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Everything posted by CobaltWolf

  1. Kart how are you doing the fairings for the Delta K? I don't see a download link available so I couldn't see for myself. @VenomousRequiem is trying to get me to make one for BDB but I'm not entirely sure how I'd go about it. Our thought was to make a 1.5m (the scale of Thor/Delta in my mod) fairing base, and then have Delta K be 1.25m underneath, with the tank and engine. But that then requires some sort of fairing.

    I'm about an inch away from just listing PFairings as a requirement, just to have the easy to make interstages.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CobaltWolf


      Oh yes yes yes, the interstage not the payload. My problem is I'd like to leave it... I suppose 'open' to having different engines placed on the stage. So the obvious answer of custom making a fairing doesn't quite work, since the engines vary slightly in length. I was wondering how you chose to do it? Venom pointed me towards your Atlas V for the Centaur interstage so I figured I'd ask. I know how to do the colliders.

    3. Kartoffelkuchen


      Ah now I understood I believe! Well, the way I do it, is to just make a complete new, hollow part, with the diameter you need. That's where your engine goes into. Then just do colliders and cpnfigs.

      Note, you'll need to specify another node where the bottom of your upper stage tank sits on the top of your interstage. Find out that height, and add it to your node. Then just add another node where your engine gets attached to (to the tank). I hope this helps? 

      You can also just check out my Falcon 9, it uses exactly that. ;)

    4. CobaltWolf


      Hmm. Yes it does. I will have to mess around with things, you'll see something on my thread at some point. Thanks Kart!

