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Everything posted by Kolago

  1. This is amassing! This screams out for new weather science experiments and for weather related launch restrictions! Range is RED because of weather restrictions....
  2. For stock game this is true. But if you use Real Solar System, Realism Overhaul and Real Fuels than Custom Combustion Composer for rocket engines makes a lot more sens.
  3. Is it normal that there is a gap between the top node and the engine of 1.25 and 0.625 Karborundum Fusion Drives?
  4. Include a timer for unfreeze and all is good. Or put only not needed crew members in deep freeze.
  5. Custom Combustion Composer is needed! This together with RealFuels and RSS would be a blast! - Differen engine types, Thrust <-> Size, TWR <-> ISP, Fuel <-> ISP - Thrust 0 - 50000 - Size 0.625 to 10m - ISP Liquid Fuel Engines 200 - 450 ISP - ISP Mono Fuel Engines 180 - 300 ISP - ISP Nuc Engines 400 - 900 ISP - ISP Ion Engines ? ISP - Real Fuels support - Real Solar System support - Engine Shrouds - Cluster engines - Engine sounds - Engine effects - Tech Level support - Cost
  6. If I disable "Vertical snap" (v) I can place the tanks correctly. Maybe EditorExtensions v1.3 is involved in my problem.
  7. The NBadapter3x7/part.cfg stack symmetry is wrong. Currently it's "stackSymmetry = 4" but it should be "stackSymmetry = 5" If it try to connect something add the end of the "Aerodynamic Pylons" it points in a strange direction.
  8. If I select the Cargo Bay in VAB the doors open but I don't have control over them. Can't close the doors in VAB or in flight. Klockheed_Martian and Klockheed_Martian_Special folders are in the GameData folder. Any advice?
  9. Feature request: Can you add a field to set the node at the next occurrence of specific ejection angle from a given UT? This can help to use Transfer Window Planner for interplanetary transfers.
  10. Is it right to say that the problem is to place a maneuver node at the right ejection angle near the UT of the transfer window? That shut do the trick. Ok, you have to be in a circular orbit at a specific hight but this is easy. Maybe PreciseNode can have a field to set the node at the next occurrence of the ejection angle from the UT of the transfer window?
  11. Ok, changed my inclination to 0°. Fine tuned the UT to 26397671.423324 (was 26438400) and I have an encounter with an periapsis of 479.3 Mm. Ejection angle: 14.97° from retrograde Ejection inclination 3.31° north Thanks! Is it possible to add a calculation of UT more precisely in a second step after choosing a UT from the transfer plot? And a calculation of best start inclination would be great if possible.
  12. I don't get it. I am like to go to Eve in RSS. My Orbit is: Apo 1.20005 Mm Per 1.19947 Mm Inc 28.326° My Transfer is: Kerbin (@1200km) -> Eve (@1200km) Depart at: Year 1,Day 307, 00:00:00 UT: 26438400 Travel: 149 Days, 16:34:38 UT: 12933278 Arrive at: Year 2,Day 91, 16:34:38 UT: 39371678 Phase Angle: 36.32° Ejection Angle: 322.78° Ejection Inc.: -9.05° Ejection Dv: 4821 m/s Prograde Dv: 4445.7 m/s Normal Dv: -1864.8 m/s Heading: 112.76° Insertion Inc.: -15.10° Insertion Dv: 8641 m/s Total Dv: 13462 m/s What do I have to do to get this into Precise Node? I have the Fields: UT: -> This is Depart UT, thats clear. Prograde: -> Here I put the Prograde Dv of 4445.7 Normal: -> Here I put the Normal Dv of -1864.8 Radial: -> 0 ???? Now Precise Node puts out: Total Dv: 4820.97 -> good, thats pretty close to Ejection Dv Ejection angel: 71.5° from retrograde -> thats far away from 322.78° Eject. inclination: 2.87° south -> thats close but no cigar (-9.05°) Apoapsis: -36647.37 km Periapsis 1199.53 km What do I have to do??? First change my orbit inclination to what? Ejection Inc.: -9.05°?
  13. I have done 7 SAS modules for Procedural Parts. These including torque wheels, MechJeb2, SAS and small batteries. Torque is ranging from 5 to 500, (5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500), with TweakableEverything you get a range from 0 - 1000. Every modules has an unique minimum size depending on the torque wheels, but can be scaled up to fit your rocket. Techtree is not included right now. Tell me what you think! Download
  14. Is there a way to add an Max-Q data field into the Flight Data display? Not a pre calculated value but Max-Q actually experienced in the current flight.
  15. Even when I go down to an 30,000 km orbit my orbital period is 3d 01h 10m!
  16. I am trying to put an sat into GEO over Kerbin with RSS, my apoapsis is 42.1576 Mm (42,157 km) and periapsis is 42.1544 Mm (42,154 km) but my orbital period is 4d 05h 33m! Whats going on here??? My orbital period shut be 1 day. (RealSolarSystem v7.1, MechJeb2
  17. I think part shall wear and tear differently, let say engines need a overhaul every time they flown and head shields too. Structural parts need repairs when getting to hot in flight or high g-forces in flight. This can correlated with breaking force and heat resistance of the specific part. Mechanical thinks like landing gear and robotic parts needs repairs depending on flight hours. Science parts need calibration after every fight. SRBs and all tanks need refill. Explosive charges in decouplers needs replacement. Batteries, solar cells and RTGs becoming less effective every flight/hours of use.
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