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Everything posted by sp1989

  1. Am I the only one that doesn't have any engine effects with the FASA engines? - - - Updated - - - Edit: totally overlooked the smokescreen dependency
  2. I hear you, and I have and know how to manage mods. I'm also not asking for a mod pack. In looking for someone who might be intrested in making an engine pack that look like real world engines but function effectively in game. For example once again. Someone could make main engine that looks like an rd180 BUT give it the strength of the mainsail with a little more efficiency? I'm not asking for replicas. Just a larger variety of engines and oh they just so happen to look like real life engines. I'm talking about making an engine that looks like an rl10 but ha the lvl909 stats. Thats all I mean. And I know I know I know I know, about FASA, AIES, Bobcats engines, kslo, etc. My request for Strictly Engines.
  3. It was designed to boost skylab into a higher orbit/keep it in orbit. It never flew but raidernick made it for because it just awesome!
  4. I yea but I mean actually packaging them together. Besides that this pack is in desperate need of love and if you guys would be willing to fix I am sure you guys could restore it and give it the love it deserves.
  5. That's true however I think more peoplev are intrested in the iss as it currently exists. But by all mean yes do it. I'm sure people will like it. - - - Updated - - - I mean since you guys are working on the shuttle once that is done you guys should steer your talents towards this. I mean whats the point of the shuttle without a variety of real world payloads. It would be funny if it was possible for you guys to package the station parts and shuttle together like the KSO does.
  6. Yea you are gonna have to make your own. This mod consists of how the ISS exists in it current iteration. Not how it was supposed to look. So yea you are gonna have to make your own parts. The CAM can be made with existing parts, and with procedural parts and a good solar panels pack you could definitely make the SPP. Good luck.
  7. Rule number one you do not talk about the hyeptrain rule number two....YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT THE HYPETRAIN
  8. So I play on a macbook with a standard regular mouse. However it seems there shouldn't be an issue since the mac mouse to right click all you need to do is click with two fingers instead of one. So that shouldn't be a problem. However if thats not the case you can get a regular mouse for the mac and it will work just fine on amazon for 7 bucks or if you want splurge and get a wireless one for 10 that would work too.
  9. Alright I'll be more patient but it's funny how it loads faster when I clear the texture cache.
  10. Nope. Honestly I installed FASA for the first time again in a while last Thursday. On Sunday it wouldn't load it hung in that part. So really it just started happening. Honest I haven't added or changed the game since last wednsday.
  11. If anyone is in contact with Bobcat or Dragon please tell them the these mods are very much desired and in need of care. Simply having them work is not enough anymore. They need to be updated please. I would really like to use these things in career mode but alas I keep getting NaN.
  12. I having a new issue with FASA that just popped up in the last day. My loading screen get stuck on the same gemini part. Its an easy fix I just have to delete the the gemini folder from the ATM texture cache and the game loads works perfectly fine with no issue. However if I try to load it again the game will hang on that same piece. So the last 3 or four times I have loaded ksp I just delete the gemini folder from the ATM texture cache and it loads fine. I figure this is an ATM issue but I have never had this problem before it just started happening. Also here is my log if it helps. https://www.dropbox.com/s/j9pm1i59c04ycoi/Player.log?dl=0
  13. I seem to be having a new issue that just popped up in the last day. My loading screen get stuck on the same gemini part. Its an easy fix I just have to delete the the gemini folder from the ATM texture cache and the game loads works perfectly fine with no issue. However if I try to load it again the game will hang on that same piece. So the last 3 or four times I have loaded ksp I just delete the gemini folder from the ATM texture cache and it loads fine. I figure this is an ATM issue but I have never had this problem before it just started happening. Also here is my log if it helps. https://www.dropbox.com/s/j9pm1i59c04ycoi/Player.log?dl=0
  14. Thank you! Just fyi it's not really a performance issue, my issue is the blueing that happens. It happens quite often and it ruins the aesthetic for me. I swear I'm not trying to belabor the point I just think that for however good it looks in the VAB once you hit launch the tanks turning blue annoy me. Again not trying to push the point just fyi.
