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Everything posted by RoverDude

  1. Nope just removed the lights, emissives should have still been there
  2. Now you really confused me... Local Logistics is like... a couple of clicks (select the vessel, start transfers) and the transfer speed is very fast. We're talking about the same thing right? i.e. I am not talking about stock behavior (this is for inter-ship transfer, not intra-ship)
  3. @FirroSeranel - Why not just use the built in local logistics for refueling? That's what it is there for Duna modules should, log a github issue and I can look
  4. Yeah I really need to see a save on this one then I can let you know what's going down
  5. It should still not steal all of them... And if it is being stolen to something else that has warehouse storage, just turn it on so it can be grabbed
  6. But it still should not steal all of it... when pulling it won't pull more than half. Assuming that base just contains USI and stock parts, attach your save to a github issue (or repro it) and I will take a look.
  7. Also. When looking for resources to support expanding modules, etc. a consumer is not required.
  8. What's that pump thing? And yeah... if local warehouse is off, it is not going to consume. So you have something screwy going on
  9. If the resources are 50m away no pipe is needed, it should pick them up automatically for mks deployments
  10. It's a code thing (extra skills) so deleting a patch won't cut it.
  11. My ears were burning Did not have a chance to read the whole thread... but saw some discussion on mass/volume/etc. - and assuming the goal is MKS balance given the nature of the mod. Short version. A converter's capabilities are driven by mass OR volume, whichever is most restrictive (take your pick). So base efficiencies off of the final deployed mass or final deployed volume, whichever is more restrictive. You can't have a farm in a lead thimble, and you can't have a refinery in a giant (empty) balloon. In MKS land, the only reason there's a cost for deployment is to consume/reassign mass (this by the way is done via a hidden resource so that you can launch light stuff and turn it into heavy stuff). If you don't need to adjust mass, then no need to charge for deployment (and just use the deployed volume and deployed mass as noted above). @FirroSeranel - explain what you mean by deploying being an MK consumer? There's a bit of something I am working on that will eliminate the need to have local storage to take advantage of planetary logistics (ideal for your one-offs), but that may or may not be what you're looking for.
  12. There are plenty of surfaces to slap goodies on there (it has a fairly complex set of colliders), And it is just a single part... it happens to be one of the more unusual parts though
  13. Hitchhikers and Cupolas can greatly extend hab time, and if you're using MKS you have a ton of options as well. If you can get a hab time of 50 years on any vessel, habitation switches to 'indefinite'. With MKS, there are other options (like habitation extenders, bigger habs, kolonization bonuses, and alternate experience effects).
  14. Hey all, Figure this will be the best place to post this. As you know, we're in pre-release. But I am also poking around on any outstanding resource / thermal bugs. If you're aware of an outstanding issue, if it is on the tracker, PM me with the ticket ID. If it is not, create one and PM me with the ticket id. Saves using stock parts only will help me sort any bugs faster.
  15. They don't, but I am aware of this - no need to have it on this list.
  16. A good point, or build in a multiplier to the different modules (so you could have some that are more beneficial, and some that are less)
  17. I wrote that 'Obscenity', by the way. And MKS leverages it pretty heavily.
  18. The whole thing. While I have work to do, it's already under management.
  19. A launch clamp without the decoupling bits... so something very useful for designing a base section in the VAB, dropping it in place with GC (since it respects launch clamps and derivitives), and creating it on uneven terrain. The hold up on the very large MKS parts has been due to the need to have an in-the-box solution for in situ construction. GC solves that issue, since I can 100% depend on it's presence and leverage it.
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