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Everything posted by klgraham1013

  1. I think you're right. I'm just a bit obsessive about things being correct.
  2. ...but would you write a 3 line MM config about it?
  3. I believe @Sigma88 mentioned it wasn't the volumetric clouds though? Just the 2D clouds? Well, Dimensions definitely changes @altitude = n . So, maybe I don't need to worry about the clouds?
  4. @Galileo Okay. Think I got it. Right now just testing a few things. @EVE_CLOUDS { @OBJECT[Kerbin-clouds1] { @altitude = 4800 } } Just testing if I need to add AFTER[SigDim2]. edit: Yep. Looks like I do.
  5. Interesting. I did not know this. I do prefer just Mun. We call the moon, the moon, because it's the only moon around Earth. That's not actually it's name. I always felt as though Mun was the actual name of the first moon around Kerbin. Kerbals don't seem to call their home planet The Kerbin. So I don't see why they'd call the moon, The Mun. Maybe it's another attempt by Squad to use "funny" word play. Along with the hilarious "Fat 455" and "Big-S" wings. Two names I have a MM patch to change, so I'm not constantly cringing in the VAB.
  6. I finally upgraded from 1.0.4! So far, KSP1.3.x might be the last version I need. Anything else is sprinkles on a bagel.
  7. @EVE_CLOUDS { @OBJECT { @alltitude =* 2 } } @Galileo @Anyone Could I do something like this? Can I somehow specify the object like "@OBJECT[Kerbin-clouds1]"? Would the above adjust all altitudes in all OBJECTS in EVE_CLOUDS? Thanks for the help!
  8. One of my oldest using Space Plane Plus. Still one of my favorites.
  9. I've done a bit of searching, and may just be missing what's right in front of me. If I make a rescale, is there an MM patch I can make to raise the volumetric clouds as well?
  10. I wasn't able to reproduce this issue. (Haven't actually used Ven's to much.) I loaded a game from the main menu and using a quick load. Is this a common flaw, or somewhat random? edit: ...and I just had it happen. That's disappointing. B9 switch seems like a solution. Should almost be included...
  11. It's perfectly fine to finish a game. Most people do it all the time and don't think twice. KSP is just one of those weird exceptions where people think of it as a life style choice more than a game.
  12. Interesting idea. I suppose it's something I actually do when starting a new game, but never write it down.
  13. I'd say career mode is worse at teaching the game than the tutorials are. Go watch Scott Manley's tutorial videos. That's my suggestion. Contracts are a great foundation for a built-in set of tutorials that would gradually teach the player the mechanics of the game. Unfortunately, Squad decided having tutorials separate from how most new players would actually start the game was a good idea.
  14. Actually, a moment like this was one of my most memorable while playing KSP. It's one I look back on as a positive for the game. Even if it wasn't a positive for that particular mission.
  15. I actually use the website and download the zip. Someone with more knowledge about the Steam version may need to answer.
  16. If you have a Steam copy, just copy the folder to another location. KSP currently has no DRM, so you can copy the folder to your hearts content.
  17. If you're unmodded , just update the game. If you're modded, you'll need to get updated versions of all your mods as well.
  18. Debatable. Lego style building has it's merits. To each his own.
  19. How modded is your install? - I usually have around 40 to 50 mods. ...and why? - Because KSP is a good backbone, but needs some help being great.
  20. That post should be mandatory reading when signing up for an account on this forum. I still have game zips and mod collections going back to 0.24.2. Nothing crazy about that. Maybe a little crazy.
  21. It was never messed up. It was new players who had yet to experience an update freaking out. Mods were updated within the week. I currently have 278 mods collected for 1.3.
  22. Maybe it was talking about the ARM update. I'd need to check the timeline though.
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