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Angelo Kerman

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Everything posted by Angelo Kerman

  1. Did a speed modeling challenge last night and this morning to make new D2 cargo bays. These are alternatives to the Mk3 cargo bays: They'll be in the last major parts update for DSEV. Now, back to the centrifuge...
  2. Got fairly far today: The arms will telescope out from the body and rotate into position before the green crew tubes slide into place. Definitely a lot more work to do, but the basic design is getting there...
  3. I finished DSEV's Nautilus Bridge. Both stock and ASET flight controls are supported. Here is the ASET version: And the overlay mode: I'm pretty happy with how this turned out, it even has a small greenhouse. NASA's NAUTILUS-X is coming to KSP!
  4. Both stock and ASET flight controls are supported. Here is the ASET version: And the overlay mode: Finally, its small greenhouse installed and the artwork complete, and the Nautilus bridge is done! Now it's on to the centrifuge...
  5. Wasn't really considering that, but it is technically possible to change traits on a kerbal. I'll consider it. You can't really create a part pilot, part engineer type without making a whole new class though.
  6. This looks like a really great update, thanks for putting it together! In regards to "old tumblers and buttons," can you elaborate on what to replace the old buttons with? Do I need to completely redo my ASET IVAs, or is there an upgrade path where I can just rename things? I have several ASET IVAs, I'd hate to have to redo or retire them, so I'm hoping for a straightforward upgrade path.
  7. In general, each part with a recycler supports a number of kerbals equal to its crew capacity. So if you have a dozen crew, you need 3 Hitchhiker crew cans. Definitely not infinite.
  8. One. With 40% recycling you're going to accumulate more Soil than you recycle.
  9. Looks like they finally got a working shuttle. Too bad about the lower hab though, hope that wasn't Kerny's quarters...
  10. I didn't know they said that, heh! The rover in my K.E.E.P. story is named Fido... I think It's just say, "Robots..." like they did in the series, and save the probe for Laythe.
  11. While I'm continuing my goal to make DSEV feature complete this month, I'm also doing some Pathfinder stuff. Here you can see that I gave the Hogan (formerly Ranch House) a konkrete texture to reflect how it is 3D printed on site with local materials: I took some inspiration from the LavaHive project: You can assemble it with KIS- it comes in a packing box and needs a lot of resources- or you can expand it in the VAB/SPH as part of a prefabricated base that you build using Extraplanetary Launchpads. Next Pathfinder update will let you configure it as a Community Center, Dormitory, or Study Hall. The Community Center does what the existing part does now, but some of that functionality will be moved around as other parts get made. The Dormitory gives you life support options, but thanks to some new contracts I made over the past couple of days, it also attracts tourists to your base that could potentially become colonists: I also made a new tourist contract that asks you to send kerbals to a specific vessel, have them stay for a few days, and bring them home: And as its name implies, the Study Hall is a place to train your kerbals- just like the stock Mobile Processing Lab. It will also be the place where you can turn Tourists into Pilots, Engineers, or Scientists. Combined with the new tourism/potential colonist contract, you'll have an alternate way to add new astronauts to your roster without having to pay ever increasing fees or rescuing a stranded kerbal.
  12. While I'm continuing my goal to make DSEV feature complete this month, I'm also doing some Pathfinder stuff. Here you can see that I gave the Hogan (formerly Ranch House) a konkrete texture to reflect how it is 3D printed on site with local materials: You can assemble it with KIS- it comes in a packing box and needs a lot of resources- or you can expand it in the VAB/SPH as part of a prefabricated base that you build using Extraplanetary Launchpads. Next Pathfinder update will let you configure it as a Community Center, Dormitory, or Study Hall. The Community Center does what the existing part does now, but some of that functionality will be moved around as other parts get made. The Dormitory gives you life support options, but thanks to some new contracts I made over the past couple of days, it also attracts tourists to your base that could potentially become colonists: I also made a new tourist contract that asks you to send kerbals to a specific vessel, have them stay for a few days, and bring them home: As its name implies, the Study Hall is a place to train your kerbals- just like the stock Mobile Processing Lab. It will also be the place where you can turn Tourists into Pilots, Engineers, or Scientists. Combined with the new tourism contract, you'll have an alternate way to add new astronauts without having to pay ever increasing fees or rescuing a stranded kerbal.
  13. Parking this here for reference.. (No, I didn't make that image) Not saying I'm making this, just doodling at the moment. It would be assembled much like the boxed parts in Pathfinder...
  14. I have Voyage To the Planets on DVD, it's a classic. I've thought about making a huge 42m expandable heat shield for DSEV, inspired by ships like the Pegasus and of course Kronus 1... Looking forward to seeing how this plays out.
  15. More images: Added a flight engineer station in the cockpit. It'll use the same controls as the copilot seat on the Clydesdale. Ignore the flying seat, it's one of the pitfalls of setting up an IVA... Pilot's view: Flight Engineer's view: Lounge area: A view out one of the greenhouse cupolas:
  16. First iteration of the IVA in game: No lights, no props, no overlay, just getting the thing oriented properly and the kerbals seated in the right place and direction. Those shelves in the observation area are for plants. I think the Nautilus bridge is going to end up with a lot of plants growing everywhere... so much so that it might have its own greenhouse.
  17. I think the problem comes from both a change in WildBlueTools and the way that B9 part switch adds its resource switcher. I'm not familiar with how B9 part switch works, but if it adds its resource switcher to all fuel tanks that have resources, then it will affect Wild Blue tanks as well (I created my own tanks in an attempt to avoid switcher conflicts, heh). Anyway, all my custom tanks use WBIConfigurableStorage part modules to switch their resources, and if the B9 MM patch could exclude parts with that module, then the conflict could be avoided.
  18. B9PS and IFS need to update their MM patches to exclude parts with WBIConfigurableStorage. Unfortunately, they don't do that. That's what's causing the issue.
  19. IFS and B9 stomp on WildBlue's resource switching. That's why you're seeing what you're seeing. They need to be updated to exclude WBIConvertibleStorage because they impose their switchers on any part that holds resources.
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