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Everything posted by CobaltWolf

  1. Well, I am a tweakscale... uh, man of the night, so all the Atlas / Centaur stuff will support tweakscale on release.
  2. I think part of the problem is that there's no way in game to convey a realistic progression through abstract 'science'. How does measuring the temperature of the Mun give me better engines? There is such a separation between 'science', the abstract... well, not abstract, but not necessarily useful thing, that both man and Kerbals seek, and engineering. Better engineering is what gets you better rockets, better parts, etc. And that is more often than not simply a product of giving R&D more time and money. Neither of which Kerbals really have in short supply. I guess my point is there is a disconnect between the motivating factor (get new parts) and the way we achieve it (conduct science). Nevermind that IRL a majority of the advancements in rocketry were done by the military then passed on piecemeal to NASA/ROSCOSMOS
  3. What antenna is that on top? Looks like there are cords wrapping around the waveguide or something. EDIT: I'm a dumb. It's a radiator / solar panel.
  4. What I've had to do is have a ring of box colliders to rough out the shape of the fairing, and then you could just have a normal cylinder for the inner part. Put the ring of colliders under the wider fairing in the Unity hierarchy. Will that work? I have no idea, don't ask me, apparently my Atlas fairing makes the whole rocket explode when you separate it. But it's worth a try.
  5. What did you use for the verniers? 0.o EDIT: For anyone who hasn't gathered, I'll be putting up a stream tomorrow night while I try to pound out the rest of the art for the update. I'll post a link once I have the stream up. Feel free to stop in, say hello, keep me company haha. In theory I could put out a dev release afterwards, but I'm going to try and get the full release out the next morning. Hopefully that gives time for any critical bugs to be found + fixed before hiatus.
  6. Well, I certainly plan on releasing more science experiments as time goes on. I think I'd rather keep them under my wing but if I get enough I will probably start doing standalone releases. I also am planning on making a better ALSEP mod once I get past my incoming Fallout 4 related hiatus. All in all, good ideas here.
  7. OoooOOOOooooh what is that?
  8. I hate 512x512... it's bigger than I need for a lot of stuff but a 256 is often too small. It's like I'll need 512x256 for the major components of a texture sheet (in this case the main tank unwrap) and then another 256x256 quadrant for all the smaller pieces (rims, etc)... leaving another 256x256 of the texture sheet wasted. I want to go back and add more to them. For example, the Atlas engine sheet, in addition to the LR105, LR89 and LR101, will also likely get the Agena engine I modeled a while back but haven't had time to unwrap. But I feel like that could quickly get disorganized, using all these random textures. I liked your monopropellant box part so I'll probably just have to wait for something appropriate I can squeeze in.
  9. Yup! When I made that test release with the new fairing decouplers I forgot to go back and fix the auto fairing. It's getting fixed before release.
  10. "But Cobalt, isn't that the same as last time?" Quiet you. I had too much space left so now the main tank has a bespoke fully unwrapped texture, no overlap. So now I have a bit more flexibility + can paint in some AO. The other three tanks stay the same.
  11. I'm sorry to say but I don't think I have ever actually paid attention to texel density haha. I've started to rough in the textures as I UV unwrap so I always know things will be at an acceptable level. Unfortunately that has led to me having... uh, some leftover space. The tanks are only about halfway unwrapped but you can see my predicament. I couldn't fit both the fairing (which needs a large, unique texture) and all the tanks in one 512... but now I'm thinking I should have tried. EDIT: Thinking about it... to be quite honest, I feel like I perceive horrifically compressed textures as being part of the KSP aesthetic, but that's probably because I never play above minimum settings. My parts probably look awful in game next to others.
  12. Yup! I'm going to try and smash the rest of the assets (though perhaps not finish getting them into unity, fixing bugs, etc) tomorrow night. If anyone is interested I could start a stream? It would be around 6 Eastern to whenever.
  13. Getting some work done on the fairing. Texture is mostly done, then need to finish the fuel tanks and the vernier, then it should be a straight shot to cleaning everything up for release! EDIT: Some more work on the fuel tanks.
  14. You need to build the whole telescope. You need the lens (CactEye or FungEye), with the core inserted in the bay, and an experiment (Maybe not anymore? Haven't used the mod in a while, just passing through the thread) and the special reaction wheels (they have adjustable torque to fine tune where you're looking)
  15. Ok. I don't have time to be booting up the game a bunch of times today (in the middle of animation homework) but I'd like to have this fixed in the next update. 1)Does this happen with only stock, SRR and BDB? 2)If it does, then what happens if you delete the 'sciencedefs_compatibility.cfg' file from the Bluedog_DB folder? 3)What happens if the Bluedog_DB/Resources folder is deleted?
  16. How is it broken? I just downloaded it to take a look and there is nothing in there that affects the BDB parts. I need more information in order to understand what the problem is.
  17. Hey people! Sorry for the bump, but for anyone interested, I want more feedback on the balancing of the Atlas/Centaur parts, as well as any bugs y'all find in the current dev release. Art is progressing slowly when I find time for it, but I'm still more or less on schedule. Working here and there for the next couple days, then smash it on Thursday. I'd like to be able to just release it smoothly as soon as I finish the models + textures. Dev release is downloadable here. This is the same one as Thursday's so if you have it already that's great! FOR NEXT RELEASE: -Implement Curt's suggestions on page 23 -Finish Centaur parts -One of the tank ends is offset too far in, leaving a gap. -Add tweakscale to Centaur parts -Tweak / finish textures -Fairing texture is bad -color pallet for mounting plate + engine -Redo the nozzle texture -Fix mounting plate fairing (needs to be shortened) -Thrust effects for RL-10 need to be moved down -Finish Atlas I parts -Finish modeling parts -Fuel tanks -Use common tank top as in centaur parts. -Adapter tank -LR-101 Vernier (10 thrust, 10degree gimbal) -Add LR-101 stack, no gimbal, small thruster for probes whatever. Just reuses the nozzle without the mounting housing. -UV unwrap parts -Texture parts -Add tweakscale to Atlas parts where appropriate -Implement any additional feedback from the forums -Add proper kerbal names / descriptions for all new parts
  18. Had to search for what you were talking about... it seems that Porkjet has turned his eyes towards the stock rocket parts (not just the airplane parts) and so we might see the rocket parts be brought more into line with his art style. So eventually the Mk1-2 pod will probaby get redone.
  19. Hyperedit is good, as long as you remember to revert Also useful, if you're up to it, is Kerbal Construction Time. You can run 'simulations' (read: pay a fee to test the ship for a limited time, at the end of which your game reverts) and you can run simulations on other bodies.
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