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Cmdr. Arn1e

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Everything posted by Cmdr. Arn1e

  1. Without knowing what engines and tanks you are using, it's hard for us to say... It could well be out of date, as various engines have had small tweaks over time, most notable one recently was the buff to the Mainsail Engine applied with patch 0.25...
  2. As this is a new feature with .25, and there have already been multiple threads about the Outsourced R&D being too OP (It will unlock the entire tree with 1 Mun visit, I've heard!) I won't be surprised if this is one of the things that will get tweaked starting with 0.90 and beyond... Cheers for the heads-up though, I haven't yet played with this strategy much, and it's nice to know when something is going to have unforeseen consequences!
  3. You describe a few places that are very close to where I am... I'm in if you ever do organise something
  4. For now, what the first 2 said! Squad have stated that they will be working on the organisation of the parts menus in the ship editors, it could be a knock-on-effect that organisation of flights-in-progress could be included with that (so we can set it to display in the way we want, as opposed to the current like-it-or-leave-it type thing that works, but as you say, would be useful if tweaked in future )
  5. Been working on the same thing, should be testing my Tylo lander today, will post my findings
  6. Haha, oh you guys... I'm running an Intel Q8200 quad, 4 gig of RAM, and an ATI HD 5750, and I only start getting lag at about 500 parts+... but not too bad... in 32-bit (haven't dared tempt the Kraken with x64 yet...) Windows 7, off a 64Gb SSD and 2x 240Gb Velociraptors... Of course, as has been said, some hardware runs the software better than other, similar setups, so yeah, try it and see
  7. Welcome to the challenges section of the Forum While a cool challenge, it seems you might not have read this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24898-Challenge-Submission-Guide If you read that, then you will see that it mentions the challenge has to be possible (it is, before this update there was a literal hype-plane flying around haha!) and that you should post your attempt - mainly to show what you are looking for! You should also have some rules, and a scoring system... otherwise how else is a winner picked? None of this meant offensively, I haven't seen this as a challenge yet, so it could be a good one... but be warned that popular challenges can be time consuming to judge, depending on the level of entries
  8. PC Specialist is worth looking at, just for ideas, I'm guessing $460 is about your limit budget-wise? or sub-$500...
  9. This is about the fifth thread I've seen on the same subject... from what I can tell, it's a placeholder for now, as Squad have stated they will (from 0.90) be going over everything and doing lots of things they have neglected so far... So, buckle up with the rest of us, and look forwad to the changes coming in future, instead of focusing on what we have right now
  10. If you find us, join the chatroom and say hi, there's usually one of us admin'ing so can invite you to the group, once we work out who you are
  11. Malwarebytes is Anti-Malware, not Anti-VIRUS, and I don't rate SuperAntiSpyWare's Anti-Virus, as the program was intended to scan for other nasties (it's in the name!)... and as I found on a customers laptop recently, some Anti-Virus are prone to certain type of de-activation attacks! (Panda Cloud Anti-Virus, in this case...) When I installed Avast, it found a horrible 'mobii' type virus, where the customer had tried to download software for their phone, which had found it's way into windows files and somehow un-installed Panda! I always go with Avast these days, but turn off the annoying sounds... and sometimes turn on gaming mode, otherwise it bugs you to update other programs too (not a bad thing, as has been highlighted in recent years - some things, like Java and Flash, can have security flaws exposed which only updating can fix...)
  12. There is no automation for the forum, any locking or checking has to be done by the mods, who are all voluntary... can you imagine how much time it would take them to just review all the old threads before locking them? and then, would you be happy to give up all that time for free? It's more conventional to re-make the thread and include a link to the old one, but only if you have new information, as lajos said... none of this meant offensively, just letting you know that what goes on behind the scenes is a bit more complicated than people realise... Just trying to update the forum saw the guy in charge scratching his head, checking a few things, then reverting due to loss of functionality...
  13. I think it is still possible, but will take some extreme timing and good luck, as I said previously, I've seen people's solutions to not having quite enough dV to circularize round Laythe, and have used a waiting Tug ship to pull it the rest of the way... No problem, you could leave this thread to dissappear into the forum history and mae a new challenge when you come up with one, or try again in future (you can either revive the thread yourself or mae anew one (and the edit button is still there - you should use it to edit your lat post instead of posting in reply to yourself! )
  14. Should clear up if it's possible or not... very possible with burn together, which I have heard of being used in other similar challenges... (Oh, and there is an edit button to avoid double-posting )
  15. I would like to build Atalntis from the series someday; might need a better computer though! and a mod to put a KSC on it...
