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Technical Ben

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Everything posted by Technical Ben

  1. Probe cores can let you assign "prograde" and "retrograde" alignment.
  2. Yep. Little by little some info is coming out. Also, side note, nice to see the devs discussing what they can, without making the mistake NoMansSky devs made, of promising things that were not/never happened. Wow. Aug 2017? They kept that underwraps... wow. 2 and a half years? Still, coding... coding shows they cannot be that far along, as even MP does not seem to have any backbone yet?
  3. Hmmm... saying that though. The artwork could be more than 12 months old. Hmmmm... wonder when they did start.
  4. Not sure about that. I'd say this pre-alpha footage can't be more than 12 months old. The trailer, the business planning? 1-3 years yep... but the current KSP2 development of code? 12 months max. Probably 6.
  5. But that's the thing. I've no problem with this. Limit the tech to science. Not the size of the colony. [edit] PS, yes with all those saying change the "capacity". That changes when science increases. The Kerbals then can become more when time goes by... no need to magically multiple kerbals when science is made.
  6. Seems it might be the joint settings/co-ordinates of those parts. You'd have to compare them to the stock ones, and see what is different. Rotation, size, etc.
  7. They already seem to be "automating" some supply options for orbital and planetary stations.
  8. And laser based sails. Boost the solar sail from a mun base super laser. I expect we may see a "skip to next system" jump. As in, not even timewarp. Just a test and build, test and run, system of interplanetary design. Build enough fuel+ systems, + possibly test it (so it doesn't fall apart/engines hit structures etc), then if it passes, you just skip to the next system. Then the game takes off fuel/resources, and puts you on a predicted trajectory, ready in orbit. Basically, space is "empty", and even long burns are benign. So you can "sim" that bit out to spreadsheets and keep to the fun parts (inter system flight). No idea if they will do it that way, but that's how I'd do it. Abstractify the boring stuff away (such as they seem to be doing with base building and orbital construction. Once you *have* launched an orbital, and *have* designed a resource/part delivery rocket, it just uses resources to top up the construction facility/bases/colonies, instead of having to do every one of the 100s of launches yourself).
  9. Ah. Sorry for that. I like Kerbol. XD But I don't like fingernails on a chalkboard. The "more Kerbals as research increases" is like that to me (some recent dev comments), so I hope a mod will change the progression, and instead link Kerbal numbers to time/resources (yes, timeskip means you can game that system, but I want a sim + game, not a "game" where they add grind, pretending the grind is gameplay ).
  10. Is this a joke? It's gonna have multiple star systems... actually... well, in my Sci-Fi I'd have people in space rename the "sun" to "sol" to avoid confusion when orbiting "a *sun*". But people on Earth would just call it "the sun" because they'd not be looking at stella maps unless working at "stellar maps R us Co".
  11. If it's stable for 10,000 years, even with "generation" ships in KSP, timeskip and smaller universe of the game, means why bother with n-body then? You'd not get to a point it actually matters in game (though it would in other sims).
  12. No. There will not be. Look at where it is in its trajectory and entry. Thus if it's not there, it won't be there.
  13. "Why not both?" because if it does not do both. It does not do both. If the retro grade burn/correction burn are not anywhere near the entry/heating/atmospheric conditions, then *it does not do atmospheric deflection*. The question is "does it", not "can it".
  14. Yeah, I meant I slow down a bit using engines. But does the Falcon really use engine power to deflect the atmosphere heating???
  15. [edit] I just realised, that's probably someone commenting who does not know anything, and making it up. The other posts in there are probably right about the speed not being enough for re-entry heat to matter. I do the powered re-entry a little in KSP at times.
  16. Yep. So just a small (though large effect) error in the video. To get a nice image, they thought "oh, the shadow would look nice here" without checking if it's possible, or the correct direction. PS, looks like "scene lighting", which assumes the sun/light to be above the scene/layout/image. Thus not to the right/left as in real life (from that angle, not from universal spatial co-ordinates ). So they put a planet in the render engine, and forgot to "move" the sun from being above it. XD
  17. Current saves are easy to read/convert as text files. I'd wait to see if modders figure out parts closely matching the KSP1 versions, then offer a file/save converter. Wait and see.
  18. Complete game rebuild. Answer is no. However, nothing stopping modders from converting/modding the future KSP2, if it gets full API/code access. (Game saves for example are just notepad/text files, so fairly easy to convert).
  19. You kinda can with multiple exposure and/or some light blocking shades (like you do with taking photos of the sun during the day). Generally the light from the sun can/will block out most sunlight though. But as it's a "game" KSP can do dynamic lighting and/or show more than real life can (playing in total darkness can be unfun ). https://www.quora.com/Why-do-astronauts-disagree-on-seeing-stars-in-space-Why-did-Aldrin-say-he-didnt-see-stars-but-the-astronauts-on-the-ISS-say-they-do Ah, seems that the sun was so bright, it meant they could not see them with the naked eye during the day. PS, they also had tinted visors because, sunlight. So a mix of the two?
  20. I blame the tax year and investors. "It's stupid to release at this time [lists hundreds of reasons]", Accountant: "It's May then?"
  21. I guess crashes on existing launch pads/colonies could be (lampshaded) by a construction/resource deficit. So the kerbals rebuilt it (during the timeskips/game time), but it uses up mining materials/metals. So you'd still get to continue playing, but lose some progress.
  22. I highly doubt that modders will be unable to "port" existing saves. There are 2 options. Load up all craft/positions (use conversions if things move slightly) and port over existing parts/designs (if existing parts make it to KSP2). Other option, port over positions, then ask the player to choose an existing KSP2 ship save/design to replace each craft in the KSP1 save. That way, you can "port" over the save. It's basically hyperedit automated. PS, I'd love them to offload a lot of physics to the VAB. Once the craft is designed, "test" the ship design for a few seconds with a few bits of physics. See it's max G threshold, rotation/wobble etc. If the ship is fine at low G, flag that G limit, and *dont* run any physics sims on it until the craft exceeds that G (or rotation/etc). That way you only need to sim the craft when it's throttling, wobbling, moving, docking, etc. Currently the sim sims constantly, even if nothing is happening to the craft. This bogs the game down. See how fast it runs in timewarp for an example. Now, if it could figure out when/what parts to sim, you'd only hit "slow mode" when the ship crashes/breaks/explodes (even when rotating/maneuvering as above). That way, you get cool slow mode explosions, and the CPU "lag" becomes a feature, not a limit. Then when the explosions finishes, everything goes back to silky smooth.
  23. It's a trailer. It's the opening video to the game. It's a video. No more. Check out the dev videos/posts for what the game is shaping up to be, and may eventually turn out as.
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