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Everything posted by sp1989

  1. Yup classic case of posting before you actually try. I figured out the panels and the RCS. Also I realized I was useing an ISS map that includes the pieces that were cancelled or removed from the final design. That includes a lot of stuff that never went up like the UDM, habitation module, the research modules etc.
  2. If you have all required mods then you installed it wrong. I don't know if it your computer. Even if your computer sucked all the parts should show up. Make sure you have the files installed correctly. Missing parts means most likely you installed it wrong.
  3. Hahaha very well said. It answered my question while simultaneously leaving me confused. Well done.
  4. What iss parts are missing? Are they coming? If not what parts are multi purpose. Like do we use node 2 twice as node 2 and 3? Z1 truss segment etc.
  5. Try this. This is a repaired and updated version of this CSS http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/71360-Component-Space-Shuttle-dev-thread-IMG-heavy%21 it requires a few mods to get it to work again but its actually pretty well done.
  6. Absolutely!! I have it. I just finished building MIR with it. But I was gonna try and put the ISS all together the way it was actually put together, in the right order, etc.
  7. Ok then I have the sticky pad bug because the damn thing doesn't want to even come off the ground out all. I am gonna use dennys for the ISS anyway. The panels and RCS just don't want to stay in the fairings. Thats why I said before maybe you can ask bobcat to make the big black fairings they used to launch the ISS? Even when I placed the RCS in different places the panels still stick out. I gotta make some tough decisions and delete some stuff to get dennys proton to work but this is what happens when you go for realism over practicality am I right?! Also this website http://http://www.spacefacts.de/english/e_iss_assembly.htm really helps when you're trying to get the ISS assembled.
  8. I don't know if this is just me but I put MIR core on top of the Proton and its doesn't even move off the pad.
  9. To get the seperatrons on the bottom on the SRB and the sparklers so the craft file works I think we need a few parts.
  10. AHHHHH its so beautiful I think I am gonna cry! Are the seats a little close too the control panels? Other then that its beautiful, magnificent, bravo!
  11. The thread might not be active but the rocket still works beautifully. I use it everyday for just about everything. Stubbles is working on IRL stuff. But the rocket is certainly working fine.
  12. Just to cut down on memory could you tell us what we need out of the Space Shuttle Engines pack? So we can get rid of the rest. As well as Hullcam.
  13. Now do we need all of KAS or can we just use the plugin?
  14. I mean I am very excited about the upcoming updates but I am having a lot of fun with the current state of the pack. Quick question why not use the rpm IVA that bobcat made for the orion? Is that a licensing thing?
  15. I have the latest version of rpm and the Reentry effects work splendidly. Some of the buttons do indeed work but then some buttons I press I get the error I posted in the picture above. Is it possibly bobcat used an older version if rpm and the new update isn't compatible with the newer version of RPM? Just an idea.
  16. The Reentry effects work now. Atleast for me they do. Still having an issue with the panels in the IVA.
  17. The blue reflection problem is not fixed yet. It still plagues FASA I always remove it.
  18. I have to say that.......this is one of the best put together mods ever!! I love that you took the best of the most popular mods and totally made them your own and packaged them this way. I have had so much fun fooling around with this it nuts. I thought there were going to be more craft files based on the pictures you've posted through out this thread, but thats not a complaint I have had a lot of fun just throwing stuff together. That all being said I did encounter a few issues. The engine on the orion seems to work but doesn't have any effects coming out the nozzle. Also based on some of the picture especially on the last page it seems that I might have an outdated download possibly, unless the stuff you post is WIP, then my bad. Finally seperatrons are a much needed addition, if you plan on updates that is something you need to consider adding especially on the big SRBS. Anyway keep up the great work this is awesome. Also I had a problem with the parachutes. The chutes seems to open out of order.
  19. Excellent!! I loved every second flying this thing. However it runs a little too hot with Deadly Reentry, and I came in a little hot landing and the capsule flipped over. I think there is something wrong when the ship does this.
  20. That could be it because last time I used the Soyuz with the reentry effects its was in .23. I hope there is a fix because that was really cool. Also downloaded the new version and the screen is the same and now it this comes up
  21. I have Deadly Reentry, and you changed something within the last hour?
  22. Ok i got a chance to play with the Soyuz and I still can't get the displays to work properly or the re-entry effects. I can't even toggle the burn effects to work. This is what I get on the display. Now did bobcat change the paint on the engines. I do like the red but I don't miss the red but now they look unpainted or unfinished as plain white just an opinion. Other than the panel problems and the reentry things all is good.
  23. nah! Just do it the right way. It will be worth it whenever it gets done.
  24. That's sounds good. It's kinda tough to look at bobcats after using Denny's. Bobcats proton actually feels the least complete out of all bobcats rockets. But I guess if you never used Denny's it probably seems fine but now after playing with Denny's a little I almost can't go back. The same is true with his N1 but bobcats is pretty good too so that's not as bad. I suppose complete is the wrong word. Maybe least polished is better.
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