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Everything posted by Jovzin

  1. Hello nice mod. I have a question. When I click write node data. Where this mod stores the config ? Thank you btw for nice mod which can help me wit CSS shuttle to create nodes for the parts
  2. Thank you very cery much nli2work. If I may one more question. How should I name colliders in Unity ? for example if I have 2 colliders in one big part. Like here I am trying to put the landing gear into RCS block like Buran has something simmilar. Do I need to name them like coolider1 and collider2 ? But I think the game will not recognize them or ?
  3. OK update: I got it I think. Both for whell and for ailerons and rudder. I was just a little bit afraid. Last week I was looking for some tutorials for Unity on youtube and I saw this video : As you can see here is somebody setting his robot with a feature called Animator in Unity. Assigning him how to behave when somebody press some key on keyboard. And I was afraid that I have to use something simmilar for the rudder and ailerons.
  4. Thanks a lot willl look at it. And what about that rudder and aileron things ? I might be dumb maybe but really how the game knows that it needs to turn the rudder or ailereon after I pres the key ?
  5. Hello OK thanks I will try to find some examples from unity here on the forum. And some tutorials too. I think I saw something a wekk ago with some recording of landing gear creation from twich. And one more thing which I somehow do not get. Example : OK so I have a landing gear , I created an animation in Maya for it, put in KSP through Unity and I know that in KSP when I click with right nouse button directly on that part I will have buttons for my animation called raise gear , lower gear. But what I do not get is how the game engine or game knows that when I press on my keyboard "G"or click with mouse on one of those three buttons ( gear, brake , lights ), how it knows that it should start playing my animation with the gear ( lowering or rising ) ? Do I set this in part.cfg or ? And the same with aileron and rudders. How the game knows that when I press A or D or W or S on my keyboard, it should start move with the aileron up or down or in case rudder it should start moving with it left or right? Somehow I do not get this. Thanks for explanation
  6. Hello guys. First I must say I read all 20 pages in this thread but still I have troubles with UNITY and setting the parts in UNITY. So I want to ask you if we can pretend or play that I will be a good student and you will be patient teachers okee-day ? So first here pic : Now the NOSE part is quite OK I am following this tutorial from Tiberion : But the questions starts with RCS and Landing gear : 1/ I read somewhere here that for RCS I just need to create an empty object and name it "RCS_node" ? But do I have to do this for all holes ( 14 holes ) ? 2/ Landing gear should be rigged right ? And where do you advice to do the rigging in Maya or Unity ? 3/ I saw somehere around here that somebody has suspension too. Hmm I would love to have this too. Can you post your tips ? 4/ Coliders. So as far as I know I have to have wheel colliders, mesh colliders and what ? For example what type of colliders I should put on the whole landing gear and where ? 5/ Animation of landing gear. I think I need to put those colliders in a group with landing gear right ? So they will move together with landing gear during animation cycle right ? Thanks this are first question of my long long paper. Thank you really for your help and patience.
  7. A few pages back somebody posted some config for OMS. Try it. Btw first testing in Unity and KSP : But I will create within next few hours a long thread in Modeling and Texturing thread with my questions for Unity.
  8. Thanks Dragoon you are great. Btw about those engines. I do not know if I coloured the endings correctly. I painted the endings in red as I read somewhere that after some upgrade, NASA was using some new engines or just painting the endings in red right ?
  9. OK to answer all you stuff @Sippyfrog: OK that would be cool @sp1989 : Well I have not tested it yet. This is all from Maya. As I wrote, it still needs a little bit of tweaking. But only a little bit. Hmm well I do not know about engines. Dragon will decide if we are going to use Dtobi's or maybe my engine models. And for that change of names on the shuttle, well I will try to do something in Photoshop first I need to figure out which font NASA is using for those names on the shuttles. Yeah external tank looks great to me and I think we do not need a new model . I think SRBs are not bad or ? I like them. But I can try to model something. But first I really want to release this shuttle and airlock model. @montyben101: As I wrote above I need to figure out the font which NASA is using or used.
  10. Yep. It looks like that UV tutorial from nonespecial helped me a lot Here are some pics how it is looking now in Maya. Still some work to do and some corrections to do. I am talking about it with Dragon through PMs every second day The textures are not so good as I want them. I found them on the internet somewhere but for the start I think they are quite OK. EDIT: those solar panels will be together with cargo bay doors like on Buran. And engines I think we will be using from Dtobi or the current one we have in CSS maybe. I am not sure.
  11. Somebody has the Buran craft file ? I can not put that last part called Buran Tail control surf to attach properly to Tail wing crap. I want to test a few things and see how they are doing this and that so I can do something simmilar with CSS. Btw @BobCat are you still active and read PMs ? I am thinking that I will send you a PM with some questions
  12. Wau it is great. I am using BetterAtmosphere V5 right now but this looks even better. Downloading now.
  13. If I may ask too. I just found out that I installed 4.5.2 version of Unity. Will I have problems importing stuff to unity and to KSP ? Should I go to version 4.2.2 ? Thanks
  14. I know I should work on Airlock But somehow I wanted to have it finished a little bit more :
  15. Wau you know the creator of this MOD? Wau I must say I am thinking to ask you for the files to see how he did this and that. Maybe they can help me as I am planning to release a new model of the shuttle which I was working on during summer. But right now I really want to release that airlock. Hmm I think I really can use the model files from original author. Do you think he will come back to KSP? I have so much questions for him about modeling the shuttle.
  16. If you can give me time till end of october I will send you the airlock. I got small help from noonespecial. A tutorial about UV mapping. So I will send you the airlock before end of october. I downloaded some Maya bonus tools which includes some nice new tool for UVs so it starting to be better. And btw during summer when I had a few times like fock it this UVs, I did some modeling of a shuttle. Completely new model. Will post you pic later.
  17. Hello guys, First sorry it will be a stupid question but I have a mess with those two mods. So for those launch pad smoke effects do I need to have hot rockets mod too ? As far as I know that Zenith rocket is using only smokescreen mod. Thanks for answer.
  18. Wau nice. Crap I have much to learn... Thanks for your tutorials noonespecial
  19. So it looks like the guys who are using openGL and ATM are having problems right ? But guys with directx and ATM are OK ?
  20. So you are saying that it is quite OK ? Hmm well I think it is a mess. I want to have a simplicity like nonespecial has above. This looks nice very nice. Hmm I think I should try to recreate those UVs again Crap it will be a pain but I will try it. But I am thinking about recreating the model again too. I am not sure. What are your suggestions ? Thanks for help.
  21. Wau nice but what about this : A lot of those UVs were mapped manually. As I am looking at it I am asking myself : How the hell I did this ???!!! So I am looking forward for your another tutorial. I can create model within a week but that UV mapping is killing me. Never done this before. So it is a pain for me. Thinking that I will start from scratch and create new model. Or maybe will try to create those UVs again. I want to finish this. Working on it for 3 months because of limited free time.
  22. Hello guys. Sorry for such a long delay. Vacation time and other stuff in RL took their price on my free time recently. But do not worry I am still alive and still working on airlock. I will not give you the exact date of release as I do not want to disappoint you. I mean somebody will be excited and a day or so before release I will have to postpone it or something... But I will do my best to hurry up and finish it. Have a nice day
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