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Everything posted by BudgetHedgehog

  1. Fixes the Squad toggle that allows you to extend and retract ladders in the VAB - Squads is bugged where if you reload a saved craft with extended ladders, you can't retract them or something. This one actually works.
  2. Interesting.. I don't remember this being an issue in previous KSPs, wonder why they changed it. Could be the fairings needing to say they've changed, but they don't use tweakables.. Who know. Either way, really looking forward to the fix!
  3. I'm sorry to hear that, Winston. About the engine shrouds though, I made this extremely realistic picture - is this not possible?
  4. Re3 update planned or no? Was just reading a thread about fusing docking ports and remembered Re3 did something similar so yeah.. is an update planned?
  5. Good news indeed! May I ask what the problem was? Sheer curiosity, you don't have to explain if you don't want to
  6. I made a thing and I'm really proud of it. Uses a few mod parts, probably can't take any cargo and is an absolute pig to get to orbit and but the twin RAPIERS do the job well enough. I also happen to think it looks pretty damn cool. Mods used: KAX, Mk2 Expansion, StockPartRevamp.
  7. My first 1.0.2 spaceplane, made possible by this mod. Thank you, SuicidalInsanity The spade tail, chines and intakes are the parts used, it'd have been impossible in stock. Also, this is with nuFAR - pleased to report no major issues (except the chines seem to create a bit too much lift).
  8. A, why are you re-entering 200 ton crafts and B, if you are doing that, re-enter very gradually.
  9. I also am pleased to report no problems with radial reflective parts. Thank you for this. That said, is there anything that can be done on your end to enable real reflections on OpenGL? No worries if not, I'm quite happy running Static if needs be.
  10. In GameData\VenStockRevamp\PathPatches\Structural-PathPatches.cfg, search for 'ServiceBay'. You should end up near the bottom with a chunk of code that looks like this: @MODEL,* { @model ^= :^Squad/Parts/Aero/HeatShield/HeatShield3:VenStockRevamp/Squad/Parts/Heatshields/HeatShieldS3: } @MODEL,* { @model ^= :^Squad/Parts/Utility/ServiceBay/ServiceBay_125:VenStockRevamp/Squad/Parts/Structural/ServiceBaySmall: } @MODEL,* { @model ^= :^Squad/Parts/Utility/ServiceBay/ServiceBay_250:VenStockRevamp/Squad/Parts/Structural/ServiceBayLarge: } @MODEL,* { @model ^= :^Squad/Parts/Structural/mk1Parts/mk1Structural:VenStockRevamp/Squad/Parts/Mk1/mk1structural: } Delete the two middle lines so it looks like this: @MODEL,* { @model ^= :^Squad/Parts/Aero/HeatShield/HeatShield3:VenStockRevamp/Squad/Parts/Heatshields/HeatShieldS3: } @MODEL,* { @model ^= :^Squad/Parts/Structural/mk1Parts/mk1Structural:VenStockRevamp/Squad/Parts/Mk1/mk1structural: }
  11. Really? I coulda sworn previous versions of KWR had gimbal animation.. probably my mind playing tricks on me. What would it take for you to remodel them?
  12. And are those stats for vacuum or atmosphere? Here's a clue: they're vacuum. Uncompact the KER window, and click the button that switches them to Atmosphere.
  13. Did you copy across the other folder in the download? ModuleEmissive something.
  14. It's actually a stock bug with tweakbles that TweakableEverything exposes. Toadicus posted about it earlier in the thread.
  15. For people who are experiencing loading issues, are you all using Deadly Reentry? Theres an incorrectly formatted cfg file in it that could be causing the problem.
  16. In the OP, when you say 'nose cap', do you mean something like a normal nose cone? Because it'd be nice to round off the back or Mk2 fuselages with a simple nose cone, but the hypersonic nosecone is a bit much. Also, I'm always down for more engines, would love to see them. For the aerospike, remember that that they can't gimbal left/right so you'll need KM_gimbal to disable that. And those fins on the NTR better reduce overheating
  17. 1, Intentional. Whether it's a good decision though.. 2, I don't know what hybrid booster you mean, but it's on that model creator to include the tiny metal struts as the fairing.
  18. 1.3.4 "fixed a problem with LSResupply missions" only - I don't have any LS mod installed, so I didn't think the issue affected me... am I wrong?
  19. First KWR gets updated, now SR.. I don't wanna go to work! Cheers for the update!
  20. For what is probably the billionth time in this thread - if no parts are being loaded or KSP freezes upon loading, you must install the latest KIS (1.1.4 or later, as of 16/05/15).
  21. I don't think so - a fair amount of Mac users have reported KSP being unstable since 0.90, hopefully these issues will be fixed with the U5 upgrade.
  22. Hello everybody, and here's the summary for Squadcast 2015-05-16. Sorry for spelling mistakes, I'm a terrible transcriber. I try and clarify what is an actual quote from Max (if it's wrapped in "quotation marks", it's the best transcript of an official Squad member you'll find on the web), and what is a summary from myself as I'm aware I switch between the two with 0 notice. When I say 'Squad', I mean 'the relevant people who are currently developing the game'. As always, this is just a transcript of an off the cuff vlog of a non-native english speaker - some details may change or be entirely incorrect. Squadcast Summary for 2015-05-16 - Watch it here! Updates/1.0.3 plans "Thank you, everyone" - the 1.0 launch kinda blew everyone's mind, the reception from critics and the KSP community has been awesome - Squad'll make sure they provide you with way more fun stuff to play with. Updates planned for quite a while, lots of cool stuff to add and free updates to give out. Work on multiplayer has been going great - so far, a stable server exists, it's all working ok. With regards to more planets, the game is kinda stressed in that regard so don't hold your breath. Unity 5 Nice progress on updating to Unity 5 - probably going to have to flat out re-do the UI from the ground up though, which is good as it means they can be more efficient (the current UI is a relic of the very first versions when they didn't really know what they were doing). Hopefully, U5 will fix the current stability issues with OSX and Macs as Squad tracked down the problem to something within Unity itself. Windows 64bit - maybe? No promises, but they'll do their absolute best to make it the best it can be. Miscellaneous 1.0.2 aero feedback - quite a lot of it, not all of it consistent - someone has to be wrong here. Squad are figuring out the best solution to make everyone happy, still working on aero, balance and bugfixing, on top of U5. Video and pictures of the dev teams skydiving adventures do exist, they'll be posted later. Also, Devnotes Tuesdays will return, don't worry. That was Squadcast Summary, I'm OWK and you're welcome
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