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Everything posted by BudgetHedgehog

  1. [quote name='LostOblivion']Is this mod only parts?[/QUOTE] Yes, no plugins are needed or included.
  2. Bah, we never were! We're with Europe, but not of it.
  3. AFAICS, you can't update my Curse download, but if you want, I can delete my link and you can reupload (or not; KerbalStuff is very popular, there's a few mods exclusive to it and it updates the CKAN automatically). But I can also update the Curse link to be the same as your KS link (which would involve me downloading from KS and updating the Curse file). It's entirely your call - from my perspective, I'd rather do the second option (update Curse to be the same as KS) and see if it's possible to transfer ownership of the Curse download to you, if you want. If not, then I'll just delete and you can reupload if you want as I don't really have to time to keep updating the Curse link (60-hour work weeks are a paaaaiiiiiin).
  4. Just a reminder: If you (Why485) want to upload to Curse and maintain as necessary, you're more than welcome to - me uploading to Curse was intended to be merely a temporary solution to a permanent problem
  5. That doesn't look like a problem with Toolbar, if I'm honest... more of a problem with one of regex's mods. could be wrong though.
  6. The main menu doesn't show clouds, that's known and the terrain not loading.. That was a problem with the first upload due to an error, have you downloaded and installed the latest?
  7. Whaaaaaa?! This came out of nowhere... Leaving on good terms, I hope. Best of luck for the future, Mr Maps!
  8. I've had that happen before - Windows, returning to KSC from map view triggers it.
  9. I think the confusion stems from the fact that elevators should not be on the main wing, but in this case, they are which means 'elevators' could refer to either. I ignored that and went for location on the vessel, which means the ailerons.
  10. It's been that way for a while.. Sometimes it works for me, other times it doesn't.
  11. Have you tried not using mods that are not stated as compatible with the current version of KSP? ModularFlightIntegrator has been updated, yes, but FAR hasn't.
  12. Because KSP sees your ailerons as attached ahead of the CoM, it pitches them down in order to lift the nose. This is due to KSP not taking into account wing sweep wrt attachment. Like I said, disable pitch for those - even if they were acting and working correctly, you'd get very little pitch authority from them. Way more drag though, which is why wing surfaces are always used for flaps/spoilers rather than elevators
  13. Your vessels CoM os between the rear landing gear and the back of the fuel tank, right? This means the wings are attached ahead of the CoM, confusing KSP into thinking the control surfaces are also ahead of the CoM due to their attachment orientation. See this similar example which should help you understand: For a fix, disable pitch control for them. They should never be used for pitch anyway, they should be reserved for flaps/spoilers and/or roll control.
  14. Jesus Christ, give it chance, it's not even been 4 hours since 1.0.5 was released.. It's not like modders have lives or anything, right?
  15. Hip hip hooray for toady for making stock KSP better! I always miss TE whenever KSP updates, I'm glad some has made it into stock, especially the TweakableSolarPanels.
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