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Everything posted by BudgetHedgehog

  1. Regex's TankLock and TweakableFuelPumps (part of TweakableEverything) are two of them I know of. And thanks! It is what you think it is, I think I'll keep it
  2. You dun goofed, son. It should be just KSP_Win\Gamedata\KIS\Parts etc. This is the entire and correct installation path on my computer, for example. Your folder will have different names, but in the KSP root folder, there is Gamedata and in that, goes the KIS folder (not the KIS_1.2.2 folder). ModuleManager.dll (that's its name) should be located in KSP_win\Gamedata.
  3. Don't ask me how I knew this, but even just Googling 'my little pony at least 20% cooler' found the video I was looking for.
  4. @Ven, could you possibly add in a check for existing fuel switch modules (both FS and Interstellar) in the FS patch? As there is currently no check for them so if other mods add them first (like CryoEngines), this adds a second fuel switch module, seeing as it's processed after.
  5. EFFECT { name = ValueModifier valueId = RecoveryMinimumDelta effectDescription = to Minimum Vessel Recovery minValue = 1.05 maxValue = 1.15 } EFFECT { name = ValueModifier valueId = RecoveryMaximumDelta effectDescription = from Maximum Vessel Recovery minValue = 0.94 maxValue = 0.90 } I don't know what this means, but this it.
  6. You're using the old-style fairings' date=' right? Because on my end, that has the ejection force set to [b']-200, not 800 as in yours. Do you have any mods that would swap it from a negative to a positive number? Either way, that number should be negative, which would explain why they're decoupling the wrong way.
  7. Last I looked, Stock Part Revamp (the dev build) makes 100% of crewable parts have light up windows.
  8. So we're all arguing over semantics. Is it a plug-nozzle because it looks like one/is it an aerospike because the cone doesn't move... Semantics says "Aerospike" is a cooler-looking word than "plug-nozzle". 'Spike wins EDIT: aerospike, aerospike... aerospike.. semantic satiation strikes again!
  9. To me, this is the crux of the issue. I mean, the engine has to end somewhen, and I don't know if OP looked at the requirements for a plug nozzle to be a plug nozzle (or even read the the words 'plug' and 'nozzle'), but there would have to be, surprise surprise, a plug in the nozzle. The aerospike has no plug. Compare the following images, the first, an aerospike, the second, a plug-nozzle: Now, they do look similar, I will admit that, but a plug nozzle compensates altitude changes by moving the plug (like how you change the hose thing for straight vs spray flow), the aerospike doesn't as the different air pressures change the exhaust automatically. The game 'spike does not move, therefore it is an aerospike. Yes, it has a truncated end, but like I said, it has to end somewhen, all 'spikes do. Regarding the attachment node on the bottom, am I the only one who sees the engine fairings as interstages which support the weight rather than attaching directly to the engine? Is it honestly impossible to build a tube around a real life aerospike that doesn't touch it, but attaches to a supporting structure above it (say, a fuel tank) and that you attach more stuff to it below? Get a bottle cap, pretend it's an engine, stick it to the bottom of a cup. Get a toilet roll holder, put it on the bottom of the cup as well. Stick stuff to the toilet roll holder. Now tell me an aerospike can't have stuff attached below it.
  10. FWIW, it's possible to have both, but I think it needs to be on the model (Stock Part Revamp pits and pods have both lights and shiny, presumably because they are new models specifically set up to have both).
  11. Honestly, the day after I install this, you update it Anyway, you have no idea how much I have wanted a smaller capacity 2.5m MP tank.. 750 is way more than I would ever need, except for refuelling stations (which I don't usually do).
  12. Nice, thank you Mr dV. It's been ages since I actually looked at the OP, nice to have the cool pics there. Cheers for the update, too.
  13. Previously, that was due to a corrupted file - either loaded wrong or just plain corrupted. Converting the file to .dds usually fixes it.
  14. Well, as title. Before server migration, I got emails. Afterwards, I get none. All thread subscriptions are still set the same, my email hasn't changed, they're not going to Spam, I just don't get them any more. Pls halp?
  15. Yup. The post I got these from has some other examples of different coloured exhausts.
  16. Apropos of nothing, why not include those pics in this thread? Or do you want new ones? Just wondering, is all.
  17. Regarding the fuel tanks, there's a few mods that enable un/locking tanks (with that tiny green arrow) as an action group. I don't use it myself (not a big plane person either), but it's useful for those who are.
  18. Sounds more like a problem with Procedural Parts than Procedural Fairings.
  19. Just wondering, is it possible to add camera rotation to this? I just got back from a tour of my space station with FreeIVA and the Q/E rotation made sense so I was sad to realise that the camera didn't behave the same way in the editors. To clarify, it's rotation along the forward axis i.e. straight in front of you, rotate around that, similar to how planes roll in KSP (Q/E make them bank to the left/right, as should they also make the IVA camera rotate clockwise/anticlockwise). Of course, that would mean that up/down, (current Q/E), would be remapped to Alt/Space or something.. or have one speed as the default, the slowest, and just have Space speed it up.. I dunno.. just a suggestion, to have similar FPS controls to another FPS mod.
  20. .dds is a filetype, like .png or .jpg but it's one that is used directly by your graphics card. PNGs or JPEGs need to be converted, by your graphics card, into .dds so it can read and use them. This increases time and RAM usage as it's loading the PNG etc and the actual .dds used. If the textures are already in .dds format, no conversion needs to happen, which means good news for everyone. (please, someone correct me if I'm wrong, this is just my basic understand of it, from knowing what ATM and DDSLoader used to do).
  21. Huh, fair enough. I thought it was mods.. *goes and checks* ah, it's the gimbal speed tweakable added.. Fair enough, that argument can be ignored. Other points still stand though.
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