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Everything posted by Jovzin

  1. Well I must say my 2 cents too. I really hate this memory stacking and not flushing the textures. Bcs of this I was able to do only 6- 7 times of scene switching ( from KSP to ship and back from ship to KSP or to another ship) and after those 7 times of scene switching I got crash bcs our beloved KSP is not handling the textures well and instead of flushing them it stacks them. This was with forced DX11 and aggresive memory management from rbay89 and converted textures to DDS and used DDSloader. But after some time of googling on the internet I found this little program called cleanmem ( mainly used in Battlefield games ) http://www.pcwintech.com/cleanmem Now I am using DX11 with ATM and wiht DDSloader and every 30 minutes cleanmem will do its job and I must say no more crashes for me. I can do a lot of those scene switching and no crash. But I really hope that Squad will fix this in 1.0 cause it is really a game breaking thing.
  2. I think there will be some of DECQ nice revorked version before 1.0 Btw @Sampa I was asked by Dragoon to split the wings in two some time ago too. Mainly for FAR compatibility and Dragon is thinkimg about separate ailerons on the wings.
  3. Yeah looks like I will have a small vacation next week. So will try and acquire some free time for me to finsh the model as far as I can and send it to Kartofelkuchen. He will finish it in Unity.
  4. Hello I am still alive, just free time is equal 0 But I have some family pic for you ( Got some new textures, render in Maya ) ( Was a bit lazy with UV mapping so the RCS holes are a bit badly textured as you can see )
  5. For that Columbia mirror you will need to edit a UV mapping I think.
  6. Why I have a feeling that DonaldUnderwood is new Dragon
  7. Can you do something simmilar for Stock Jool ? I do not play RSS and I am not planning to play it in the near future. But this would looks great on some stock planets. Thanks
  8. Wau that looks great. I will be able to get that Mun Scansat and put it in cargo hold with a nice robotic arm. Nice work guys
  9. Yeah me too. It is great. What mods are you using ?
  10. Exactly. 0.25 and win64 was great for me. No crashes , no errors, no bugs. It was great plasure to play. Now 0.90 and win64 is a hell. Crashes all the time, bugs, errors.
  11. I am having the same problems. I really do hope that SQUAD will fix this in next version. I am not happy that I have to count how many times I can do launch / revert to VAB or switch between my ships till I crash. I started on the KSC screen with 2,2GB of memory. And after a few of this launch / revert to VAB or switching between ships and my memory is 2,8GB. Really hope they will fix it. I am slowly loosing fun and joy and interest in playing KSP because of this bug
  12. And what about that Memory Leak Bug ? Guys I really do hope it is on your priority bug hunting list. As it is a really game breaking for people. I am not happy that I have to count how many times I can do launch / revert to VAB or switch between ships till I crash. Because memory is rising. Because of this my interest in playing KSP is slowly decreasing which I am not happy
  13. Memory leak bug please. I really hate it that I have to count how many times I can switch betwen VAB and launch pad.
  14. Any update on this ? I really hope they will fix this in new version. I am fed up that I can do only 5-6 times a switch between VAB and launch pad.
  15. I voted no. And the result is. Memory leak bug. Sorry but it is really bad that the game memory is rising whit each swap from VAB/SPH to launch pad. For example I am trying to test one rocket. Built it in a VAB , place on launch pad and launch it. I see some errors. So I click on reverese to VAB , make som changes and launch again. Do it a few times like 4-5 times and I see that from initial 2,0GB memory usage, it raised to 2,4GB. This is without mods. Add some mods and you can play for 1 hour only, till you got this memory limit. This really needs fixing. As for me this is a massive game breaking bug.
  16. So what is going on ? Why new model will bring more issues ? I hope it will not be the case. Anyway. I will continue working on those new cuts as I had to go on business trip and was ot for a few days.
  17. Wau nice. Can't wait for the new version of your mod. Btw what is with Rbray ? You are writing " We miss you Rbray" Something happened ?
  18. No idea. And I am doing some modifications to the model. Did not like how I cut it for the first time. So right now doing more clearer and nicer cuts to the model. And created the RCS holes as Dragon wanted them really badly
  19. FK is forward kinematics and IK is inverse kinematics which is mainly used for rig. FBX is a file like cob, obj, 3ds so a file whre is your model stored from 3d program.
  20. Thank you nli2work. You are the best. So it is OK to have a basic keyframe animation for those raise/lower wheels and open/close cargo bay doors right ?
  21. Hmm I tried the current shuttle. Crap it is a nightmare sometimes. I have thie KM Gimbal plugin and KM_gimbal plugin for mechjeb. But the last stage of the ascent or randevousz using MechJeb is hell. Those last 0.5m/s are terrible. Doing it for 5 minutes. I had to throttle down the OMS engines to 20 so I can somehow achieve those 0,5m/s with Mechjeb. I have really a lot of work to do in front of me as I see it. I want this new shuttle to fly very very well. And not to do the last 0,5m/s for 10 minutes.
  22. Hello sirkut. So have you found the way how to create this magnet or grabbing node for your great robotic arm and plugin ? It looks really great. Can't wait for it. I had some time to go through all 7 pages of this thread and the vidoes are great. And that Canada Arm with your plugin is a masterpiece. Can't wiat to see it in action in my game together with CSS. Wish you all the best in new year
  23. Hello Guys, After new year, my brain starting to have some doubts if I am doing some things the right way. So I have decided to ask you, who are more experienced guys, a few questions. 1/ For landing gears -> raise and lower gear is better to use Rigging or Animation for Unity and for the conversation from Unity to KSP ? 2/ For ailerons or control surfaces what is better to use for Unity and for the conversation from Unity to KSP ? Rigging or animation or nothing ? As I read somewhere that control surfaces they only need the correct XYZ orientationof the AXES and nothing more no animarion or riging right ? 3/ For other stuff like cargo bay doors ? Is better to rig them or just create some animation of the opening and closing ? I do not what happend to my brain but somehow I really have some doubts if I am creating the model in a right way. Mainly the parts that wll move or will have some kind of interaction with ohter stuff like gears with the ground.
  24. Hmm I do not know but for me this command -force-d3d11-no-singlethreaded is not working. The game runs in directx 9 when I put this command -force-d3d11-no-singlethreaded. I do not know why crap
  25. Hello, So my testing results: DX9 with my sweetfx settings and KSP 32 bit - when I am in space center screen 2.9GB Now: Opengl and KSP 32 bit - when I am in space center screen 1.9 GB Pros: Great savings Cons: No shadows And for my gameplay I need them for landing on different moons and planets. ------ DirectX 11 and KSP 32 bit - when I am in sapce center screen 2.2 GB Pros: Around 800MB memory savings Cons: During reentry ship goes pink for some seconds. And mising those textures on the launch pad and in VAB and SPH. My minmus is looking good no missing textures on it. Neutral: Can not use my SweetFX settings which should be working with DirectX11 according the sweetfx web page, and it looks like my UI is sharper. ------- Now KSP 64bit and version 0.90 of KSP I do not know what happend but I got a lot of random crashes. During loading, during building rocket in VAB, during flight. So right now KSP 64 Bit for Win is not for me right now but: KSP 64 bit and previous version 0.25 of KSP - no bugs, no random crashes, no glitches , my sweetfx was working. I was playing whole day and not a single crash. ---------- So the result: I really do not know what they did with KSP 64bit in this new version 0.90 Cause my previous KSP 0.25 with 64 bit exe was working nice very nice. I am sticking with DirectX11 for now. Hoping that Unity 5 will be here soon and Squad will move to Unity 5 soon.
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