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Everything posted by klgraham1013

  1. I suppose I misunderstood you. Let me put it this way. As a consumer, when I hear a game has gone gold, I expect a finished product. I'd imagine most consumers feel the same. ...or we could go ask those that bought AC: Unity or Halo: Master Chief collection. I'll also add, I work in a production position, though, not software development. We have similar states to alpha, beta, and gold. If I were to say I had finished a project, that would mean a very specific thing. There's no wiggle room. Squad has run into some semantic issues that must be dealt with.
  2. I could see KSP getting a 3 out of 5 for uniqueness alone. No higher than that, though.
  3. What game did Squad make before this? They're not exactly experienced. Correct me if some of them have worked on other games of note.
  4. I can't remember anyone asking Squad to push the game to release. - I wonder if it was managerial pressure, or if Harvester actually thinks it's good enough.
  5. I had to choose quite a few of those considering the next update is supposed to be 1.0. To much for any single update.
  6. More planets can easily be a waste of development time. Unless each planet offers something unique, they don't really add anything to the game. I don't feel quantity equals quality in this matter.
  7. Exactly. As the game is now, it will get shredded by reviewers. The UI, career balance, the need for YouTube tutorials to even play the game. 1.0 means no more excuses.
  8. The version numbering isn't that odd. It is odd to only be in beta for one version.
  9. I'm not blaming Squad for having a different vision for the game. I'm merely saying, I thought we were of like-minds and turned out to be wrong. This is also a good warning to myself to not get to enthused about early access games; to be more cautious about giving money to games that are still in development.
  10. I bought it off potential, yes. I saw something unique and not catering to the typical gamer. A realistic space flight sim with a fun art design. A game that was difficult, but highly rewarding. With every pasing update, my vision and Squad's vision grew farther and farther apart. I certainly don't want my money back, but I'm highly disappointed that the game I imagined will never exist.
  11. I actually bought KSP twice. Once on Steam and once on the website. I don't really regret it, despite my disagreement with Squad on the direction of the game.
  12. People would have gone mad and demanded 1.0? Really? I haven't read a single person asking for KSP to go gold. It was very much assumed we'd be in beta for awhile.
  13. Does any one actually think career mode won't get torn apart by reviewers? Unless there's some major changes, KSPs uniqueness will only get it so far.
  14. I believe it actually means quite a bit, typically, in development. Version numbers don't always work like real numbers. Did you actually think there would be 100 updates before 1.0?
  15. You would assume any changes after 1.0 won't be game breaking. Unless Squad defines 1.0 different than nearly every other game company. I know 1.0 meant little to Minecraft, but that's one game compared to so many others which define 1.0 in a very specific way.
  16. No. Not in the slightest. Unless 1.0 means something different then what it means for nearly every other game. I'm just so disappointed right now. If 1.0 comes out without delta v readouts... Whatever. Thank all that is good for the modding community. That's all I can say.
  17. Wasn't there a gender issue before? I know that's the reason I used Texture Replacer to add women, because the stock game didn't have any.
  18. It's a harsh representation of evolutionary psychology, and as anyone who's actually studied the subject should know, things are not so black and white.
  19. I'm pretty pessimistic about businesses, but every now and then, there are businesses that do things for reasons other than profit.
  20. A) It's just the decent thing to do. It brings more life and believability to the Kerbal universe.
  21. If this has anything to do with press or sales, then Squad are doing it for the wrong reasons.
  22. I don't see any problem with the art team taking some time to add the other gender to the game. They could even go a step further and add various faces so there's not just male clones and female clones. #cloneclub - - - Updated - - - Do the various face packs for Texture Replacer actually take up that much memory?
  23. I'll grab the source as well. See if I can't learn something.
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