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Everything posted by sp1989

  1. The only RPM that doesn't work is the original HOME command pod
  2. If I do that all the missing parts will show up?
  3. I would have loved to see that!
  4. Is the file supposed to be called HOME 2 or HOME 3 and to be honest there really aren't that many parts when I loaded up the game. I have all the required Mods in my gamedata file. It seems like something is missing. I will troubleshoot some more but you said sfr Command Pods was zipped in the file and that is not in the file you uploaded. Edit: I found the sfr file, still seems to be missing parts though. Edit 2: This is the part folder no HOME 3 parts now I am sure I am probably doing something wrong and I am probably misunderstanding something, but I am just reporting what I see.
  5. You sir have just made ALOT of people happy.
  6. I "bonus" craft file in HGR would be really cool and much appreciated.
  7. Has anyone made a Long March or a "Short Step" (thats what I am going to call mine)? I am gonna make one and probably post some pics. Everyone makes the soyuz but no shenzou.
  8. I pretty much put MIR together with the Buran Arm from bobcats soviet Pack
  9. They definitely would not fit in even the super 25
  10. I apologize, forgive me I am confused. Are you gutting the Soviet pack and releasing it into separate packs? Or are you just updating it. Don't you need the LOK for the N-1? The old Soyuz meaning the green one? Why aren't you gonna support it. I understand its kinda redundant since the TMA is there but if you want to recreate the ASTP don't you need that old Soyuz. Like I said I am kinda confused as to what the status of the Historical packs are. I know you are working with Bobcat to update them and such but what exactly are you going to do with them.
  11. Have you considered making a "Kanada" arm? Since you have all the ISS parts it seems only logical to have an arm to help put stuff together. Not to be greedy but an Arm for the ISS and one for the Super 25. This is partially a request and partially asking if you considered doing it.
  12. Are you going to integrate Bobcats updated Progress and Soyuz when you update the Soviet Pack? Also will apply those updates to the other Soyuz capsules and possibly even the Buran? Im talking about the reentry effects and the IVA's?
  13. Now since you have set the precedent of creating an amazing new part in 72 hours should we expect the Ultra Heavy and Mars Colonial pretty soon as well?
  14. Spend you're time on new mods! People can just use ATM, and deleting mods they don't use anymore. It really isn't complicated. You can easily run KSO and depending on what your computer setup is 10 other BIG mods. Keep up the great work and we will figure out the rest. If people really want KSO they will make room for it.
  15. SERIOUSLY!!! Its a little more than 24 hours from the release and you have a model done?! You sir are the man!!
  16. It is very likely that some mods although they might be broken will be lost forever. It is a sad truth that many of the best mods out there are no longer being maintained and have not been updated in a very long time. Should there be a repository for these mods? Is there going to be a repository for these mods? Is one of the "benefits" of Curse being able to see which modders are currently active and updating/ which mods are still working and current?
  17. Now it would only be Energia style because the S25 had main engines so it would only look like the Energia.
  18. I just used the interstage fairing underneath a decoupler and adjusted the base radius, top radius, and height until it was just touching the LES.
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