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Everything posted by CobaltWolf

  1. I figured! I think you should feel free to explore with stuff. Personally I find interpreting things to be the best part. The new orbital modules look great! Also, o3o
  2. I'm making Titan at 1.875m because, well, that's what it scales to. I've already dove into 1.5m so you need not be as afraid of it as a size. My 2 cents on the topic of sizing: There is a big variety of sizes in the small (<2.5m) rocket range. This most likely comes down to the fact that there have only been a couple bigger rockets. Assuming KSP ship scale is something like 62.5%-64% of IRL, so it's 0.625m in KSP for every 1m IRL. Therefore 3m (titan) is 1.875m, etc. The sizes I use are 0.625m, 0.9375m, 1.25m, 1.5m, 1.875m, and 2.5m. Smaller than 0.625m is a whole different story, but I digress. So personally I think it's just better to have a variety of sizes and make sure you have plenty of adapters. Tweakscale support is also good but you can get away without it (ie don't consider it a dependency). BDB has some 0.9375m parts. If you're looking for more, some of the stuff in the Venera or Mars probe line might be worth a look.
  3. I primarily mod, rather than play, but if I may offer my two cents on something here that has piqued my interest: part balance guidelines. Having things such as a formula for fuel capacity and mass for a tank of given meters cubed, for example, would be a godsend to me and other part creators that don't get a lot of time for testing. I think @Beale feels somewhat the same, I know both our mods use somewhat arbitrary values for everything. In mine, most of the values, such as weight and cost, are often not even looked at simply because I am an artist first and foremost.
  4. Hraban, I think there's certainly a good enough reason to use them. Parts dedicated to short tourist hops would be interesting. For some reason the mobile site won't let me insert a line break, but was it hard finding reference for the Chinese stuff? Do you think you'll try and do anything else from their program?
  5. fite me irl m8 I would appreciate if work was put into Gemini at some point, seeing as I had no plans to do anything other than a 2-man pod. You supply the Gemini, I'll supply the Titan. Bluedog just released our Agena last week, and we have Titan parts (all of them) WIP at the moment, with release planned for some time next month. EDIT: Also, I don't know if you're interested, but I found this website some time ago and it has been a very interesting resource. It's more reading than reference images, but if you ever wanted to do some more soviet probe stuff I think it's a good place to start. I am probably doing some more parts in the near future, particularly science and antennas, based on the stuff there. The main navigation of the site (ie, 'home') is broken, but near the top of the linked page there are links to the pages concerning the Sputnik and [early] Luna probe lines.
  6. It's good to hear everyone's so excited for the release! I have finished the last two experiments we're planning on including in the first release: The weather monitoring experiment (atmospheres only!) and the passive seismic experiment. Once I send them to @AlbertKermin we'll be able to start testing the release.
  7. ^^^ Merry Christmas everyone, or happy holidays, or kwanzaa, or I don't even know what else! A little update for y'all: I have three major projects right now. One is SEP, and I'm finishing up the textures on the last two experiments for v1.0 as we speak. After that, work will continue on two things: The Titan parts, and probe parts, with an emphasis on antennas and experiments, including the cameras (finally). I may take the opportunity to redo all the antennas again. Their textures, and some of the meshes, are subpar. Below is a list of all the Titan parts I have planned, along with a horrible picture of my doodles in my notebook. Cheers everyone! EDIT: Internet here at the grandparent's is so slow I didn't think the post would make it. Everyone else decided to take an afternoon nap so I figured I'd get some stuff done.
  8. Awesome! Looks like a lot of great info. Guess we're doing three versions of the LR-87, three versions of the LR-91, and 5/7/3 segment versions of the SRBs, the first two using the gas jet TVC. Anyone have any particular paint jobs you want for the tanks? At this point I might as well make a Titan III/IV version of the fuel tanks. EDIT: Also, Transtage. Priority? Venom will prolly cry if we add more AJ-10s.
