information. As well, you need to describe your problem better. What happens that shouldn't, what doesn't happen that should? Using that troubleshooting information, you need to find your log file and upload it to a file sharing site and share the link. Without logs, it's almost impossible to help.
  7. Look up Yong Yea's video on this matter. There is legitimate information there. At the 11-minute mark, Yong Yea goes on to talking about the similar case of how Slightly Mad Studios almost had the exact same thing done to them by EA (based upon his 2nd source he links). Here we get the view from the smaller studio. There, the CEO was cautious and had set things up careful. EA has insisted on an exclusive contract. Just before new work under that contract was about to begin, EA cancelled the contract and contacted several team members directly trying to poach them. It turned out differently because of taking precautions and he successfully scrambled to get more funding and work over the next few months. What EA did was very blatant, wrong, and in line with what they've done in the past. What TTI did appears to be similar from what we know. If it wasn't, why didn't TTI/PD put out the story before the story broke in the media?
  8. I'm all out of likes. In summary: KSP 2 needs to show and keep showing and keep showing more. Telling ain't going to cut it anymore. As well, people talk about "willing suspension of disbelief". I think that's the wrong way to look at it. It's really "willing extension of belief". The difference is vital. We've accepted Little Green Kerbals. We've accepted weird small planetary bodies of impossible density that sort of work out as a smaller solar system. Metallic Hydrogen is almost certainly limited to planetary cores and fantastically-high-pressure apparatus. Because if there was a meta-stable form at lower pressures and temperatures, I think signs of it would have been seen by now. It's no more practically useful than meta-stable Monatomic Hydrogen. There are plenty of other near and far-future technologies that will work. We're watching you. Be seeing you.
  9. It's a tough one to catch on grammar unless special cased because they're both grammatically correct, but "couldn't" is the one that is usually intended semantically. I think we'll never know for sure as sufficient details will likely never come out. It was still negotiations that came to a deadlock. And TTI/PD still resorted to an EA-grade move. But TTI/PD was foolish to think no word of this would ever get out. There was even indications back in February. They should have prepared a better statement, from the business leaders of PD. Even in this mess, the cleaner their hands, the more they should have wanted to tell the community before someone else broke the story. Maybe. It was still an EA-grade move. And now to even make things a bit better, it's not going to be enough for TTI/PD/Intercept to tell. They're going to have to *show*--and keep showing--that their hearts are moving to a better place and KSP 2 is going to be what was promised. And TTI/PD/Intercept need to do this sooner rather than later. Even Fall 2020 will be too late. Sales are walking out the door now. There are people that love KSP that will never buy KSP 2. And they aren't the only game in town, with either KSP.
  10. I think you mean "...couldn't care less...." The Devil is indeed in the details on this topic, so I'm going to correct that. Well, there's this concept. In business theory and practice. Called "Goodwill". It's hard to quantify. But it's vital. Because if a business needs it and doesn't have enough, it suffers. Including its incomes and dealings. Individuals accumulate and spend goodwill as well. And bad actions destroy a lot of goodwill. Right now. "AAA" game companies and somewhat the tech industry are being run in a more brutal fashion than even most of the rest of the business world. They're not so common and universal because such tactics erode goodwill. These actions weigh on the reputation of the people in charge and the companies as a whole. They don't live in a bubble. Someday they'll need that goodwill. Will they have enough? Right now, a lot of companies in this challenging time are find their stock of goodwill is too low when they need it. For example a lot of corporations and production companies in Hollywood and elsewhere in the film and television industry have blown their goodwill because for a very simple reason. For whatever reason, they've put out products with crap stories. Crap stories when judged objectively. And kept doing so. Some made money. Some made less money. Some were a loss. Some are disasters. Cutting corners and doing the dirty deeds does eventually affect the product quality. Eventually, that quality hit gets bad enough to hurt sales. Actions that destroy goodwill eventually hits the bottom line. It happens in every industry, eventually.
  11. Took me under 10 minutes to read "The Raven" aloud. With many a stumble and a stutter. It's the human condition. Doesn't really repeat so much as rhyme.
