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Everything posted by coldblade2000

  1. Oh, right. the problem. Basically EngineIgnitor treats the engines as pressure-fed. However the tanks weren't classified as pressure-fed by RealFuels, so they never fire. I realized this problem when I got stuck in orbit because the Apollo CSM engine wouldn't fire. From the EI modules you put in the engines, I assume you support EngineIgnitor. This was fixed by classifying the fuel tanks as Service Modules so the propellants are pressurized. This also makes it so you don't need Ullage burns on those engines.
  2. Sure. The only way I got it working was this way. That's the fix for the Ascent module. For the CSM fuel tank it's just a matter of changing the ModuleFuelTanks Module type to "ServiceModule" So the propellants are pressurized. Descent stage needs a fix similar to the one I just showed
  3. Also, I'm putting the finishing touches on fixes for the pressure-fed engine issues. I got the Ascent module done and now I can easily do the rest. Give me a few minutes
  4. Oh, thanks. Few questions. * Are you aware of the Apollo CSM tank, LEM Ascent and descent stages and possibly more tanks being unpressurized while the engines are pressure fed? * Did you add Saturn V rescales or just updates to the existing parts? * Is the incompatibility fixed or is it still in progress/backlog?
  5. Oh, wow. I could have sworn there were a lot. Also, you saved me a lot of time with that list. Edit: However, how can I edit an existing tank to be pressurized, or at least some types of fuels. FASA's LEM engines are pressure fed but the pieces aren't so they don't fire.
  6. Where could I get some pressurized cryogenic and balloon stretchy tanks? I tried to look at the config but I didn't understand it. Since I'm making an EngineIgnitor config for Real Engines, all the pressure fed LH2/LOX engines are useless unless I pass on the cryogenic tank for one that has less space, weighs more, etc.
  7. About engine ignitor, what are the configs like? Realistic or fictional?
  8. Do any of you know where I could find information about the ingitor/# of ignitions real engines have? I'm making a config for Realism Overhaul but I haven't found ****.
  9. Hey, I'm interested in making engine ignitor configs for SFJB Real Engines. Any way that I could say this to SFJackBauer? I intend on writing the configs for him to simply add to the download
  10. Hey, these is an incompatibility with this mod an RedAV8R FASA Realism pack. Multiple parts phase and have FX errors. This is spit out in the logs every second: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at TweakableRCS.ModuleTweakableRCS.LateUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 This does not happen without TweakableEverything. Latest version does not fix the problem. More info here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/73319-0-23-WiP-RedAV8R-Realism-Packs-for-RSS-Last-Update-5-April-2014/page6
  11. I FOUND THE REASON! Thanks to nathan for helping me realize. The mod TweakableEverything is the cause. From the gemini pod ejecting smoke from the bottom, to the Apollo CSM phasing parts. It makes sense now, it was the cause of TweakableRCS, which I found out is part of TweakableEverything. You should also update FAR, I did that as well and it may or may not help too. Edit: Can confirm, only happens with Tweakable Everything, FAR version is irrelevant. Ships no longer have mach effects or phasing issues. Edit2: Latest version of TweakableEverything does NOT fix the problem
  12. Here are both logs: https://www./folder/uhmyb027rukny/Logs(2) I don't really know what Tweakable RCS is.
  13. -FASA Agena Target Vehicle: Mach supersonic effects around launchpad and rocket. Agena D bus/guidance unit and everything above it detaches from tank, flies a few dozens of meters up in the air, falls down, phasing through the rocket and exploding when it touches the launchpad -FASA Apollo LEM: No problems seen with the model itself. Descent engine doesn't appear to fire while taking up engine ignitor hypergolic units -FASA Apollo Saturn S-1B SA-204: It sends EVERY part flying in every direction like a grenade. Pictures here: http://imgur.com/a/w3E8v I believe the LEM is somehow responsible -FASA Explorer: The fairing is resized for the juno probe and looks goofy with the other parts being properly scaled. Mach effects at the launchpad. No phasing at all and could technically fly - FASA Gemini Big G: Mach effects. Gemini pod flies up a few meters. Crew compartment phases through the pod and keeps going up into infinity. Gemini pod phases through launchpad but is held from falling through the planet by the nose cone. I believe the gemini pod is the cause -FASA ICBM: Mach effects. Everything below the guidance unit probe core is detached and flies around, phasing through the stationary parts. Falls to the ground and suffers collision damage. Warheads are also bigger than they should be, phasing through their fairing and their engine produces firing effect in the VAB and in flight when not activated
  14. Logs were of no use. Only interesting thing I saw was NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at TweakableRCS.ModuleTweakableRCS.LateUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at ModuleEngines.SetRunningGroupsActive (Boolean active) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ModularFuelTanks.ModuleEngineConfigs.SetThrust () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ModularFuelTanks.ModuleEngineConfigs.FixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 I've seen the Apollo CSM tank make anything connected to the top node drop through the tank until it hits the tank. Sometime the tank will go with the falling object and sometimes it will stay. Only happens with the top node, bottom node is unaffected. Eventually though, the sky disappeared completely and ksp started lagging. The CSM tank then proceded to phase through the launch pad and fall down into oblivion, taking the camera with it. When I timewarped, the CSM came back close but went away again when I took off the warp. I'm going to analyse every stock rocket provided with the new FASA 4.01 save.
  15. I'm going to be running some tests with FASA 4.01. If I find something, I'll let you know. I'll also be looking extensively at the output and ksp logs for answers.
  16. Re-install the mod. Surely the config got confused and didn't change the KSC location.
  17. Yea, I do. Tried the stable v3.86 and the new beta v4 with the Saturn V
  18. Don't mean to bother you, or ask for a solution. But I noticed on 0.23.5 that some FASA parts have weird collision. If I build the Saturn IB or the Gemini rocket, the pods fall through the rocket. It's weird to explain, I've been looking in the logs for something that may be more useful but I've found nothing. It only happens with FASA parts. I've had this problem with the Apollo SM and the Gemini Service Module. Again, just making you aware of this, I don't expect a solution.
  19. I've been having a really weird bug. In my Saturn V replica, the pod phases through the whole rocket and falls to the ground, detonating the bottom parts and the pod. Edit: Happening with mods rockets I make, actually.
  20. The normal map is still in dropbox and thus, can't be accessed. Is the planet factory CFG updated or compatible?
  21. Hey, I'm geting a weird glitch with the Gemini pod. In the VAB, it makes a white plume of smoke every second. Here's a picture of the problem:
  22. 0.23.5 isn't as good as I hoped. I still get noodle rocket syndrome. What settings should I change in KJR if I'm going to use huge rockets for RealSolarSystem mod
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