  9. Long post time. Thanks for the input. I had a feeling it was something like that; the LLL thing sounded really UP. I'm thinking Prometheus for the series name, if only because it is an important name in the FreeSpace lore. But that might be a bit long. Hrmm. At any rate, the casual names for the engines will probably be the various titans. I was actually asked to put that sound in game, but I believe it's very hard to get new sounds added to the engine modules. I am not entirely sure what you are talking about. I was generally planning on doing 5 and 7 segment boosters. Would that be correct? I am still wrapping my head around the Titan hardware. Can you explain in some more detail? I don't want to miss anything out. RealPlume. We began supporting RealPlume after 0.07, and as of 0.08 the configs are included in the download. Are you running the dev release or the newest official release? The official release is more up to date now. I don't know why the RP stuff would interfere with it, since the ModuleManager files require RealPlume and SmokeScreen (an RP dependency) before they start changing things.
  10. That's great! I never meant to insult you or anything. My point was that it's so detailed that it sticks out, even compared to FASA models. Sorry if I phrased it somewhat aggressively. EDIT: To be clear, I was voicing a concern, and my tone was wrong. As a mod author, I understand that you have a vision for your mod and want to see it through.
  11. Everyone knows that the engine can handle more polygons, but the flip side of that is that most KSP things *don't* include that many polygons. So while your model is impressive, it will look strange / stick out like a sore thumb, even compared to other non-stockalike mods. IMO it's sort of a wasted effort, because while it's cool in renders, it looks worse in game. I guess my question is, why bother?
  12. Annnnd looks like the first stage engines are more or less done. EDIT: I have been informed that the Titan IV version of the LR-87 had a shroud around it, to protect from those big ole SRBs.
  13. I openly admit to putting, well, absolutely no effort into balancing the parts. I basically rely on people saying something if something is out of whack. Neither are meant to deploy, the dome antenna is a small dish with a lightweight plastic cover, and the the scimatar antenna is a somewhat rare design that was only used, as far as I can tell, on the Apollo spacecraft. It's worth pointing out that both act as dishes and not omni antennas. Perhaps @Foxxonius Augustus could offer some input on the RT balancing, considering that's more or less his thing.
  14. In KSP, tankbutts are when the bottom of the tank (the rim, in this case 1.875m) and the bottom dome of the tank are included in the model of the engine. Some people don't like it, seeing as in theory it limits the utility of the engines. In BDB, some of the engines (such as the Alpha and Viking) don't have them, while others (the Odin and Redstone) do. Come to think of it, the majority of the BDB engines don't have them. Some people prefer them though, usually just because, well, that's how stock does it. I am planning on making the Titan engines include them, but if people really want them I can easily do some light remodeling with out adding to the textures.
  15. I may not have bothered with Mercury, but PassingLurker offered his Bloeting Corp mod up for adoption and I couldn't say no. I don't want to add more dependencies to the mod. At any rate, the different engines will have slightly different stats, so it would be easier to just have them be different engines. On a slightly related note, we need ideas for the name of the Titan series, as well as names for the 3 variants of LR-87 first stage, and the two (three?) variants of the second stage. On a more general note, if anyone has anything Titan-launcher related that you want us to make sure is included, please speak up. Things like specific looking fuel tanks, or whatever.
  16. Sorry, sarcasm doesn't translate well online. I was referring to: Anyways, Titan engine texturing is progressing well. The Titan II engine will form the basis of the others, which mostly will have bits added or removed from them, such as the copper shrouds on the Titan IV engines, or the fairing on the Titan 1.
  17. That's hurtful, and I'll look into it. I know I wrote an RT config but it might now work 100% yet. Go to bed.
  18. Still very much in production. It's generally pretty slow going. EDIT: To clarify, while we have things generally, ah, working in game, ie you can set one up, there are still a lot of bugs to iron out, and there are still things that need to get added before we're ready for a release. I'm shooting for at least two more experiments that I consider more or less essential. EDIT2: After some more discussion, we decided that after I finish the two experiments we have in progress, we'll start shooting for release. Here's the Passive Seismic Experiment modeled.
  19. ... darnit. Alright, I updated, hopefully before too many folks download it. Thanks for the heads up.
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