  12. And I'm already out of likes, else I would like @HansonKerman's post as well. YongYea put out a video today. He also brings up past mass poaching attempts from the past by EA. As @K^2 commented, it's not the industry norm. But it's not uncommon. In an industry that really seems a race to the bottom. [snip]
  13. I don't see a solid head of steam. There is no guarantee it will stay on track. Ignoring the shear extreme nature of what happened just because a dev still has the right vision at this moment is short-sighted. That vision still has to be delivered. This is an excellent comment on all of this, including the impact on delivering a good KSP 2.
  14. You keep posting that message across all the varied topics about this matter's different facets. There is no guarantee that KSP 2 will be okay. Ignoring the shear extreme nature of what happened just because a dev still has the right vision at this moment is short-sighted. That vision still has to be delivered. Even in a less disrupted environment, a team doing that will be challenged. And this is an excellent comment on all of this, including the impact on delivering a good KSP 2. In short, this stupidity is far from the industry norm and has hurt the chance of delivering a good KSP 2.
  15. Effectively, "Others won't care about the ethics, so I won't." And "Supporting ethical behaviour is someone else's responsibility." Well, that's a good little attitude that will help grease the way in the race to the bottom. That's our hope. There are good signs. There are very disturbing signs. There is no guarantee.
  16. Loyalty isn't going to be absolute and frozen. But if there's no loyalty, no company will survive difficult times. And I've gotten a lot more out of my life from loyalty than I have from taking momentary offers. And I'm also glad I've never been in the position of the staff of Star Theory. If I'd been there, I don't know what I would have done.
  17. It is sad. Negative impact on KSP 2 is certainly possible. We will have to watch carefully. Accepting being poached is a form of disloyalty to the employer. Even though a lot of employers aren't very loyal to their staff. If a person did it once....
  18. Sure poaching takes place. It's usually not quite so wholesale and focused. Which begs the questions: Why? Was this the only way to resolve things? Why didn't Take Two Interactive put out a statement when they were no longer constrained in doing so? And you're assuming the paradigm is a footrace between near-equal competitors. Star Theory and Take Two Interactive, near-equal competitors.... Really?
  19. Star Theory had one major contract (and maybe not any others), with Take Two Interactive, and the employees know it. They also would have learned at least something about the negotiations going on, if not the exact details. Then a TTI rep contacts all of them individually saying come work for us. On that project you're already working on. Which is why ST had a meeting with everyone on the following Monday. If you can't see the consequences (one set of obvious ones that took place)....
  20. As I remember from time warping during the Community Caveman (and that was only for short distances on Kerbin approach), the free-range Kerbals will pass through the spacecraft. If you exit warp while things are "interlaced", bad things happen, usually flinging the Kerbals away. The players who handled the interplanetary stages would have to comment, but I think it was easier to allow the spacecraft and free-range Kerbal to transit in warp independently, then have the spacecraft rendezvous with the Kerbal and take them into confinement again for maneuvers like mid-course corrections.
  21. No, this is the real world. Where a British society, run by its upper class males, still managed to ban slavery throughout the Empire by 1833. Where despite being reactionary to the Chartists, sometimes violently so, still massively improved their own society and voting system in a trend that continued throughout the 19th and 20th Centuries. Sure, far from perfect and often spotty. But progress none the less. This ain't Star Trek. This is the real world. Where change is possible. The first step is realising things can change for the better.
  22. And it'll stay that wrong way if this is tolerated. That's an excellent point I'd not thought about. But now it's past their fiscal year end. Hmmm, think that was end of March. So, December-January, is that too close? No matter, it's public knowledge now. Wonder how long it'll be before Take 2 puts out a statement. How about saying whether they'll stand by these promises, as another forum user asked.
  23. Existing contracts. Needing the business. Justifies it to themselves with whatever mental Klein bottles they need, despite the argument being a bit...weak. Shear ignorance too. I'd still rate NordVPN with a real jaundiced eye when considering a VPN. And somehow the statement that "they're in Panama who doesn't have laws about keeping records, so they don't...." doesn't assure me that much. And Take 2, the clock is ticking. I'm not a high-priced crisis PR consultant and I don't play one on television, but I think any of them basically say get a statement right sooner and get it out consistently. Have that one for free. Also, not everyone will forget about this come Fall 2021 or whenever and will remind us about all this.
  24. I'm more the middle ground on this KSP 2 case, but.... Take 2 has had over 6 months to put out a statement on this transition. They didn't. They wanted it to remain quiet. That was foolish of them. Let's see what Take 2 has to say for themselves when they do.
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