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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. Or you can be double awesome and get me a pull request - there will be a new update with the rest of my mods today, so now is a really good time for someone to do that.
  2. Yup, I'd say some of the best ways to help us out (and make every day modder appreciation day) would be to help out with support requests, help out with documentation / videos, and toss us pull requests for easy stuff like config fixes and such.
  3. Not intentional, coincidence if they do. Tho all warranties are void
  4. 0.1.1 is up - includes a fixed mini wheel and the TechRequired update. Pitchforks can now be returned to the barns.
  5. It is a single engine with two transforms, and I would be surprised if TCA could handle that. I don't personally use TCA as I optimize all of my VTOL mods to work without it, so not much of a help to you I'm afraid.
  6. Dunno, given they use the 'e' spelling on the U.S. sounding rocket - there's actually a few spellings out there, but the 'a' and 'e' seem to be the most common. In any case, yes, the spelling is correct.
  7. Really not appropriate for stock tbh. But you can use it right now in 1.1.2 (I'll check out the wheel and the career issues once I get home this eve)
  8. Huh - looks like a bad version of that wheel made it into the release - I'll sort that
  9. Also RE spelling - since I had to answer this a few times I'm originally from Alaska - and we always spelled both the dog and the tribe with an 'e'. Folks in the lower 48 might spell it differently tho
  10. I'll be doing the new JSI transparency support now that it is not part of RPM, but have to also mess with the glass textures
  11. That's relative to you not using the proper attachment nodes They are there for a reason
  12. Not sure how the hab system is behind Kerbalism in any way to be honest, is there a feature I'm missing? The Remote Tech bit I see as not really a part of life support - apples and tractors Tho I hear we're getting a stock analogue to RemoteTech/AntennaRange (I might know the guy writing that...). Radiation is something coming to USI-LS (as it's a life support concern). Part breakdown is a bit different - I separate wear and tear (which is a USI and USI-LS concern) vs. breakdowns (whcih other mods do well, like DangIt!, etc.) To be honest, the only compatibility barrier with Kerbalism is strictly on @ShotgunNinja 's side - as noted, he bypasses some pretty core stock mechanics, which in turn mean that anything that depends on stock thermal or efficiency, is going to have some issues. Again, nothing wrong with this, but we're talking stock incompatibility, not mod incompatibility at this point. And no point in dumbing down UKS to dump all of the stock mechanics, since it's designed to leverage all of the fun bits in stock heavily (and will continue to do so). I'd also disagree that TAC-LS is harder than USI-LS... it's pretty easy to make USI-LS ridiculously lethal, and you have different competing mechanics to deal with (two habitation timers, and a variety of penalties) that TAC-LS lacks. What TAC-LS does have is greater resource fidelity, so it's really a tradeoff.
  13. Introducing the Malemute Rover! Based on the Mars rover from 'Last Days on Mars' (great rover, horrible movie), this pack includes parts for cargo, geo-science (no more awkward Narrow Band Scanners sticking out!), crew transport, and general shenanigans. Over a dozen parts with full IVA support. Interconnects with other USI bits and pieces, and can be configured both as a rover, and also a really sweet biome hopper or VTOL. Have fun! Download Link: https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/Malemute/releases Donation Info! If you like what you see, and want to help out (or just buy me a beer!), please consider donating, either via PayPal or Patreon. License Information Configuration files and code are licensed under the GPL v3 license Assets, including Models (*.mu) and Textures *.png/*.dds) are All Rights Reserved. If you wish to use any of these assets in your project, just ask nicely This mod redistributes Firespitter, which is covered under its own license.
  14. Only if you run out of storage. yeah, conservation of mass. And all supply tanks have mulch storage except for the mini pack. Close but reverse that it's roughly 10 mulch + 1 f fertilizer = 11 supplies (don't quote me on the exact math, but that's roughly the idea)
  15. Yup, conservation of mass and such. Until the fertilizer runs out.
  16. Thanks gang, I appreciate it
  17. @mcainn - one word. Recyclers. Start by tossing a science lab on 'em, and cupolas to increase hab time, and hitchhikers for hab space.
  18. Seconds are pretty clear tho And non-ambiguous
  19. I do not assume they are frogs, nor that they hibernate. And yes, any change takes effect immediately in game. I can, but really the only thing I would change would be displays (which as I recall already adjust for 24h) so you get 4 days vs 15 days. Space is limited - hence further detail on wiki
  20. FYI: Defaults work as they do now (most pessimistic of all settings files), but after that you are free to mess with the settings to your heart's content.
  21. Yeah... that's bad Hard to ration oxygen
  22. Which one? If it's the one where crew count is not reflecting, that one is solved. If it's another, remind me
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