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Angelo Kerman

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Everything posted by Angelo Kerman

  1. Nice to see your mission is ongoing. With KSP 1.2, those wheels should work better and not have blocking issues. Also, I was intrigued, and it turns out. for humans at least, in space, no one can hear you snore...
  2. I plan to revamp the trailer hitch, so I'll look into it. I'm investigating ways to make surface docking easier. One solution is @DMagic's Flexible Docking Ports 2.0. I'd love to include that as part of the Buffalo mod, but regardless, I need to figure out how to make a proper model for the flexible port. Another solution is to maybe manually dock vessels together once they enter an invisible area.
  3. Buffalo 0.9.0 Pre-release is available here. Updated to KSP 1.2 Pre-release. Expect additional patches as KSP is fixed and mods are updated. Command Cab & AuxEn - The command cab and the auxen support part upgrades to improve their SAS levels. - Moved the AuxEn to Advanced Flight Control. Redecorating & Converters - For the modules that used to require Engineers, now any class that has the ConverterSkill qualifies to reconfigure modules. For modules that used to require Scientists, now any class with the ScienceSkill qualifies to reconfigure the modules. Ditto for converters.
  4. @Nertea Maybe Helium-3 should also exist in the crusts of airless moons so that it can be mined..
  5. Well, in WW II, the Marines retrofitted Corsairs into bombers using field kits. Maybe Bill could do something similar...
  6. Here you go! @Kuzzter this will modify the stock landing gear to included powered wheels. The small and medium landing gear can steer; I don't think the large and extra large can, but they are powered.
  7. I can create a ModuleManager patch for the wheels you're using that will power them up. Which ones are they?
  8. This I can do. I can set up the mesh switcher to allow/disallow surface attaching. I know we're getting a bit off-topic, but... non-IVA art project, squee! Also, this: And so appropriate: Ok, sorry for derailing the conversation, just excited about the new stuff in KSP 1.2!
  9. I'm no @Porkjet, @CobaltWolf or @Nertea, but I'm definitely intrigued by the concept sheet and I already have a mesh switching PartModule. Maybe I'll do an "artist's concept" for, say, the KR-1, and see how close I can get to Pork-alike. It might help me design a couple of engines of my own. Anyway, thanks for sharing that picture, it's pretty neat.
  10. Wow, those look really cool. Now I want to build,them, heh
  11. Recyclers are definitely helpful, along with many other things that it adds. Timers for space requirements is especially fun, and have given me reason to do crew rotations. I'm especially looking forward to radiation effects. If USI-LS has solar storms (and accompanying storm shelter mechanics), I'll be happy. And with your philosophy of not bricking the mission, having a partial control loss if you don't get enough food should be gentle enough to make starving annoying but recoverable and fit well with Snacks' lightweight footprint (and would be neat to see in USI-LS too). I'm more of a USI-LS convert these days, but Snacks is really great for being just enough in the way that you have to pay attention while avoiding the more complicated mechanics of the other life support mods. I'd still like to see someone pick up the torch but until then, I'll keep the lights on.
  12. Anybody want to give Snacks 1.2 PRE-RELEASE a try? I've recompiled Snacks for KSP 1.2 pre-release. I think a nice mechanic in the future would be to reduce the vessel to partial control when the crew has starved for a certain amount of time. Basically, just like you can lose partial control of your ship when out of communication with Kerbin, you can have the option where kerbals go on strike if they've gone hungry for too long. That would involve losing partial control of your vessel. Another option is to complete what @tgruetzm was going to do, and add a lethal option for when you starve for too long. Both would be turned off by default. So basically your options when running out of snacks would be: Lose reputation. After enough times missing snacks, the crew might revolt, resulting in a partial loss of control of the vessel. After enough times missing snacks, the crew might die. You can have all three options turned on if you want... I've also considered a "Snacks Plus" addon for the mod, that would include a greenhouse, recycler, and snack containers. The greenhouse would let you grow snacks (and would use the Community Resource Pack resources), and the recycler would simply reduce the number of snacks consumed per day. Snack containers- well, contain snacks. Snacks Plus would be a separate download so that those who want the simplicity of the existing mod can have that simplicity, while others who want containers and such can have the extra complexity. Sounds good?
  13. Well, the good news for @sarbian is that ModuleManager will only need a simple recompile to work. I had trouble getting the project to compile in VS 2010 (I need to update, I know...), something about an "Invalid option '5' for /langversion; must be ISO-1, ISO-2, 3 or Default" that I'm not familiar with, and StackOverflow isn't helping. But I stuffed the code into a fresh VS 2010 project and got it to work. Well, after I hacked the version checker.. I don't want to step on any toes, and I know Sarbian is busy with KSP, so I thought I'd ask before posting my temporary solution.
  14. Hats off to @Porkjet and @SQUAD, the revamped parts look great! I like that there is an Upgrades.cfg file to give some hints on how part upgrades could work.
  15. Just a heads up that I've downloaded the KSP 1.2 pre-release and am busy updating Pathfinder. Should have something in a couple of days.
  16. More like stuff got lost in the shuffle. I've got a bunch of parts to bring over to Unity 5, something I was holding off until KSP 1.2-ish.
  17. Yeah I just noticed that. I'm converting my projects over to Unity 5, looks like that got mixed up in the process. I should have that fixed in the next update.
  18. Ah ok, that would do it. What version of Pathfinder are you using? I released Pathfinder 1.1 recently, I think I fixed that issue. Previous versions had colliders on the main body but not the crew tube. Hm, looks like the reverse is true, heh. Ok, I'll have the main body collider fixed in the next update..
  19. Forgot to mention that the only real difference between node-attach and surface-attach is placement. Node-attaching the wheels onto the chassis makes them line up nicely.
  20. Thanks for the suggestions, I'll revisit them when KSP 1.2 is available. The wheel issues will be addressed in KSP 1.2 as well.
  21. Small update since KSP 1.2 is right around the corner. Buffalo 0.8.0 - Added a Radial Engine Mount. It is particularly helpful for landing rovers onto the ground. You can stack-mount engines and fuel tanks onto the radial mount.
  22. Get 1.1 here. Last update before KSP 1.2! New Parts - Added the Telegraph deployable communications dish. - Added the Sombrero Solar Array. This dual-axis solar array can point at the sun in two directions. - Added the Radial Engine Mount. It is particularly helpful for getting rovers onto the ground. Greenhouses - Growth time is no longer reduced based upon experienced Scientists. Yield is still affected by experience though. - Greenhouses now show where they're at in the growth cycle and show up in the Ops Manager. USI-LS - Replaced Water usage with Dirt. Apparently Fertilizer is mostly water. - Adjusted the resource consumption amounts to be comparable with stock USI-LS. - While Dirt is an extra added resource, it accounts for the possiblility of improved yields. - The Pigpen now produces Fertilizer from either Ore, Minerals, or Gypsum. NOTE: expect additional changes once KSP 1.2 is available. It sounds like USI-LS is changing. Other - Updated support for CLS. - The Sunburn lab won't have the ability to produce Coolant unless you have DSEV installed. - Buffed the Doc Science Lab's data capacity to reflect changes in the stock MPL. It is still optimized for ground operations. - Added a small nuclear reactor to the Nukeworks for those times when you don't land in a place that has geothermal activity. - Fixed some KAS and lighting issues with the Gaslight. - Adjusted tech tree positions of various modules; they'll show up roughly in Tier 6.
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