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Everything posted by sp1989

  1. I can answer the Mun base question. Those are a part in the mks/OKS kolinization mod by roverdude. If you have that and install KAS you can make tunnels however you want. Also hopefully in the future he will work on other countries. He did say he was gonna cover anything that went past the karmin line.
  2. I know how ATM works I just wanted to make sure it was normal for this particular mod.
  3. Did everyone's hang really long the first time loading? Mine is stuck currently at KSP/rpm/ksp_sstmfd/mfd40x15002 for quite a long time. I know patience is key with ATM first time loads but this is a little much.
  4. Thats one part fulfilled, however the second part of my (wish) request is that the engines be like real life engines in look and performance. Not just one or the other.
  5. Thats what I am trying to get here. A whole bunch of engines like that. Not exactly a replica but not exactly stock that function as well as they look.
  6. Yea but a pack that would appeal to the stock players and the replica players. See I am moody when it comes to ksp. I can wake up and wipe my save folder clean and start from scratch with a different vision. Like I can install, FASA, CSS, ISS, Raidernicks, probes and stations, and do completely historical and replica missions. I could be in the middle of building the ISS, I will wipe it clean because now I want to start a career with colonization in mind. Then I want to build super station around laythe. And undoubtedly everytime I get caught up about how to do these things. I personally think I am pretty good at designing things and making them functional and looking good however my issue is getting them there. I either over power things (the kerbal way) but more often then not I am underfueled and lost in space. So if there was a selection of engines where the job was defined for each engine I think that would really help not only me but the entire community. - - - Updated - - - Thats what I mean you just mentioned 3 different mods to fulfill your needs. Do you honestly use all the parts in near future and KW? With just an engine pack you could fulfill all your engine needs with one pack. And if you so choose KW and NF for batteries and landing legs that would be your choice.
  7. I used RLA for a while its a great mod with a good selection of engines and I use Vens revamp now, not just for the engines but mainly for the way the capsules and solar panels look. Lets say for example you want to start a career game with MKS/OKS and Karbonite. They are large but pretty managable mods. Now you want a diverse selection of engines, so you pick rla, fasa, and kw. Along with the dependencies of those mods the dependencies of mks/oks karbonites. Some realism and helpful mods like trajectories, real chutes, dr, tac life support, and all of a sudden your gamdata folder is 20-30 mods deep. Thats really my point, there are a decent selection of tank mods like fuel tank plus and even kw, with a simple engine pack you cut your gamedata folder in half. A strictly engine mods gives you alot of dversity to pursue other things instead of a whole pack like kw or nova or b9. - - - Updated - - - Yea I know Snowhite is working on great little stockalike pack with some nice engines but again I am just looking for a pack of engines. Not an Atlas replica or a stockalike replica but just and rd-180 stock alike thing. I can do the rest.
  8. I have been on these forums for a while now. Let me be clear however I am not a modder and I am just an extremely grateful consumer. This community gives so much and creates truly remarkable things!. There are tanks, stickers, new ways of doing science, transports, colonization, space station building. There are mods dedicated to space shuttles and replicas and historical rockets, models of rockets that could and shouldn't be. However at least in my looking there are no mod packs dedicated to just engines. Not mod packs or part packs that just so happen to feature engines that act like real life ones. I am talking about a mod pack of just engines. No tanks just engines! I am talking about making a pack that features some of the most important engines throughout history and putting them into an engine pack. I know that all of the engines in game are designed to resemble or act like real life engines. Im talking about making a kerbalized F-1 and saying ok thats the mainsail. Im saying lets make a stockalike f1, stock alike rd-180, stock alike lr-87, stock alike rl-10s. stock alike merlin engines, j2, all of the important engines that are used to day or were used extensively throughout history. Not just american but Russian, Chinese, european. Listen I know there are packs out there that do all of this. Yes you can point me towards KW Rocketry, Nova Punch, Bobcats Soviet Engines, KSLO, Bobcats Soviet Pack, Launchers Pack, FASA, I've play with them ALL! I am just looking for a pack that encompasses them all, but just the engines and just the important ones and most versatile. The other issue is if you want something resembling what I am asking for you need to install 30 mods and be a rocket scientist to use them. So Im not asking for a Realism Overhaul or RSS type deal. I like KSP as is I just wish the engines were more realistic and diverse. So my question is can someone make a stockalike pack of historical and modern engines that look and feel like the real things, but work for peoples needs in KSP? Again please I know about most packs, I have been playing KSP and been on these forums for a very long time. Im just curious and I don't have a super computer that can handle 40 mod packs of different engines, tanks, and utility parts. Just the engines thank you.
  9. 10/10 We like alot of the same stuff
  10. Neither actually. I know since this is the parent mod for all the contract packs I figured you might now of some sort of pack that includes rovers on the horizon. Im sure now that it is possible to create contracts I am sure someone with the means to do so will make one. I for one know nothing about cfg, texturing, or modeling. I am just an extremely grateful consumer.
  11. Its frustrating parsing the forums so I will ask it here. Is there anyone working rover contracts. I find it annoying that in a game that comes with rover parts that even the stock contracts dont generate rover contracts.
  12. Wow I was literally about to post a comment about those things.
  13. 5/10 Ive seen you before but not too often
  14. One thing I would like to see is a MAV for returns or a DAV, or no no no nevermind a MonkeyAV. Its really the only thing missing. A proper assent vehicle from Duna. Then I think the monkey system for landing on Duna would be complete.
  15. The terrorists have been "captured" *cough* killed *cough* There were snipers, black helicopters, smart bombs, and special forces involved. The only clue I have is that the helicopters had an enormous BF logo on the side. Anyway no more terrorists in the foreseeable future.
  16. Orange tank with bump and white things. Just as you said. Honestly, I don't like this. And what all of you think about it? Do we need bump? http://i.imgur.com/ZfFnWt7.pngAbout rl10: Now I am really tired, so maybe it will come on weekends. I think an orange would be just fine. You don't have to make it look scratchy if you don't like the way it looks. If you could go for maybe a copper color that would be cool but even then dont push it too much. Again its kerbalized and it just need to look enough like the thing so we know thats what you were going for.
  17. You should reach out to the css people. The SRBs for the css aren't that great.
  18. Actually I only posted it because the creator just posted again yesterday and is making new parts.
  19. A mod to consider for "future" it's very well rendered, great looking parts, great designs, and low memory. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/98913-WIP-KSS-Asimov-A-spaceship-pack-Update-0-0-2-%2811-07-2014%29 It looks great with warp rings.
  20. Interstage decouplers that are scaled 2.5-1.875 would be nice because they are not very common.
  21. Just keep this in mind for the next update or whatever. I did a flyby of minmus to fulfill the flyby minmus contract (duh). However I didn't get credit for it. Upon examing the contract it seems you spelt minmus wrong. I don't know if that would affect the contract but I definitely flew by minmus and the contract did not get completed.
  22. How would that work? The booster tank is 2.5. Why would you make a fairing thats 3.0?
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