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Everything posted by Kolago

  1. All the check can have several values now? CHECK { type = ??? value = 1, 2, 3 }
  2. Feature request: a new "Check Types" for "PROPELLANT" to filter engines for special fuels like in mod "Real Fuels" or "Karbonite" Some "Custom Filters" for engines are then obsolete.
  3. Filter update: https://www.dropbox.com/s/na30yyl0o45igz8/Category_Filter%20by%20Function.zip?dl=0
  4. I am looking for a FAR-Config for the "Gridfins" included in "Kerbonov Kn-2 Cockpit Module" http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/66502-Kerbonov-Kn-2-Cockpit-Module
  5. Some filters I made, you can include it to 1.8: https://www.dropbox.com/s/na30yyl0o45igz8/Category_Filter%20by%20Function.zip?dl=0
  6. I am scratching my head about filters for "Crew Cabins" and not "CommandPod" and "Cargo Bays" Maybe "CrewCapacity > 0" and not "CommandPod" ?
  7. Thanks! "Solid Fuel" does it! In your "Power Storage.cfg" is this error as well, this works: CHECK { type = resource value = Electric Charge }
  8. Check for "ModuleEngines" and propellant "MonoPropellant"
  9. foreach (Propellant p in propellants) { if (p.name == "LiquidFuel") LF = true; else if (p.name == "Oxidizer") LOx = true; else if (p.name == "MonoPropellant") Mono = true; } return LF && LOx && Mono;
  10. We have one in stock game: O-10 MonoPropellant Engine Mods bring many more.
  11. By the way, this doesn't work: SUBCATEGORY { category = Filter by Function title = Solid Fuel Booster icon = fuels_solidfuel FILTER { CHECK { type = resource value = SolidFuel } } }
  12. Feature request: Custom Filters Value: "Solid Engine" Returns true if the part is an engine that runs on a solid fuel Value: "Mono Engine" Returns true if the part is an engine that runs on mono fuel only
  13. I don't think so. KSP is at 1.4 GB of memory usage at this point. In the VAB KSP is at 2.2 GB. (I am using DDSLoader and OpenGL Mode)
  14. After some restarts of KSP the error showed up again. Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yznlelpgedtbiu9/Debug2.zip?dl=0
  15. I can't reproduce the error with the new DLL. patchedNodeCount = 7203 Log is bigger now... 27MB and game takes longer to load.
  16. Here is the Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/51gp4txoz5kb6z5/Debug.zip?dl=0
  17. After removing LLL it works with patchedNodeCount = 6146 and ModuleManager.ConfigCache size 4,579,368 bytes... very strange.
  18. After pulling in and out some off my part heavier mods I run into the wall with 5975 patches. 5891 patches is still ok. It looks like there is an table out off space or variable declaration to small.
  19. I am experiencing the same on an Windows System and MM 2.5.6. (Win7 64Bit / KSP 32Bit) patchedNodeCount = 7151 KSP is running with 1.4 GB Mem usage at this time.
  20. Try this in a CFG-File for TweakScale: @PART[SYdecouplerRadial*] { MODULE { name = TweakScale type = surface } }
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