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Everything posted by Jovzin

  1. I sense Eve Online player (author of the mod) here. Hehe but nice mod.
  2. Hello guys, OK so update : The UV mapping / unwrapping is nearly done. I was really busy last week so there was less free time for Airlock I will be back on Saturday from my vacation. So I will try my best to finish it during next weekend. Thank you for your understanding and have a nice day. See you on saturday or sunday evening ( hope with complete model from my side ) Btw one more question. For conversation to Unity you suggest what version ? As I downloaded the latest Unity version 4.5 something. But I read on forum that witk KSP the version 4.2.2. is more prefered right ? Thanks
  3. OK so the beginner's errors were corrected on the model. I am continuing with the UV unwrap and UV map. I have some textures for Airlock so I hope it will look good. Planning to finish it this week, because next week I will be on a vacation with my family.
  4. Working on it. Giving it every free time I got during evening and nights. I am doing the UV mapping for the very first time ( never used it before my pause from modeling) so it takes me some time. And during this UV Mapping I have found some errors in the model so I am correcting some beginners errors in the model too. Well it is really pity that I had this 6 years long pause from making models. Now I am learning everything again
  5. Wau nice picture. Crap I need to hurry up with the airlock model. Will try my best to release it soon as possible ( but you know family life ) , UV mapping and texturing is in progress and we can put it in unity and in the game.
  6. Thank you very much for the reply. My model is nearly completed just UV mapping and texturing missing. I started watching some videos how to import model to unity and to game. And there guys are using different styles so I started to be confused. Well I am a self -educating in Maya so questions arise fairly often. Thank you again for the info. Have a nice day
  7. Hello I have a few questions : 1/ Do I need to triangulate the object before exporting it ? 2/ It is really needed to trinagulate the object ? I saw some videos where guys are creating some models and they were not triangulating the object. They were not triangulating it during export too. 3/ I read that Maya has problems to export groups for DAE file. So can I use FBX file ? Again I saw one video where a guy was exporting from blender to UNITY and used FBX file. 4/ Scale things. Do I have to watch the scale of my model within Maya or it is possible to scale later with part.cfg file directly in the game ? Thank you guys for your answers. Have a nice day
  8. Wau nice. Keep up the good work. My very first models for Freespace 2 game were SG ships but now they are just sitting on my external HDD I think. I was learning Truespace and 3D Modeling at that time. It was some years ago. I have Daedalus too but no pic Wish you luck
  9. So what do you guys think about the animation for the hatch opening ?
  10. OK so upgrade from my side for the airlock : Yes I started to learn and use Maya. Caligari Truespace is out of date and there is no support anymore So I decided I will try and learn Maya. Still working on it as I want to add some stuff to this airlock Like animated hatch I am thinking that I will have to split this airlock to two parts. Top part with docking point and bottom part with hatch and hatch animation. As I am not sure if Unity or KSP supports one whole object with hatch animation, hatch for kerbals to move in or out of the ship and docking point . As a reference picture I was using the airlock of my beloved Discovery
  11. Ahoj kyklope. V com si robil tie svoje mody ? Blender ?
  12. Hello guys. I am planning to model some parts for KSP. I have very good experience with Truespace. But I see a lot of you guys are using Blender or 3D Studio Max. So I am thinking if it is worthy to model some part in Truespace and later find out that it is not working and I can start again in some different program. Anybody here who is modeling some parts in Truespace ? Thanks
  13. @Dragoon01: So I checked what format is supported by KSP. I see that .obj is supported by KSP. I am happy as Caligari Truespace is my favourite 3d modeling program and it is using/creating models in .obj. I am thinking about finally model that part we were talking about. And also I am thinking about making some model for the ISS. Just I need to wait till 15th of May as this date my wife and little boy are going to visit her relatives so I will have a lot of free time to model something.
  14. So what about this Z1 and Cupola and Pirs, Poisk from Yogui87 ??? I see they are ready but it is possible to download them somewhere ? Thanks for the reply.
