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Technical Ben

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Everything posted by Technical Ben

  1. Elon should never play KSP then... I had a habit of sending old craft off to new planets/moons and landing there just for "fun". XD
  2. Tried a Ballute in KSP... works great except I get flip city if I don't eject it. As it's KSP, I can just use a rocket landed option (either secondary engines, or the normal ones providing they perform). But mainly as no nozzle damage from pressure in KSP. Soft landings on engines is nice and elegant. But bouncy castles is probably cheaper.
  3. It is closer. While the DV budget is not that much different. It is closer. If you get a problem, but have a fleet (as they are planning) of Falcon9s/10s or BFGs, then you can get there within 3 days to sort it. After that, you know what you need/problems that needs supplies and can prepare. As Mars takes a little bit longer if you land, and realise the life span of equipment needed for life support is 3 months, and resupply is 9! I wonder if they could transport hydrogen and oxygen in something like a solid sugar, and process on site? A solid, so easier to store/move than a liquid/gas?
  4. Gah, swapping correcting is going to be a mess. Hopefully a mod will allow nice save game conversion? Swapping the right one for the right thing?
  5. From that graphic, is it one tanker to fully fill, or 5?
  6. Would not be able to do that here. Would hit a pot hole and be a pole vault!
  7. So... I got greedy. I am so sorry. I thought my current Space X design was "big enough"... then I remembered this is KSP! I cannot test the stage 1 landing during the same mission, as I don't yet have mods allowing concurrent missions/flights. But looking promising so far. It also has enough DV for a direct (perfect alignment/low DV) shot to Duna!
  8. Ah, sorry. Not used that part just yet... (checks) Sorry, I cannot see where the folders are.
  9. Where are you saving these folders? I would not change any folders inside KSP install. As the game may put them back to how they were before. Is this the direct download or Steam Version?
  10. A system that replicates the old "email a save" could work. You could send craft/stations/missions to and from other players to a master "save" or "world". No iteration in between swaps, but you could dock ports onto existing stations etc, and when you dock (but before moving the other station) it would ask "do you wish to send this craft and location to play B?"
  11. Yes sorry. Again, the game is not clear on what port they are. So they dock to Docking Port Jr?! Great!... kinda. Still don't allow movement when docked, so I cannot make a crane out of them... unless...
  12. I read that as "Just under 3 million Vector engines firing during liftoff". @AngryKitty2k/dv will get you to most places... if you are Scot Manley.
  13. I would not be surprised if half the films forgot to put an ammunition box on it...
  14. I launched 2 Duna SpaceX style test craft to setup a base ready for Kerbals. XD I can do SpaceX style launch, orbit, recover without and mods (theoretically). As I have enough time to circularise, before stage 1 hits the atmosphere. So I can switch to it, and land. Those are tested and landable on Kerbin and the Mun. No heat shields needed... but Duna might be different. I'll either need to learn to manually land perfectly, or use KOS some how, as Mechjeb has trouble predicting the atmos effects... well, I do too. So often land a few K off, but getting closer. Though lighter air resistance might mean I overshoot the landing zones on Duna. Got a test base on the Mun for mining etc. Using KIS for fuel transfer piping, as docking / land based craft would be too complicated. (I attempted an idea with the inflatable docking ports, but they don't move if docked ).
  15. (Reposting for bump for info!!!) They only dock with each other! It's a new type of docking port group!
  16. Ah, good point! Also, it might be handy for SpaceX style landers. [edit] Hmmm. Description says it can be used for docking... confusing. Perhaps they only dock with themselves?
  17. IIRC there was a really old bug with the docking ports... could it be something to do with which part is the root part?
  18. And the table? I gotta get me some bullet proof tables...
  19. Or... like... how a table would not stop a minigun? They were carrying the battery pack to it too, right? As it cannot be operated gun only... or did the scene forget that too? That and a Katana would not cut the gun... but I'm assuming rule of cool/super powers?
  20. Is there not an option to remove the internals? I think if you right click and choose variations. Not in VAB this second so cannot test. XD Nope, thinking of the other parts. As above, it's for other parts/equipment.
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