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Everything posted by CobaltWolf

  1. Man I feel inspired now... (Note that the Scout 3rd and 4th stages, along with the fins, are already in the mod.
  2. lol I don't make IVAs. It has a basic one right now, I'm trying to get my IVA peeps to take a look at it when they have time. It's in BDB. Click the big blue thing in my signature.
  3. Dunno. However long it takes me? Stuff gets done as fast as I can get it usually Why make ugly modern rockets when there is LDC Titan and CELV Atlas to plunder 3.125m parts from?
  4. Can AutoCAD even output polygons..? How much control do you have over the polycount? (Psst, if you don't like Blender, look into getting a student license of Maya)
  5. I have it on good authority that there is a BDB-alike SLS (not by me) coming down the road... (I'm serious / not joking) I have no life. I basically just drink and make KSP parts. EDIT: If you haven't seen it, click the roadmap button in my sig. It's not very updated, especially for the newer Saturn/Apollo/LEM derived plans. There's a fair amount of stuff that I have reference material for that I haven't put in yet. Let me know if anything in particular strikes your fancy; I've been known to change plans based on what gets people excited.
  6. Delta IV is on the roadmap - but only to liquid people off by getting their hopes up. I don't like big ugly orange rockets *cough*saturnmultibody*cough* RE: more solid SLVs... Algol and Castor will probably be in this update, they'll only take an afternoon to do. That means that in the first two tech nodes you'd have 4 rockets to mix and match between. I will have to see if I can do mesh switching to switch between radial angled nozzles and straight inline ones... The problem with having more solid motors is, well, they're all kind of the same. So I am feeling like I probably won't do dedicated Taurus solids. :/ You'll note that the Super Strypi only has its fins listed... Speaking of MOAR SOLIDS, I think Saturn 1 still needs it's new first stage...
  7. uhh, oops. For some reason one of the thrustTransforms was at 0,0,0... idk why. Fixed now, on Github. danks bruh
  8. It was based on this I, uh, opened Unity then got distracted. It's up now. Normally I'd be annoyed but actually thanks for reminding me.
  9. You're telling me - they're scaled in the Y axis down to like 5% and scale up as they become visible Otherwise they clip through the top of the heatshield.
  10. @Jso does some miracles with balancing the performance, but since neither of us have much time to play, a lot of tech tree placement and pricing stuff is out of whack. If anyone wanted to make a pull request on Github with some improvements... Also, some stuff from tonight's noodling session (read: I didn't have anything I actually felt like working on)
  11. Saturn initially heavily overperformed (even by our standards) and was whacked around with a barbed wire nerf bat a few too many times. The balance is still a bit in flux. And a texture using the stock fairing system? Not a chance. Ask squad to make it so their fairing system doesn't mangle the hell outta textures and maybe I'll be able to get one that looks better. (on a related note, the texture for the current fairing appears to be off-color and I'm not sure why. I'm pretty sure that the fairing doesn't use a remotely correct shader and I don't think I can change that...) EDIT: @legoclone09 it's 1866Mhz DDR3. I have two open slots but the way they make RAM sticks these days (with those stupid fat plastic covers) makes me question whether I can fit more in. I had to stagger them in my current PC...
  12. @JoseEduardo I don't believe the Block II Shuttle design would support it, with the pop-off cockpit...
  13. Is that from the Github commits I made last night? I re-exported that interstage to correct some smoothing errors that someone noticed. I probably messed up the thrustTransforms; I'll fix them first thing when I get home tonight.
  14. Hey everyone! Nov 1st is coming up, so I wanted to take a quick moment to plug my Patreon again! Making things for KSP is pretty much my main (and only) hobby, and on an average night I usually spend 3-4 hours working on BDB content, on top of being a full time college student. Supporting BDB via Patreon helps keep me supplied with vitamin gummies, coffee, and liquor - the three things that BDB runs on, as well as making me feel appreciated. Additionally, I'm currently saving for upgrades to my computer's RAM, as my current 8gb setup often has to cache to disk when I'm working, slowing me down and causing software crashes. If donating to BDB isn't for you, don't worry! Just know that I expect screenshots on the thread instead. As always, BDB (and my other projects) are completely free. New WIP screenshots are posted to the thread as soon as I feel they are worth showing, and new dev stuff is put up on Github several times a week. This is just to help support what I do. Also, in an effort to be transparent: Some time ago, I said that donations would be spent on getting Eucl3d 3D prints of the Kane, Sina, and Sarnus V. I wound up having to spend those donations on getting things for my new apartment like dishsoap and paper towels. I don't want to double dip on that front, so I'm seeing if I can swing them with Christmas money. Also also, my doctor recommended that I start taking vitamin supplements for some health issues I've been having. They're on my mind today
  15. Well, there's no real point in releasing a 1.2 compatible version of the old system which used a generic version of his science animation plugin - the new dedicated plugin is close enough to being done that it would probably just break people's saves if they manage to deploy one before the update. @DMagic sent me some very exciting updates regarding it, with a lot of GUI improvements. Again, no dates or anything but he sounded like he was mostly polishing and cleaning it up at this point.
  16. Some more pics of what I got done tonight (click for more pics!), now available on Github for the adventurous testers. Note that the non-Block 2 Apollo parts still don't have normals or speculars - I want to fill the texture sheet before I do.
  17. Oh, also, it's a bit late and all but @akron is streaming dev stuff and I'm mumbling and swearing at Unity in the background. https://www.twitch.tv/akron712
  18. They're parts to make Centaur E/G/G'/T. G and G' were supposed to fly on Shuttle. T is basically G' modified to fly on Titan IV, and E was the ETS designation for G', and flew on Saturn 1C and Saturn Multibody for high energy probe missions.
  19. Thanks for volunteering to test it! I just updated the RCS and added in the transmitter from a Communotron 16. Let me know if everything works and I'll push it to Spacedock.
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