  15. Hello. I managed to nearly get rid of it. But I changed the OMS engines. I put the "FSX0-OMS Micro Shuttle Engine" from Dtobi's pack and it is much much better. Btw for that testing of Robotic Arm. It is working quite good. I am using the caps lock mode and sas on. Or another thing using "kill rot" from Mechjeb plugin.
  16. Thank you Dragoob01 It was it. I deleted some of the SQUAD's cockpits. And Unity is using mk1cockpit from squad. Thanks for help. Have a nice day
  17. Guys can you help me. I have problem with module Unity. I built a rocket in VAB with Unity module on it and clicked launch. And on the launch pad I could not see stages. Tested several times with module uniity on board of the rocket and without it. And in case unity is on the rocket the stages somehow are not visible on the launch pad. Any suggestion ? Thank you
  18. OK so I found the missing parts. Right now I am testing robotic arm with new DLL and new version of KSP. Just I want to ask you something. I am using mechjeb for randezvous with the Station. Somehow I see that it is taking really long time to finish the parts of the randezvous. Mainly the last few ms of burn from each part. For example I have 2-3ms of burn to complete from the matching plans / creating bigger orbit etc etc and it is somehow difficult to finish those last 2 -3 ms of burn as that blue cross is moving and moving. And sometimes I have the feeling that it looks like CSS is heavy as hell. As with rcs it is really pain to turn it around in space. So even more difficult to finish those last 2-3ms of burn. It is intentional ?
  19. Hello I asked in Romfarer's thread but got no reply. I will try it here : I want to ask you what is this " it is broken " thing that everybody means with the Robotick Arms pack ? I have my own experience and maybe everybody here mean this: I am using CSS Shuttle mod ( Dragoon01) to build my space station. I am docked with my css shuttle with my first half of the Space station. I opened the cargo bay and with the Robotic arm I am grabbing the next part of Space station which is put in the CSS shuttle cargo bay.. I pressed caps lock ( but I am not sure if SAS is on or off) and now slowly putting the part out of cargo bay. But after some time the whole station together with CSS shuttle start spinning and rotating lke crazy. So maybe guys yyou mean this ? And somehow I have a problem to load Space Shuttle plain. I upgraded my KSP to 0.23.5 and well it is showing me that some parts are missing. Which I do not think is the case as I was just updating the game nothing else. Some hint maybe ?
  20. Nice. Kerbin now really looks like Earth. Good job friend really great and good job.
  21. Hello Romfarer I have a few questions on you if I may. 1/ I want to ask you what is this " it is broken " thing that everybody means with your Robotick Arms pack ? I have my own experience and maybe they mean this: I am using CSS Shuttle mod ( Dragoon01) to build my space station. I am docked with my css shuttle with my first half of the Space station. I opened the cargo bay and with your Robotic arm I am grabbing the next part of Space station put in the CSS shuttle cargo bay.. I pressed caps lock ( but I am not sure if SAS is on or off) and now slowly putting the part out of cargo bay. But after some time the whole station together with CSS shuttle start spinning and rotating lke crazy. So maybe they mean this ? 2/ I am still runnnig KSP 0.23. So question is : If I upgrade my KSP to 0.23.5 and upgrade your .dll file with new one from this thread will the robotick arm work without this spinning and rotating bug ? Thank you for your answer.
  22. EVE ? you mean EvE Online ? Btw what is this RSS guys ? A lot of talking about it but I am not sure if I know what it means. I know RSS in game those mini engines for rotating ships etc. But I think here on the forum it means something different right ? Btw really nice pack. Keep up the good work. I have to make a decision. As I was using prot's pack with his clouds and so. But yours looks really great. And now I do not know which one is nicer and more eye candy hmm
  23. Hmm for me the plain version of craft file is working. I have realchute. The NRO version is not working as I have only FASA towers installed but no problem for me. Smoke effect is working too without any problems. During start and first meters I see a little performance drop and frame drops but it is not a big deal. After few seconds everything is OK ano no drops in FPS or performance.
  24. Wau awesome work. I was planning to do something simmilar after this airlock. But this looks great even better than in my own vision I have in my head. Nice keep up the good work guys. I am happy that this mod has got a second wind...
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