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Everything posted by SelectHalfling0

  1. My 3DS. You will burn for this. The object behind your computer screen is now above you.
  2. The ISS floats. I guess for someone who has only seen news reports on emergencies on the ISS, this is not very stupid.
  3. That actually seems pretty sensible, if you don't want to have a rover lug around necessary power-recharging equipment. You just gave me an idea for KSP...
  4. I'd prefer KSP advancing so that these great mods can be stock in a great game. Even though it may put modders out of "business" (they aren't making much or any money off of it) it shows that the dev team cares about the progression of KSP.
  5. Ladies and gentlemen, it would be excellent if you fasten your seatbelts, and admire the beautiful new interiors once we reach space.
  6. ...so will we still have signatures and smileys if we cannot spend $10? Just read spoiler tags... everyone uses those And avatars... but I like my avatar, and other people's And emails... but I contact people through those And a 140 character limit... Then how are we supposed to do mission reports???!!!!???? I mean seriously, will people have to post one picture with narration and that's it? Aaaaannnnndddd... It's a joke? relief and utter face-palm.
  7. I have been trying to change my kerbal's roles (this is an old save, and my "original" recruited kerbals are all scientists). I go into the persistence file, change their names a few letters, by adding an extra s or taking away an extra t, and it seems to change their roles accordingly to engineer or pilot. When I leave the astronaut complex or try going to their ship though, the Kraken attacks, and freezes the game. When I re-load the game their ship is gone, and they and their crew mates are dead. Does anyone know how to fix this? I am on a lightly modded install (KAC, VOID, Atmospheric Trajectories, and a few other UI mods) of KSP .90 I you have the time (which would be greatly appreciated) this is the persistence file (unedited): https://www.dropbox.com/s/8g6320rdc0u5j31/persistent.sfs?dl=0
  8. One thing, other than all the great parts of the next 1.0 update, would be easily changing the class of the kerbals. I try changing their names from the persistence to change their class and it krakens my save!
  9. I just slapped the kraken upside the face. Re-coding for hours on end for the win!
  10. Mint Ice Cream. Maybe there are some chocolate chips beneath the crust...
  11. That is awesome! Where are all the air intakes though?
  12. Granted. It comes with primed nukes, so you are apprehended by your local secret police/government unit (FBI, CIA, MI6). This is a response to mythbuster, because sampa did not wish. I wish for a world-crushing army under my control.
  13. I've got a lot of free time this weekend. Should be able to do my first cycle then!
  14. Although I wouldn't be able to constantly participate, this looks very interesting, and I would like to join.
  15. Initial look at his project makes it look promising: "Hey look! No more suffering! No more mundane jobs! No more material possession! Oh... Wait..." He forgot about human nature.
  16. I like it! To be critical, you could use your finger to smooth out some of the rough edges on Kerbin.
  17. That. Is. Awesome! Has anyone else found it yet? I sure haven't seen it mentioned anywhere.
  18. Speaking of radial decoupling, did Squad say they were going to fix the problem with radial decouplers power? I wish they had the explosive force to destroy buildings that it says they have in their description.
  19. An okay definitely not gamer laptop... Toshiba Satellite P55t-A5202 Intel i5-4200U 1.8-2.5 GHz With open-gl it runs large stations relatively smoothly.
  20. That dosage, although interesting, is hilariously not lethal. I know that people living within 10 miles of "3 mile island" get a regular dosage of 80 Micro-Sieverts, yet they are far from dangerous levels. Cool experiment.
  21. And you had to do this as I was mid-duna mission. Now I have to read this.
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