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Everything posted by Jacke

  1. Jacke


    There's science.... And then there's Aperture Science....
  2. If you run KSP 1.7.3 in CKAN, go to Settings > Compatible KSP Versions and check 1.7 and 1.6. (You could also check 1.5 and 1.4 as many of mods for those versions of KSP still work in 1.7.3.) Then you can install Waypoint Manager 2.7.5.
  3. Most issues I'm hearing about in detail relate to the Unity change with KSP 1.8. I'm expecting most mods to upgrade sooner. Parts mods normally don't have many problems with KSP version changes, unless, as in your case, they depend on a mod that is affected, like Firespitter. I'd expect Firespitter to be one of the mods to upgraded soon.
  4. Yes, on the development branch. In CKAN, go to Settings > Compatible KSP Versions and check "1.8". Then go to Settings > CKAN Settings, on the popup window click the top "New" button, click on the 2nd popup window's "MechJeb2-dev" line to high-light it, then click Ok and close the popup window. Then click Refresh to update. It's called "MechJeb 2 - DEV RELEASE" and version is currently "".
  5. Back up the save games and wait for the mods to upgrade. Usually takes about a month. It's why you should keep a copy of the last version to run for the month.
  6. Above and beyond what the @Brigadier has already said, if you hover over @Papa_Joe's user icon, you'd see he hasn't publicly logged into the forums since March 31st of this year. It's unfortunate but KSP players and modders have lives outside of KSP. And modding well demands a lot, sometimes more than a person can manage.
  7. Wikipedia is very good on this. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RP-1
  8. Jacke


    Good coffee even black shouldn't be bitter. A bit of salt in the percolator helps here. Otherwise...
  9. Didn't work that well for Gwen Stacy in 1973....
  10. The problem is Jeb has to be on each mission to each moon to count as a Jool-5.
  11. There's also Magio13's mod "Wwwwwwwww", now maintained by linuxgurugamer, available here.
  12. Just finished your stage 1 video. Will watch stage 2 tomorrow. Don't know if it matters now, but I'd thought you might put the starting gate of stage 2 right beside the finishing gate of stage 1, and so on up the track, so they are truly continuous.
  13. I'd like to drive it, but I'm rather inexperienced in making rovers, especially ones good for such a demanding course.
  14. "Don't fdisk after midnight." applies to other complex tasks that have to be done right the first time. That'll get better as moon craft are used. Is there a workable path that gets Jeb to all moons and then back to Kerbin?
  15. Has to support that mod. Inserts 10p coin.
  16. Well, that's interesting. I think the Apollo SPS was different enough from the other AJ-10 variants to really be its own separate design. Interesting document here from Clay Boyce, the engineer at Aerojet who was the manager of Apollo SPS development. Reading it sounds like despite the previous AJ-10's, each feature of the Apollo SPS was redesigned, partly due to the scale and due to the change to a pressure-fed throat-gimbled design. https://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/20100027319.pdf
  17. The primary OMS engines are virtually the same engine on the Apollo Service Module. 100kN is just over the thrust of the engine on the Viking sounding rocket. I'd say 100kN is way beyond an RCS thruster.
  18. Wow, didn't know that. Never saw the early F&F films. Yeah. I've seen the 6 films on initial release. But it became Disney's and the doom was set, as much as when Isildur took up the Ring instead of casting it back into the fires of Mount Doom. Disney gave it to JJ to handle at the start and he shat out that poor quality retread of "Star Wars" (1977) with even less planning than during "Lost". It might have been saved then, but that would require someone involved in Star Wars actually caring and knowing how to craft a story. Now we're at that bitter point when we hope for a real disaster in the faint hope that it will actually be hung on JJ so he can never do that again. But not helming #8 means he has plausible deniability and will likely weasel out again to look for new franchises to foul.
  19. The meme just bounced off, as I have no idea what's it about. But J.J. Abrams...I've hated him since "Star Trek" (2009). (I was fortunate and never watched "Lost" but I have heard it was there he honed his lack of skills at story-telling, especially avoiding all planning and finishing things mostly like that car skidding out.) And as he extended his destructive miasma over Hollywood, I said we've entered into the Age of Abrams. No film franchise is safe. He's maimed Star Trek and likely dealt Star Wars a mortal blow. Now he continues onto Warner Brothers with DC in his sights. They don't stand a chance.
  20. -70 (+) Well, back when we were in the +50's, all the counting went to excrementse, so I've lost interest. This one's for @FahmiRBLXian.
  21. Stock KSP parts failing to keep amusing @Triop. New icon incoming? Well, there's a lot of mods that should be integrated with KSP, seeing as most of us have a list we need working on a new version before we'll switch to it. As for Tweakscale, you could try asking @Lisias, as it's his mod now. I do know as a mod it does have extra checking code that complains about faults. I imagine that got included to help debug player's Tweakscale issues. And @Lisias is really great about helping out KSP players whether it's his mod or something else.
  22. It's usually at least a month after the release before essential mods are upgraded as well.
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