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Everything posted by Othuyeg

  1. You have given me an idea right there. edit: just to clarify, mainly I use so much monopropellant, because I personally feel that it makes my crafts a bit more realistic and adds a bit more difficulty to the equation as I need to resupply it more often.
  2. My new minmus station. It is designed to refuel the landing craft and store the experiments in the lab. The lab will eventually be brought back to kerbin by a very simple probe. And yes, I love wasting monopropellant. And actually the other lab is manned so poor Altrey is not all alone up there. My lander is an older craft, repurposed, so it has a bit of extra delta-V... Just a little bit.
  3. My personal advice is to always put a probe core on your space station if you are unsure if you are going to have it manned at all times or you are planning to do crew transfers of any sort.
  4. I do not see how this would be possible without releasing the krak... OH NO IT IS HERE! RUN!
  5. Kerbals are green, therefore they are resistant to radioactivity. This has been proven in scientific studies conducted in the University of Madeuplandia.
  6. It is easy to make a small supermanouverable craft in stock KSP. Making one that is big and can land anywhere, that is where the fun is. http://www.twitch.tv/othuyeg/c/3868521
  7. I am going to send a similar craft to the Mun aswell. I might put more swag lights on it.
  8. My new rover station on minmus. It is super easy to dock and undock the rover and I am really pleased how it turned out. I can either use RCS to jump the rover into docking, or just raise my landing legs on the main craft, picking the rover up in style.
  9. Which of the decouplers are you using? Is it the TT-38K Radial Decoupler? http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/TT-38K_Radial_Decoupler You could try using a structural part, such as a girder, between the decoupler and the booster. Or try using another type of a decoupler.
  10. A crazy thought: Make a space plane. Duna has enough atmosphere to allow for you to glide down if you have big enough wings.
  11. Yes, that is true. I only wrote it that way because it felt more appropriate in the context of the conversation.
  12. My idea would be to make a refueling station in orbit and use a mixture of nuclear engines and a liquid fuel engine. Edit: remember, once in orbit, you can repack parachutes during an EVA. You could utilize large parachutes to slow you down during landing. Maybe use a liquid engine (skipper?) and multiple radially attached nuclear engines. Use the skipper to lift off the ground and the nuclear engines to meet up with the orbital station.
  13. Scott Manley once killed two stones with one bird. In case of an emergency, 911 calls him. A study from a swedish university has proven him to be capable of timewarp. In real life.
  14. There needs to be a very strong net that we can use to capture an asteroid and use its energy to hurl us around the solar system-
  15. Definetly a mun or minmus flyby. Mun is easier to do a flyby on, as its orbit is not inclined. Do an EVA on mun sphere of influence, take some goo with you, get science.
  16. I am now playing a new career and have yet to even touch minmus (I have unlocked everything, as I have been to other planets and captured plenty of asteroids) and I am now trying to see how much science I can bring back in one science lab. Edit: Quick question, does processing data move the processed data from their equipment to the lab?
  17. Could you take some pictures of the craft in SPH with the COL, COT and COM showing?
  18. If you bring a lab to mun or minmus orbit, you can store as many surface samples and other scientific reports in it.
  19. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/22251-Showcase-SPACE-STATIONS!-Post-your-pictures-here There is a thread about this already.
  20. There is already a class of ships that you are describing. It is called the phallistic missile.
  21. Very very nice. Thank you for the information. My Mun station is switching from multiple escape pods to one lab with massive parachutes. Also, thank you for going to the trouble of testing it.
  22. I heard that you can have multiple reports and surface samples stored in the mobile processing lab. Is this indeed correct?
  23. This is earthworm calling homebase, the jig is up. I repeat, the jig is up.
  24. You would propably want to go to Jupiter to have some real fun with magnetic fields. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetosphere_of_Jupiter You could for example utilize Lorentz force. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorentz_force Basically, Jupiter could be used to launch probes.
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