  15. One addition that I think might be cool is a dual nozzle main engine. Besides from the NASA boosters there are only single nozzle like the mainsail and skippers.
  16. Hey frizz just a quick question about the reflection plugin. I don't know what it would take to do but I noticed that the "Atlas" texture in the procedural parts mod is shiny without the reflection plugin. I was wondering because I still feel that the reflection plugin just doesn't work right. The blueing problem is really annoying and I also feel it cause lag in the vab. I always take the plugin out whenever I install FASA. Its just a question/recommendation. Obviously it is trivial in the grand scheme considering the work you have done on this wonderful pack. Still when the parts are shiny they look wonderful, I just dont like the way it performs, atleast for me.
  17. I really don't know how to do anything with config files or anything like that, but I was wondering if anyone has made a Atlas V texture. I am just assuming that someone has considering the popularity of that particular rocket. If you would be willing to share that with me, it would be much appreciated.
  18. I have been having this problem for days now. My solution was to just delete the specific folder and it all loads up fine. Every thing looks good except for certain IVAs that definitely don't look right. Obviously I know that is result of the missing files. However they just dont load. I have waited for hours to get them to load and I highly doubt its just ATM taking a long time to convert the files. I am talking 2 hours everyday for the last 4 days. I just leave it and let it load. KSP isn't frozen. The scrolls on the loading screen still go by. It seems that no one else is having this problem so it might be a conflict with the mods I have. So the mods are in a picture below, I am running on a mac, and here is my log.
  19. He has a history of disappearing and reappearing with awesome stuff. Give him a chance, if you like paying attention to dates you will also notice that this mod has been in production since July of 2014. So your patience will be rewarded. That being said some sort of update would be nice but I don't think thats how he works. Finally, I have gotten the sense that mod makers who have stuff WIP are waiting for 1.0 because alot is going to be changed it will require some mods to be overhauled or completely changed. So instead of finalizing a project just to have it start over again would be foolish. So that being said I think once 1.0 comes out, you will see alot of stalled WIP stuff finally get released.
  20. What do you mean? I don't think you quite understand what I am talking about. I apologize if I am not being clear. I am looking for a STOCK ENGINE pack. For example I am not looking for an engine to work exactly like and RD-180. However I am looking for an rd-180 that looks and has comparable thrust of an rd-180. Efficient like an rd-180. The feel of the real thing comes from the performance of the engine (rd-180) being able to launch a multitude of kerbal payload into LKO. Then a rl10 engine that is extremely efficient that looks like an rl10 but as I said not a replica, but close enough for avid fans to know its an rl10 to finish the journey into orbit. Essentially allowing players to create an atlas series of rockets. With proc fairings and other mods combined with this engine pack you could create anything. But as I have said a few times now. No such pack exists that features strictly engines. Or engines that are truly comparable in both performance AND style to real life ones. Yea KW might have an engine that looks like a J2 however it is far to big and powerful to be versatile. FASA has these engines but they are exact replicas. AIES might have an engine that looks like and lr-87 but its nowhere near powerful enough to be a main engine. Even if you tweaked all of these things and made a super folder of reconfigured mods now you have to worry about memory, and even if you trimmed down the mod packs to just the ones you wanted it could still push the memory limit for people with weak computers. Besides that, all of that work could take a very long time and is inconvenient. You are right the KSP is not perfect but all I am asking for is a more diverse selection of engines that just so happen to look like real life engines, both historical and modern. - - - Updated - - - The mods he used look like KSLO by Blackheart, KW Rocketry for the fairings, and the RD-180 is an engine from a stockalike engine pack being worked on by snowwhite and can be found here.
  21. Well that's why this is a request strictly for an engine pack. An engine pack of diverse engines that represent real life engines and perform like real life engines. I am not talking about real fuel configs and cryogenics. I'm talking about adding an engine pack that can work with the stock game and add a lot of value to gameplay right out of the box. I'm talking about JUST engines. No configs, no combination of 10 mods. One more time, just engines that look and feel like the real thing but play well in stock ksp.
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