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Everything posted by CobaltWolf

  1. Speaking of streams, I will be hanging out over at @akron's stream tonight. I have a bunch of busywork to get done, mostly polishing the MOS parts and getting proper descriptions, balancing etc done for them. He's planning on starting around 7 PM eastern (or about an hour and a half from this post), on his twitch channel, and I hope to see some peeps there!
  2. I'm trying really hard not to work right now, so have a geostationary satellite launch.
  3. Ignore the strange lighting on the MOS core module, I messed up the normal maps. They are being fixed post-haste.
  4. Hey y'all! So right now it looks like we are go for stream tonight, some time between 6PM and 7PM Eastern. I'll be working on... stuff. I haven't fully decided yet, I might put it up to a vote. See you there!
  5. I'm sure this is a gray area, but could you try and 'trace' the UV map from the existing/original texture? That way you'd have guides to get more detail into the new one.
  6. My advice would just be to work on whatever you feel like.
  7. Is everything properly attached to a central station part? Some screenshots of the issues would be helpful. They can't be run by themselves.
  8. There are actually 3 or 4 different variants of the S-I stage. When you're making massive rockets like that, the designers like to take time and fiddle with them. Same as how all the Shuttles were different. But functionally they are all the same. @IronCretin Saturn was designed to be able to build rockets using stages as building blocks. When I'm done you'll have a whole bunch to mix and match from.
  9. ... yes? That is how Saturn is built. There were some slight differences between the Saturn 1B and Saturn V versions of the S-IVB. Mostly weight reductions because the 1B version wasn't expected to fire multiple times, so it didn't have all the extra restart equipment.
  10. I'm not sure what you mean by dev cycle. The next update will only contain the basic Saturn 1, which is S-I and S-IV. S-IVB is like 85% modeled and will be the next Saturn segment completed. After that is S-IC and S-II. Apollo is coming at some point, maybe at the same time as Saturn V, maybe earlier. The LEM will likely be the last thing to get done for the basic Apollo/Saturn stuff. I was aiming for finishing it by the end of the summer but that probably wont happen at this point. The Atlas/Titan expansions (barring a refresh of certain parts) are happening after the important Apollo/Saturn stuff is done.
  11. Quick update peeps - I plan on trying to stream tomorrow night, provided I don't get slammed with another project with a tight deadline. It might be a bit later than usual though. Friday night, @akron over at Coatl Aerospace is going to stream and I will hopefully be there, at least in the chat. If he doesn't wind up streaming I *may* be able to, but we may both be slammed by #RealLifeStuff.
  12. ^ unwrap the logo areas as separate UV islands and blow those up on the texture, and keep the rest at a lower texel density. I usually go for something like 1k for a whole rocket but my mod sacrifices a bit of fidelity to balance the sheer size of it.
  13. @svendii awesome to see you continue to expand on this! Everything is looking very good, I look forward to seeing more!
  14. Side project will be this week, and hopefully we will track down those issues soon. I know there's something different about those parts - they were extremely prone to exploding even compared to the other ones. I need to figure out why.
  15. Nonsense! Planet pack especially don't have much of a prior experience requirement, since you're working with special KSP tools. Give it a try!
  16. Me and him were working on a side project last night, hopefully it will be released this week.
  17. Hey everyone, I'm working on something for a little side project right now, but I figured I might as well stream it! I am only going to be on for a couple hours, but if you're like to see one of the mini-mod projects I'm working on with other forum members, swing by! https://www.twitch.tv/cobaltwolfy
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