  2. What about the shaders would make someone redo textures from scratch @Kartoffelkuchen please I'm getting scared. EDIT: I forgot to reload the page before replying.
  3. Here's one. My parachute animates correctly, but doesn't actually slow the craft down. Does anyone have ideas for this? Is it a common thing? If not I can hijack this thread post more info.
  4. Thank you! Is that how you tag people here now? Yes, a big thanks to @passinglurker for his Bloeting Corp parts. They still show up in game as Bloeting, which also appears as a contractor. As for your questions, 1) 2) The top node and the RCS are exactly 0.625m. I don't know about the stock pod but they should function with the other things I've been working on, like the two man pod. 3) The pod is a bit squat for Mercury. That's part of the original design of the Hermes, and I can't change it without completely remaking the pod geometry, which I didn't want to do. I already remade the RCS (since it doesn't have the Tantares one now), parachute, and LES. At any rate, I kinda like it. I like my Kerbal replicas slightly squat + cute. 4) As you can see in the screenshot, it does indeed work. They're part of the parachute module, which splits right below the white stripe. I know that's not where the real parachute goes, but it was the best way I could split it up for KSP. I was planning on putting some science in the RCS module. Perhaps a goo pod? Materials bay? I'm not sure. It's a bit late now to make it have an animation, but the science is more of an afterthought. I'm also hesitant to include too much science in parts that aren't science modules, just because that's not how the game works and so it makes the parts feel slightly cheaty IMO. Bear in mind I usually just clip my science parts into the pod haha. 5-ish) Which panels? If you could highlight them in paint or something that'd be really helpful haha. EDIT: Have a screenshot from a suborbital hop.
  5. I mean... it's supposed to work at Tech 0. It doesn't? EDIT: So, Agena. How do y'all want this thing set up? My thought was to have: 1) 1.25m tanks (long and short) in the Agena style. 2) 0.9375m tank w/ 1.25m adapter on top 3) Agena engine, would include a 1.25m autofairing 4) I was thinking of making the secondary thrusters, along with the fuel supplies, into a single part OMS, that could be radially attached. Some Agenas had none, some had two, some had 4. Which leaves us with the question of how to do the fairings for the whole setup. There's no way to autoshroud it all without making the shroud for the engine longer than it should be, which would inconvenience anyone that wants to use the engine elsewhere. I could make the engine and the adapter tank all one unit, but that means that you'd be able to radially attach to the engine. Or I could just say use PFairings. The alternate idea would be to make the adapter tank + engine into a single piece, with its own adapter fairing, and include the engine and tank separately. No extra textures used, so essentially ram free, but it adds two extra parts to your catalog. Thoughts?
  6. Randy (this is now and forever how I will read your name) it looks like a lot of your parts would benefit from setting some of the edges to 'soft' rather than 'hard', so that they appear to be smooth curves in game. I'm not sure what modeling program you're using so I don't know how to go into more detail then that.
  7. Wow! This looks great - not every day someone just drops a good looking mod on the forums.
  8. I'm not entirely sure what you mean. I think making them have rows of rectangular windows would be preferably to a bunch of round windows, which look strange when used that frequently. Though looking at the Haas rocket details it seems like they look like that on the real one.
  9. Technically, yes. But the Mercury parts are based on PassingLurker's Bloeting Corp parts pack, which he passed to me to include in BDB. There's no real reason in KSP to make it have three nozzles instead of one, so I left it as-is.
  10. Purty rockets. I will say though - the abundance of circular windows on the tourist modules is a little... creepy looking.
  11. Test test? Are we back? Hi guys! So, good news and bad news. Good news is I have gotten some stuff done. New AJ10 nozzle textures. A lot of the stuff from the rocket part expansion was lacklustre and I'd like to go back and fix them. Mercury is coming along nicely. As well as Fenris One the probe part front, the solar battery got knocked out Thursday. Time for the bad news. This week is my lead up to finals, which are next week. I also have a lot of interviews lined up for internships over this coming spring / summer. I tell you all this because it's probably in out collective best interests for you to yell at me if you see me around here over the next two weeks. Cheers!
  12. [quote name='A1Ch1']If you ever feel like you're running out of Atlases... there's [URL="http://www.b14643.de/Spacerockets_2/United_States_4/Atlas-Vega/Description/Frame.htm"]always[/URL] [URL="http://www.spacelaunchreport.com/atlas-vega-card.jpg"]Atlas-Vega[/URL], the cancellation of which drove GE out of the rocket business :)[/QUOTE] Very cool! I was planning on doing something Vega-inspired for a 1.5m upper stage.
  13. [quote name='Sgt.Shutesie']Are you considering making a Proton perhaps? I know Tantares has one, but I like the spin you put on your rocket textures.[/QUOTE] Likely not. Personally I am a big fan of Tantares, and I am generally content to like the overseas things to him. BDB mostly focuses on 'Murican inspired rockets, but I suppose eventually I'll run out of those. On a side note, I find it somewhat ironic that that is the groove I've fallen in, considering the mod name was inspired by the various design bureaus of the soviet space program. There are some textures that I'm really proud of (the XL thor tank, vanguard engine and the castor in the latest update come to mind) while others I struggle with (the AJ10s... and, well, most of the last update's fuel tanks). I would like to make them more consistent, but I supposed that is part of the reason why I started doing this in the first place, nyeh?
  14. Hey guys! I was able to devote a couple hours tonight to making a couple new probe parts. The first is (finally) finishing up a part I started working on back in September, the engine module from a Lunar Orbiter probe. It is basically a tiny self contained propulsion section for probes - fuel, a small mono engine, and 4 RCS thrusters to keep two-axis control. To demonstrate, I launched a probe into lunar orbit aboard a custom launcher. [imgur]Ejke2[/imgur] The second thing, I know a lot of people want RCS thrusters that can also be used for some manuevers here or there. So I made a 3-way corner RCS, for use with cubesats or really anything. There are two flavors - normal, and one with an enlarged bottom thruster. This second one has an overdrive feature on the bottom thruster. Controlled via the throttle, it still functions as an RCS thruster. To demonstrate, I launched a weather satellite into high orbit over Kerbin. The thing on top is a DMagic GOREsat module. Apologies for the night launch. [imgur]1gbtm[/imgur] Dev release is available [URL="http://www./download/e9n12x99v1g86mf/Bluedog_DB_Dev_24_11_2015.zip"]HERE[/URL]. Please keep in mind I have a wide variety of parts planned for this release so it will be a while before release. My finals start the week after Thanksgiving and I'm interviewing for internships starting next week. I'm avoiding working on anything big (Mercury, etc) until then. Cheers!
  15. Am I allowed to come shill in this thread? I'd be more than obliged to.
  16. [quote name='tygoo7']It's mostly based off of [URL="https://cdn0.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/w9gEOHIukBp2sX9mr6Kv4vuHDCM=/cdn0.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/2520292/NH_pluto.0.jpg"]New Horizons[/URL].[/QUOTE] Oh yeah I got that. I was curious if it was intended to have a unique functionality like the hedgehog or if you just wanted to make New Horizons. :3
  17. Cool! Anything interesting about it or just a new shape?
  18. [quote name='tygoo7']I'll try a bit with some fake AO. My first tests with fake AO didn't go so well since the faces are only laid out as 3 faces in the UV map (not including top or bottom). Well if my math is correct, 6824. No idea how much the bases added because I didn't keep the original spikes. EDIT: How about now? [URL]http://i.imgur.com/cjPTwrI.png[/URL][/QUOTE] Honestly that's enough of an improvement that I think it will look fine in game!
  19. [quote name='tygoo7']The spikes do look a bit out of place, I gotta admit. I'll probably model a base or something for them to look like they are actually part of the probe. EDIT: How does this look? [URL]http://i.imgur.com/ZR7RYGF.png[/URL][/QUOTE] I don't know how you laid out the UV map for the probe, but seeing as you've distributed the spikes more or less evenly - I think what you need it some fake AO on the bottom left + top right of each panel. That's really what makes them look out of place at the moment IMO. The bases are a step in the right direction. Also, out of curiosity, how do all the spikes affect your poly count? What about with the bases?
  20. And here's two more solar panels for ya. One is based on the solar paddles on Pioneer 5 and Explorer 6, the other based on some of the Ranger series of impactors. Thanks to Beale for his solar panel texture which I've shamelessly used instead of trying to make my own. [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/ouHpwBj.png[/IMG]
  21. The texture doesn't seem to match the mesh of the spikes. Perhaps you should make it more obvious where they connect to the body of the probe. Right now it looks disjointed. My suggestion would be to either draw a rim around the base of the spikes on the texture, or model a small plate that is at the base of each pair of spikes.
  22. [quote name='davidy12']Yeah, I think its Tantares. Does it look like a Hex probe with a strut section around it?[/QUOTE] ... Yes that's what the Ranger probe bus looks like xD I'm pretty sure I had it in RP-0 though without Tantares installed. ... It's in SXT. "HECS-Ranger Advanced Probe [1.25m to 2.5m Large Probe]" EDIT: Also, hey, we make it to 50 pages and 2500 downloads! EDIT2: Banged out a probe core I've been wanting for a while. Still working on the textures. Inspired by Venera 1 and Pioneer 5. [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/ctzywlL.png[/IMG]
  23. [quote name='davidy12']Where did lack make a ranger?[/QUOTE] It's in his SXT pack but it's placed fairly late in the tree. Or maybe I'm crazy and its in a different mod.
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