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Everything posted by klgraham1013

  1. Surely, copying one folder is easier than copy several.
  2. You'd figure releasing these as wallpapers would be a cheap and reasonable means of marketing the game, and in no way hurt potential profits. That said, I'm not surprised in the slightest we have to resort to screen capture and Photoshop. Keeping things unnecessarily behind lock and key is what companies do.
  3. Now let's not start that again. People have fun in different ways. You know that. Anyway. Recently it's been 10x, but as most of my time has been in 6.4, I selected that.
  4. I've actually found that larger planets certainly do look more epic from low orbit. I quite enjoy it.
  5. Awesome stuff. I've tried making mods before, but my lack of skill in areas kept me from finishing. A texture pack: Now that I might actually be able to do to a mediocre extent. I'll mess around with it today. See what I can do.
  6. ...but this is the sub-forum for Suggestions and Development Discussion of the stock game. Of course there's a mod for it. There always is.
  7. I was agreeing with this sentiment. Rescue contracts are ridiculous. What's worse is people justifying them because of rising hiring costs. Implementing a bad mechanic as a work around to another bad mechanic is not good design.
  8. Why do you keep bullying the stock art assets? That poor oil drum has been crying in the corner for a week now. Maybe you could try to be less good. That way the stock parts could feel better about themselves.
  9. The point of a con should be to hang out with cool, like minded people, not make money.
  10. Guys. This isn't 20XX. We live in the 90s and click through is just a problem we're going to have to live with. Now excuse me. I have to log on to my local BBS and play some LORD.
  11. This has happened a few times, but not for a minor patch as far as I can remember. Either way, it still gives Squad a much larger QA team to find the bugs. Whether those bugs get fixed is another question.
  12. 1.3 doesn't have terrain seams. That was enough for me.
  13. When did anyone say Naval fleets? I'm asking for exploratory subs and such. Are you also against exploring the oceans on Earth? Look. Kerbals live in a universe where their solar system contains a body (one of the closest to their own) in Eve, which has plenty of a purplish liquid. Secondly, one of the moons around their gas giant is mostly a blue liquid. If you're saying a space obsessed people wouldn't be interested in researching such things, we're just going to have to agree to disagree.
  14. We all go through hard times. I wish the original poster the best of luck.
  15. I think he only wants to explore space dirt. Space water is obviously beyond his scope.
  16. I grew up with phones with cords, computers with 386 processors, and something called paper letters. Technology moves at a fantastical pace. Given I've only lived (hopefully) 1/3 of my life, I think the possibilities are close to endless.
  17. If we don't have boats and subs on other celestial bodies before I die, I will be generally disappointed.
  18. Let's not forget there's a not so small percentage of players who bought the game, had fun blowing up rockets for a few hours, realized how "hard" it is to get to Mun, and never played it again. Those players won't buy the DLC. I'd love to know the sales numbers, but, alas, revealing such details would be disastrous for any game company. At least that's what I'm told.
  19. You are correct. I think the view of it "slowing" is maybe more akin to it "ending". As DLC typically comes at the end of a life cycle of a game. One of the reasons I look forward to development coming to an end. Allow mods to fully mature with a stable base to work from.
  20. They could have even gone lego fairing and avoided so many issues.
  21. Personally, I'd like to maintain the lego style and have KW fairings. Having procedural and lego in the game is just weird to me.
  22. I've said it before and I'll say it again. KSP ending development is not a bad thing. All projects come to an end. Sure, career isn't what I wanted. There are plenty of things I would have done differently. Those things have nothing to do with whether a product is finished or not. I support Squad putting the finishing touches on KSP1 and moving forward with more profitable DLC. I also support Take Two moving forward with KSP2, with or without Squad. Just don't expect me to back an early access release again. Searched unplayable. I think you're the first to say that in this thread. Complaining about problems is natural. They exist. I do agree if anyone calls this game unplayable, they need a reality check.
  23. A patch taking 3 months to come out?
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