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Everything posted by CobaltWolf

  1. it actually wouldn't be - as long as it can find the parts based on the name in the first line of the cfg, you'll be fine.
  2. ...is it in your Program Files folder? That's usually write protected.
  3. I meant variations covered in the manual, but there's probably a bunch I haven't thought of. I'm excited to see a 3BAS2 once the Algol SRB is in. No, but if someone makes them I'd be happy to include them!
  4. They look great! I'm only looking for the most basic/iconic configuration of each launcher, but I'd be elated I some of the more obscure variants found their way in as well! And if you keep adding them to that album I'd be able to just add it to the OP! I love the historical information. I know that when I played FASA I had never seen a Redstone, Atlas, or Titan before so all that stuff was an introduction for me. For some of the more obscure launchers I think it would be a great opportunity for more context for them, like the Diamant and Juno.
  5. It was a real thing! It got brought on Apollo 16. It wasn't left connected to the Central Station so it wasn't considered part of ALSEP. We already have a wind speed indicator in the weather station, along with a barometer and humidity detector. I'll look into the Oxygen thing.
  6. Those look great! But because I'm picky, here's a couple things: -The Mercury Redstone image is a bit dark, due to the launcher being backlit. -The decals on the launcher give the impression that I have writing on them - they don't. - I think the Mercury Atlas is a bit more iconic with the booster engines, no? I'm not sure. That screenshot is too good to pass up though. - The GLV screenshot looks great!
  7. No, I'm out of town right now. I wanted to stream Monday night but that may not happen either, depending on how much contract work I have when I get back. @akron is streaming tonight tho.
  8. @Jso basically compiled all the stuff from the dev builds at the time and released them. It includes the unfinished Saturn and MOS parts, but they're not stable / done. If you've been running dev builds from after I got back from my trip (~2 weeks ago) then you're good.
  9. Uhhh... it's redoing several parts for a mod that has a name very similar to one of the KSC buildings. And it was supposed to be a little weekend project for me and @akron that has been pushed off for... months now. Nothing big but I'd like to think it will improve the game for people that use that mod. Moreover, I want to take care of that so we can move on to our other, more significant secret project.
  10. A plugin is a kind of mod, that includes code that someone had to program. Other kinds of mod would be (for example) a mod that simply adds new parts to the game. They don't need any programming experience, but many make use of other people's plugins in order to work.
  11. Well, RemoteTech and (I believe) AntennaRange compatibility configs start by deleting the stock transmission module. If they're not properly configured (ie if the configs don't know to only run IF one of those mods is installed) then they possibly could be deleting modules and then not replacing them. How about posting a log file? Either copying the contents into a code block in your post ( the <> button in the post editor) or uploading it into Pastebin or something.
  12. #JustGeneralRocketryThings What are people's thoughts on that node by the way? I hate how much stuff I've had to shove into it. I think the situation could be relieved somewhat by pushing Atlas back one node - this is the same node as Titan 1. However, the reason Atlas comes in its current node is so that you can make Atlas-Mercury in a timely manner, and I didn't want people to be upset/confused by that. What should be done? Besides Atlas, I believe Agena A, Thor, and Juno unlock at that node. Some of those parts can probably be moved as well to the next node, such as the XL Thor tank.
  13. No, I do not have anything like that. But you could probably save some work and write a batch file to spit it all out. Something like grab the values for the "part = ", "name = ", the line for tech tree placement, etc. With that said, the majority of the BDB parts probably don't have to move around at all. The only things I could think of would be if you wanted to move the MOL stuff to the stations line, and shifting the larger rockets over near the end of the tree.
  14. Working on Kerbin..? I will take a look at importing the existing models, to make sure I don't mess with the node placements at all.
  15. WIP models for the Camera (points back towards the SEP to record your shenanigans) and the UV Telescope (Technically not part of the ALSEP, but hey). EDIT: And here's some new hand tools, with the screwdriver for scale. They're probably a bit big at the moment but you get the idea. ALSO, we need more ideas for atmospheric experiments! If you have any ideas for experiments that would be SPECIFIC to planets with atmosphere, that would be great! A number of the experiments for SEP ONLY work on atmosphere-less bodies, which means they give significantly more science than atmospheric bodies.
  16. IIRC, @NovaSilisko was a modder, then hired by the stock developers, then stopped making things for KSP. He mostly just plays the game anymore.
  17. I was planning on calling it 'done' after Saturn V / Apollo / LEM were added. Not that I'll stop working / adding more things, but all that will be stretch goals.
  18. I also did the one nozzle being both RCS and engine thing for the PCS-T RCS in BDB. My vote for the next thing you do is finishing your part of the secret project
  19. I think something like Tantares, with the fully built launchers, is enough. I'll just say to look at the manual for a more comprehensive idea of what can be built.
  20. sure! If you know where the latest manual update is ( look at @discoslelge's recent posts) then those are the crafts I'd follow. I have so many things I say I'm going to do but I very rarely get to them before something else comes up haha.
  21. yes, delete all the parts folders other than the ones you want. Delta II is in, surprise, Delta. And Transtage is in Titan. If you'd like to further prune out the Titan folder (its fairly well populated) let me know. I don't see why not. It wont use any of the extra nodes but I don't think you need to do anything in order to 'work' with CTT.
  22. I removed them due to inconsistency. If anyone wants to take screenshots (with a bunch of visual mods ) of all the launchers and other stuff, sort of like how Beale has in the Tantares OP, that'd be awesome. I'd love to do something like what Akron and Hoojiwana have, with all their parts laid out in nice images, but that's a bit impractical right now haha.
  23. @cxg2827 I know the real modules don't have variation in the value of the panels, but I am curious to see how, for example, darkening the raised panels by 1-3% would make them look.
  24. Just skimmed some of the thread real quick - My parts currently do not have RSS/RO compatibility. If you are just looking for RSS, Real Scale Boosters by @NecroBones might be better. If you need AJ-60 SRBs, you'll need to grab them from KW Rocketry or something since I do not have them yet.
  25. Yeah its basically just a way to tell CKAN to download a bunch of mods and their dependencies. Not repackaging/rehosting.
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