  16. Welcome to the forums, and while a good and interesting challenge, a few tips for you; 1) you don't seem to have read http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24898-Challenge-Submission-Guide 2) It is usual for a challenge host (I now refer to posters as hosts, as they have to put a lot of work in if their challnge becomes popular!) to post his own attempt to A) prove it's possible (it is in this instance, it's a popular type of challenge) and to set the bar to aim for... 3) more rules will be helpful, as you are new around here you may not have found out about the cheat menu yet, or how cheaty some mods can be, so it's a good idea to restrict use of either. None of this meant in any offensive way whatsoever, I think with a bit of tweaking you'll have a cool challenge, it certainly sounds a bit different to ones we've had before EDIT: Guess you've never had to do an emergency pod recovery from the edge of space on a distant planet like Laythe? I've seen evidence of plenty of spaceplanes that could get a nice high ap on airbreathers alone, the trick would be in timing it so you come close to an already orbiting ship that can dock/claw the airbreather and raise pe so they are then both orbiting...
  17. Nice work! Nailed it xD Aha, thanks for that, I thought Vernors would be better than the standard RCS thrusters I think that more experimentaton is needed; I think it should be possible to make the vehicle 'hover', but it will take a LOT of fine-tuning for each vehicle before it's close to 'perfect' hehe
  18. And just for clarity for the scoring, I took the liberty of appropriting an image of the tank (courtesy of google ) Looks like it could fit well in the kerbal world EDIT: As for the scoring, so far it will work for the short-term, but maybe come up with some sort of test for it or something... maybe do the destroyed space-centre assault course or something, get people to drive it up mountains and over different terrain... this could be the answer to speed-circumnavigation of Kerbin people have been searching for, for so long hehe ^.^
  19. I did read that bit, which is why I didn't specifically mention it this time round Still, you've had someone step up and prove it can be done, so maybe come up with some sort of scoring, so we can try and emulate or beat the bar that has been set
  20. Nice one, Challenge on (are those vernors in use? curious, hehe!) EDIT: and looking long and hard at your pic, it kinda reminds me of some sort of flying Churchill tank! (Driven enough of them in world of tanks... gotta support the home country lol )
  21. Yeah, I thought so too when I did my first challenge! alt-F12 accesses the menu, and has some interesting and useful things as well as infinite fuel, including a debug window, which I guess is used by the devs and people who make their own mods... It's easy to see why most people ban it's use and your reply makes things much clearer, I'll have a go at this when I get time
  22. Seems like a fun quick one to do... I will have to make time between cargo bay experiments to have a go EDIT: quick compared to, say a Jool-5 Challenge attempt, that is
  23. Be warned though, the chat can go off on some pretty wild and crazy tangents at times!!!
  24. Whoa, whoa, whoa! no need to get angry! I only pointed out that some sort of image or video would help convey the idea better than just text, and that a challenge needs, well, rules or something, otherwise you might as well just post in spacecraft exchange to get people to build a particular thing for you! Just building something isn't too much of a challenge... but making it look exactly how you, the challenge setter, wants would be challenging if you restrict parts and mods... It would be even more of a challenge to deploy such a tank to another planet or moon; this would require more design AND pilot skills to pull off, so could be the next level of the challenge... What would you do if two or more of your challenges suddenly took off, and you found you had no time to play yourself any more? Again, none of this is meant offensively, just trying to help you get the hang of setting challenges - I had similar when I posted my first challenge, and because this is the internet you just don't know what the other forum users are thinking or feeling, so it is easy to take comments and suggestions negatively - this is not our intention Just edit the original post later, or let this failed attempt dissappear into the forum history and re-make it when you can do some testing and playing yourself again, as it's quite important that you see if it is possible at least (Actual) EDIT: And if you take a look at some of the other posts in Challenges, I have said very similar things in them too! I think you might want to take a look here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24898-Challenge-Submission-Guide (Ninja'd on this one, lol) and at the more popular Challenges (the ones that are still going with over 1,000 posts are good) to see why they might do so well EDIT 2: Oh, and by the way, you didn't listen to any of the suggestions on your previous challenge, or ask a mod to close it or anything... You could have adjusted that challenge... but instead you chose to post another, similar challenge, with all the same faults as the first... then you got angry instead of thinking of a way to fix it...
  25. Definitely going to wait and see... I see this as Squad getting people's reactions to gauge if what they are doing is right or not, and as with all planned features, they are at liberty to drop it entirely or completely change it - anything can happen between now and release! The initial idea has pro's and con's to me... I have to agree that I'm not sure how 'magical extra thrust' can be generated... To me, I would like Named Engineers who would add that sort of thing if they worked on the ship to be able to benefit from it - as others have said, Chekov had as much control over the engine room as anyone else sat on the bridge - and remember, the saucer-section of the enterprise could seperate, making them even more removed from main engineering! (hell, it's then 'on another vessel' haha!)
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