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Technical Ben

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Everything posted by Technical Ben

  1. Sad truth for companies that are floated.
  2. Running 7 here. No real problems I've not encountered before... like the "craft never responds to inputs" bug which is actually me turning the rockets off and forgetting to turn them back on. Pre update I always used clipping for custom designs anyhow. So if you can find a nice cone/fuel tank etc that fits, just put chutes inside them a little?
  3. Can you build a robot out of X? Theoretically a robot or a Turing machine (computer) can be built out of anything. Can you build a self replicating machine/robot/thing out of anything that is also a robot/Turing machine? That is a harder question. Can such things self organise? Even harder.
  4. Thanks! Already got a working* BFG design in stock, I just want to test the landing/launching more. *It can launch... no idea if it can land.
  5. Is it me or are re-entry speeds higher? Am I totally lost due to using powered landings for so long... or do I need better airbreaks to kill my 750m/s entry speeds? [edit] Yes, I'm use to powered landings XD . When not aiming nose down, I can kill the speed a bit better.
  6. Thanks. CS says it's just a delay on the server for now... Lol, at least I hope it means it's popular.
  7. Not just me then? I wanted to make sure I've downloaded the latest version... and it says I don't exist.
  8. Is it just me or is the store failing currently? I cannot log in/recover password or anything.
  9. Wing loss and other incidents say "hello". Most craft have some failure mode options. For example, should an engine fail while in orbit, the BFR upper stage will be the most "safe" vehicle ever* with an engine failure... it would orbit safely forever. No wings or gliding needed! Perhaps we can go full Kerbal and have a system that can land fine without any power. Like this: *Even a car in a drive way with a failed engine can get stolen. No chance on an orbiter. Try sneaking up on it!
  10. Great Anime. I hope Elon does not give discounts to insurance sales people!
  11. The lander can go sideways, if no engines, it keeps going sideways and the escape system halts. Why do you think they keep "missing" the boats currently? Because they don't aim for them until the final landing burn. Then if there is a failure (prop fuel/RCS) it will crash, but a rather gentle crash. That main take away is, aircraft don't have launch abort systems. They don't have chutes. Small craft can benefit from them, but larger ones it adds complexity, and adds *more* points of failure.
  12. Wait what? I thought they were letting them sink... Wow, so they did not catch them, but did recover? Cool.
  13. It can be balanced though. More weight to chutes, if recovered can allow more cost/recovery potential in lowering weight in other structural parts. If it can be recovered consistently, then investing in lighter materials becomes possible.
  14. There is one difference. Elon, going re-usable can test on Earth first. Many of the NASA and other efforts have been "one shot" attempts. Then getting it right second/third time. If Mars is the second/third attempt, then we can have more confidence. It's a claim to difficulty, not possibility. Everything they wish to do is difficult, expensive and time consuming. Not impossible. So it's just how much of all 3 they have to invest or not.
  15. I seriously hope nothing was hiding in that Tesla like they tried to hide many years ago using a different millionaire. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/resources/idt-sh/deep_sea_mining
  16. Simulating on earth is easy. We have vacuum chambers. Gravity is lesser a concern in simulation. If they do it here first, then they can say they can do it on Mars. But for now they can send stuff, for a certainty, up to the size of a small car...
  17. Are there link to older versions? I'm holding off a little on updating KSP. Probably wait till 1.4 etc, so looking for this mod for KSP version 1.2.2?
  18. Nope, nope and nope on those last two videos. 30 years of watching Sci-Fi has trained my brain to scream "it's not real, it's not real". It's gonna take another 30 years to get it to accept the change!
  19. SpaceX reuploaded the cast video with a correction on booster 2 camera. [edit] Ah, the good old 1.3.1. I've been trying to "force" this kind of thing with mechjeb with action keys and toggling on/off engines. I should really learn KOS.
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