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Angelo Kerman

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Everything posted by Angelo Kerman

  1. Something like this: Of course I have my hands full at the moment but maybe once my mods get to maintenance mode... Edit: I was inspired by your designs to create a lifting body in stock KSP: Definitely looking forward to what you come up with.
  2. Sounds like an integration issue with EL and Pathfinder. It used to be that you'd inflate the stockyard, turn on the recycler, and then fly nearly all the way inside to the back. My guess is that Pathfinder isn't doing something that the latest EL requires. I will fix that when 1.1 is available.
  3. Too late, I looked! *runs away screaming after going insane*
  4. Loving the lifting bodies, makes me wish the x24A or HL-10 was available in game..
  5. I'm not familiar with EVA recycling, actually. Unless I've gone senile, Pathfinder doesn't have any recycling at present except for the Stockyards when you install EL. If EL added EVA recycling, that's a new one for me. So unfortunately I cannot answer your question. You're welcome, glad it helps. It is a bit out of date but I am planning to update it post 1.1.
  6. I figured the "Engineer" rating was because he was a Financial Engineer. Sort of like a Sales Engineer is an "engineer" for sales...
  7. Nice to see your space program is up and running again.
  8. I would suggest Black Star, but Sheridan blew it up during the Earth-Mimbari war.
  9. Interesting. My release package is slightly different than what's on GitHub. I have 2.6.18 in the release package and 2.6.17 up on GitHub. Ah well, next update will be after 1.1 hits, and I'll have whatever ends up being the latest MM dll at that point.
  10. Thanks, I do know the difference between Experimentals and the pre-release. I was curious about Experimentals.
  11. Interesting, the latest one I found was 2.6.18. I'll pull the latest, thanks. You can safely overwrite the module manager dll. The fact that you have 2.6.17 is troubling, I specifically put 2.6.18 into the 0.9.11 release. Where is thw dll itself? I pulled 2.6.18 from here. Yes if you could mess around with the Homestead and Hacienda both, that would help me isolate the issue, thanks!
  12. Yes from what I understand, @Sophia reworked the mod to use different resources. I just recompiled the DLL so it would work in KSP 1.0.5 and fixed the develocitizer so that it would use whatever energy was available to slow the ship down as much as possible instead of claiming "No power" and doing nothing. It's a pretty fun mod, I must say.
  13. Congrats on entering Experimentals! @KasperVld out of curiosity, how does somebody apply to participate in Experimentals? I've been modding in KSP for over a year now and have created just about every part type, and made some pretty complicated stuff like PartModule/resource switching at runtime. I'm even in the process of making a paraglider for KSP (I haven't seen that one before). I also have professional experience as a software engineer, including engineering level tech support and feature development for an iOS product. My experience might be helpful for Experimentals testing.
  14. Glad you like the integration. It was the hard shell parts I was alluding to. No need for me to make the parts when KPBS already has outstanding artwork. Only thing I wish there was is a longer model in KPBS for Pathfinder's industrial wing. My current plan is to finish the Hacienda IVA and attempt to make a KPBS style industrial module for the Hacienda templates. I have a couple of weeks before the pre-release so we'll see how far I get.
  15. "What are we supposed to use, harsh language?" heh. @Kuzzter I have some lab config experience with Pathfinder, if you want me to take a gander at the KPBS science lab.
  16. Wow, talk about recoveries! Disconcerting to see the lower stage flying past, but at least the crew made it into orbit!
  17. Glad you got it working. I tell you what: If you can sort out the CKAN issues, I'll be happy to credit your work so you can keep using CKAN. @nobodyhasthis2 found a few issues. My requirements though are that I have one install zip file, with everything included, as you see it with the GitHub download. If you can make CKAN work that way, great!
  18. How did you install the latest Pathfinder? One of the tests I did was to install the new Pathfinder in my old save, and when completely removed the WildBlueIndustries folder and installed everything from the new release (downloaded from GitHub), I had no problems upgrading my save. the TERRAIN loaded along with everything else. I suspect there's something wrong with your installation but it's hard to tell.
  19. That hasn't been my experience even when everything was up to date. I'm also not the only one to have issues. So to avoid having problems, I choose to stick with GitHub as the primary distribution, and (if I can get the issues sorted out) SpaceDock as the mirror.
  20. I've been having issues with SpaceDock where I'd upload the update but nothing would happen. The upload bar would reach the end and the site wouldn't update. For now, just go to GitHub to get the latest version. I can't trust CKAN to work; even when set up properly, I'd get support issues, so I've pretty much given up on it. Delete your GameData/ModuleManager.ConfigCache, .ConfigSHA, .Physics, and .TechTree, and restart. Delete your PartDatabase.cfg and restart. I think I had that because I wasn't sure where to put the .netkan file in the project. If you can get CKAN to work properly were it will download and install everything in the Patfhdinder folder. Great! But at this point I don't consider CKAN to be reliable enough to install my mods in the way I want to set them up. Time and again I get support issues where the mod doesn't work right, and invariably it's due to not all the files being installed correctly. I like the concept, but the execution needs work IMO. I should be able to create one bundle with Pathfinder that has the directory structure that I have, and have everything install correctly. Pardon my rant but I work in the software industry, I've created installation programs before, and they all work just fine. What I do find that works consistently for me is GitHub and Mini AVC. I've had no issues with that because I follow the directions and install the mods I download manually.
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