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Angelo Kerman

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Everything posted by Angelo Kerman

  1. Honestly I haven't checked. Most likely yes as I haven't touched the models. Yeah, it could be that "Favor Inventory" is what he was referring to. For efficiency based upon skill, I could see cutting production time down based upon engineering skills. Stock has the RepairSkill for engineers, that's probably close enough and avoids having to create a new skill. I'm thinking that for each rank the kerbal has, cut production time by 1-2%. So if you have a workshop staffed with two engineers and they're both 5-star, then production time gets cut by 10-20%. That way you don't fiddle with the resource mass required to build the part.
  2. Um, your name is CaptKordite... Can you post your logs somewhere for me to look at, preferably a drop box? What version of KSP and Pathfinder are you using?
  3. Pathfinder currently doesn't include ModuleManager so you won't see resources. Next Tuesday everything will get squared up. The science lab is a known issue, IgorZ is working on it.
  4. I haven't updated Snacks yet. It is still compiled for an early pre-release. I have to do some updates brfore it can handle the latest pre-release. once I'm done I'll start a new thread. It is clear that the original author isn't coming back.
  5. Uh, I have to fix up the rest of Snacks first... Speaking of which, the updates for Snacks I'm looking at are: Enable/Disable random snacking. If disabled, then kerbals consume the standard allotment of snacks per day. Enable/Disable reputation loses when kerbals go hungry (Career mode): When enabled, you lose rep. This is current behavior. Enable/Disable partial vehicle control loss when kerbals go hungry. So even if you have a pilot aboard, you'll lose partial control if your kerbals go hungry. Enable/Disable fines when kerbals go hungry (Career mode): You'll receive a fine for not feeding your crew. Enable/Disable recyclers: Recyclers reduce the Snacks consumed. For now, only the Hitchhikers have a recycler. Above options are set in KSP's Difficulty Settings menu. Aforementioned Snacks containers. Models and textures courtesy of SQUAD/Porkjet. You can always delete the parts if you don't want them... KSPedia entries
  6. Take a gander at OSE Workshop's KSP 1.2 GUI: You can now pause/resume the current production and cancel the current production entirely. Want to give it a try? Download it here! Note that you'll need the latest Firespitter for KSP 1.2 and the KIS for KSP 1.2 pre-release to use OSE Workshop 1.0.0 properly. For this pre-release, you might need to manually add MaterialKits to the storage containers. Looking at @ObiVanDamme's wish list, he also wants the ability to select which KIS inventory will receive the output, and enable efficiency based upon skill. Both I can do, but let's just make sure the current stuff works in KSP 1.2 first. @IgorZ: Unfortunately, I get the same issue as before when trying to add a part with ModuleScienceContainer to a KISInventory. Here's the debug output:
  7. I'll see what's going on. Snacks was compiled during an early pre-release of KSP 1.2. Meanwhile...
  8. Try DSEVUtils. I didn't know any better when I first made the dll...
  9. Making progress on the update to OSE Workshop: Basic functionality is working, and it integrates with the pre-release of KIS. I have to fiddle with the code to get the new part categories to show up, and add a cancel button somewhere so you can cancel the current production, then it will be good to go.
  10. My guess is that Porkjet's vision for the revamped parts won't be used. That's too bad, I've been having fun making my KR-1 knockoff, and it's been a great learning experience. Perhaps SQUAD will hire new in-house artists and we'll eventually see a rocket parts revamp.
  11. Awesome, thanks for all your hard work! I'll download it tomorrow and update OSE Workshop. Thanks again.
  12. Oh my, I just found this handy method in ModuleDockingNode: public void DockToVessel(ModuleDockingNode node); Thank you @SQUAD! Docking trailers is going to become easier.
  13. Love the Kraken tentacles and the new story arc! Space Monks for the win.
  14. Keeping the docking ports is totally doable. There will be an option in the KSP settings menu that lets you keep the docking ports upon welding, an option to require an EVA to perform the weld, and an option to require someone with the repair skill to do the weld.
  15. Oh yeah, it's built into WBT so MOLE's docking ports will benefit too. I received some feedback and one thing I'll investigate again is leaving the ports in place or making some kind of spacer part. I don't think you can attach two parts on the same stack node but maybe you can surface mount the port into the same location. I would then need to disable the ModuleDockingNode. Another idea came up to only allow engineers on eva to do the weld. Both of these would be options if I can get them to work (engineer on eva is definitely possible).
  16. It certainly makes DSEV craft sturdier. To be honest, I'm not familiar with the docking problems in Infernal Robotics. I do recall back in KSP .25 or so building an IR station arm to transfer station modules from KSOS shuttles, and docking them to available ports my station wobbled like crazy, but I could still dock the new part. What are some of the docking issues you've seen? Anyway, I'm excited to finally make progress on the wobbly spacecraft. Its been almost two years. When Das Valdez used DSEV for his Discovery II project, he found that the long trusses wobbled under thrust. I tried reinforcing the docking joints but couldn't get that to work. KIS of course has had the ability to add and remove parts for over a year now, but the current version doesn't lend itself well to being used as as API. So when Shadowmage showed me that it's actually fairly straightforward to couple parts together, the only hard part left was figuring out how to close the gap left by the docking ports. It wouldn't be a problem if I could've left the ports in place but I don't know if the game lets you attach two parts to the same joint. Pardon the long reply, but it's been a long standing issue in DSEV, and I'm excited to finally have a fix. And it also gets me a step closer to Project Sandcastle too. Now that I have a better idea of how moving parts in place and coupling them is done, I can 3D print habitats and such on site in a manner similar to what NASA wants to do, and connect them together, like so: http://www.wired.co.uk/article/giant-nasa-spider-moon-base-sinterhab Definitely new possibilities!
  17. With the help of @Shadowmage showing how to couple parts together and a long day of experimenting to figure out how to move them into position, I finally can solve a long standing issue with building the Discovery II: wobbly trusses! Next update will have welded docking ports that essentially combine the docked vessels into a single vessel. Without the wobbly docking ports, and combined with the new autostrut feature, the trusses should be pretty sturdy. Here are some pics: Hard won victory to get the two parts to join together, but it works! First iteration of how it works:
  18. Don't know if @ObiVanDamme is working on it yet but I'm going through the code and making it KSP 1.2 ready. Once IgorZ has KIS ready for 1.2 I can have a build going.
  19. The problem is not that the stock lab is blacklisted. The issue is the ModuleScienceLab doesn't like being saved when a part snapshot is taken. If you look at the error, it occurs when you try to add any part with a ModuleScienceLab to a KIS inventory. The fault is in the stock module, not KIS, though KIS may need to protect itself against the NRE. @IgorZ is aware of the issue so no need to bug him.
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