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Everything posted by Kobymaru

  1. Same for me. Additionally, my laptop doesn't have a NumPad, which is additionally awkward.
  2. Hi! I have a base on Duna, that is at a latitude of 37° North,and a Space Station on an inclination of 45°. The way that I currently launch is..."visual". I pick a good perspective in the Orbital view, wait until the base is under the stations orbit, and then launch onto a heading of around 45°. Then I use KER to correct the inclination "on-the-fly". This works "well enough", I end up within 2° of the target orbit. I was wondering however, is there a better way? Could I calculate (or have a mod tell me) when exactly I have to launch? And which heading I have to put it into? I'd have to account for the velocity of the planet rotation. Does anyone have nice math for this, or a mod that would help me with these launches on higher latitudes/inclinations? Edit: Bonus points for an easy way to pick the launch time so that I end up rendez-vous'ing with the station with doing phasing orbits for ages.
  3. Hi @TriggerAu I get the following NRE on flight scene load: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at KSPAlternateResourcePanel.KSPAlternateResourcePanel.SetAppButtonToTrue () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at KSPAlternateResourcePanel.KSPAlternateResourcePanel.RepeatingWorker () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at KSPPluginFramework.MonoBehaviourExtended.RepeatingWorkerWrapper () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 I have the Button Style set to "Replace Stock Resources App" in case that matters. If you need more info, don't hesitate to ask.
  4. Says who? The bigger the device, the more efficiently you convert things. If you have the "RocksWithIce" resource as input, you get the Water Resource as Output. However, it is implicit that the "RocksWithALittleLessIce" is a by-product. How much water you get out of your rocks with ice depends on the efficiency of the extraction process, and the bigger the device, the more efficient that is. Completely irrelevant here, see below. You are not drilling for energy though. You are drilling for mass. The energy comes free to you, in the form of sunlight on solar panels. What you don't have is the reaction mass, and this is what you drill out of an asteroid. Think of mining for fuel in space as: I dig out reaction mass (e.g. Water), so that momentum can be conserved, and I charge (turn to O2 + H2) the reaction mass up with energy that I get from somewhere else.
  5. You're right, that is indeed awkward. However, the RightShift, RightControl and both Alt keys are up for grabs.
  6. Weird, I could swear that worked in older versions. Might be wrong though. http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/13437
  7. You are telling me that basic combinations like "Shift-Something" are not supported?
  8. I know of Waypoint Manager which shows the distance, but I was just wondering if there is a stock way. I have an answer now, and I'll just install waypoint manager.
  9. Hi! 1.2 added the amazing possibility to place Waypoints via the KerbNet. However, when activating it for navigation, I can't find any readout for the distance to the target. Is there a Stock way to do that?
  10. Hi, I was trying to re-bind keys in KSP 1.2.2. For example, I wanted to bind "Zoom In" to Control-UpArrow. However, when binding keys, I can bind actions to only one key. So that would be *either* LeftControl *or* RightControl *or* UpArrow, but not Control + UpArrow at the same time. Is that on purpose? Is there a workaround for that?
  11. Hi! I have a bit of trouble with the Weldable docking ports. Using two Construction Port Sr., I try to Dock. I get very close, perfectly aligned but the Magnetic force just doesn't kick in. They refuse to acquire. I have already tried to press "Reset Acqire" on both ports multiple times, and I have also Quicksaved/Quickloaded multiple times. I have checked the persistant file and the ModuleDockingNode for both ports is in "state = Ready". It should be mentioned that one of the ports was launched in a stack of Construction ports, and I took it off of the stack and attached it to my ship using KAS. But that shouldn't be a problem, should it? Any idea how to get them to Dock? Edit 2: Here is a save file that should be somewhat loadable with only the USI constellation: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1414175/ksp/ConstructionPort2-nodock.sfs The docking ports are perfectly aligned, and at 1m distance. Just quickload the file, and press H to go forward. You will observe that the ports simply bump into each other without acquiring. Edit: Here are the part sections from the persistency file. Maybe you can spot something that's off: PART { name = ConstructionPort2 cid = 4292737624 uid = 1085751540 mid = 3740116395 launchID = 250 parent = 0 position = -0.00072278868174180388,-0.12642186880111694,0.00041033251909539104 rotation = 1,7.1045426E-05,-7.63077987E-05,8.9209716E-05 mirror = 1,1,1 symMethod = Mirror istg = -1 resPri = 0 dstg = 0 sqor = -1 sepI = 0 sidx = -1 attm = 0 srfN = , -1 attN = top, -1 attN = bottom, 0 mass = 0.200000003 shielded = False temp = 167.66978580941918 tempExt = 167.67666499334899 tempExtUnexp = 4 expt = 0.5 state = 0 attached = True autostrutMode = Off rigidAttachment = False flag = Squad/Flags/spheres rTrf = ConstructionPort2 modCost = 0 EVENTS { } ACTIONS { } PARTDATA { } MODULE { name = ModuleDockingNode isEnabled = True crossfeed = True stagingEnabled = False state = Ready dockUId = 0 dockNodeIdx = 0 EVENTS { } ACTIONS { UndockAction { actionGroup = None } DecoupleAction { actionGroup = None } EnableXFeedAction { actionGroup = None } DisableXFeedAction { actionGroup = None } ToggleXFeedAction { actionGroup = None } } UPGRADESAPPLIED { } } MODULE { name = ModuleWeldablePort isEnabled = True portForce = 2 portTorque = 2 portRoll = 0 portRange = 1 portAngle = 180 portSnap = True stagingEnabled = True EVENTS { } ACTIONS { } UPGRADESAPPLIED { } } MODULE { name = ModuleDockingNodeNamed isEnabled = True portName = Weldport A initialized = True controlTransformName = stagingEnabled = True EVENTS { } ACTIONS { } UPGRADESAPPLIED { } } MODULE { name = USI_ModuleRecycleablePart isEnabled = True stagingEnabled = True EVENTS { } ACTIONS { } UPGRADESAPPLIED { } } } PART { name = ConstructionPort2 cid = 4294315384 uid = 1762689569 mid = 2886604579 launchID = 244 parent = 227 position = 1.2952073812484741,1.7896182537078857,-0.02064061164855957 rotation = 0.00460267672,-0.00379888481,0.707133412,-0.707054973 mirror = 1,1,1 symMethod = Radial istg = -1 resPri = 0 dstg = 0 sqor = -1 sepI = 0 sidx = -1 attm = 0 srfN = , -1 attN = top, -1 attN = bottom, 227 mass = 0.200000003 shielded = False temp = 162.56824929770949 tempExt = 162.50523899358558 tempExtUnexp = 4 expt = 0.5 state = 0 attached = True autostrutMode = Off rigidAttachment = False flag = Squad/Flags/spheres rTrf = ConstructionPort2 modCost = 0 EVENTS { } ACTIONS { } PARTDATA { } MODULE { name = ModuleDockingNode isEnabled = True crossfeed = True stagingEnabled = False state = Ready dockUId = 0 dockNodeIdx = 0 EVENTS { } ACTIONS { UndockAction { actionGroup = None } DecoupleAction { actionGroup = None } EnableXFeedAction { actionGroup = None } DisableXFeedAction { actionGroup = None } ToggleXFeedAction { actionGroup = None } } UPGRADESAPPLIED { } } MODULE { name = ModuleWeldablePort isEnabled = True portForce = 2 portTorque = 2 portRoll = 0 portRange = 0.5 portAngle = 0 portSnap = True stagingEnabled = True EVENTS { } ACTIONS { } UPGRADESAPPLIED { } } MODULE { name = ModuleDockingNodeNamed isEnabled = True portName = Weldport B initialized = True controlTransformName = stagingEnabled = True EVENTS { } ACTIONS { } UPGRADESAPPLIED { } } MODULE { name = USI_ModuleRecycleablePart isEnabled = True stagingEnabled = True EVENTS { } ACTIONS { } UPGRADESAPPLIED { } } }
  12. Sorry, I did not understand that from your posts. Because version 1.0 which is on GitHub now has only patches and a USI Tools dependency. My mistake. I know, thanks. I was more referring to RoverDudes comment on accepting pull requests.
  13. Your MM patches are nice, but most of the Magic still happens in USI Tools, which you have as a dependency That said, personally, I wouldn't want this to be included in MKS, because MKS parts are somewhat "balanced" towards ressource sharing, whereas this looks pretty much like free magic resource transport.
  14. New title of the thread: @Daveroski confuses the KSP community to a prefessional software development company. If you use CKAN, you can install the Firespitter Core module. If you don't, why not just delete all the parts? Those exist. There is even a CKAN plugin, but that one is broken and unmaintained, unfortunately. Are you up for the challange? So what you are essentially saying is that you yourself "are too dumb to [...] dive into the installation folders and manually remove parts."? Backseat programming is best programming, right? I would, you would, but most other people wouldn't. People seem to like complete packages a lot, actually. As said: MJ is already modular. However, Modularity increases other overhead. Oh how lucky we are that you are here to explain it to us dummies! Sarbian doesn't have the time to immediately fix everything. It's completely irrelevant if MJ is modular or not. In this case, it is modular.
  15. To be clear, MaterialKits are used only for deployment of the inflatables. Well but you can still do that! The stock Cupola Module provides a 1.65 multiplier and the Stock Hitchhiker provides 21 extra Kerbal months. Then, there are two mini-cupolas, one with 0.7, one with 0.5 mult + 1 hab-month. You could use those numbers for balancing. Also, I don't see a fundamental problem with simply incorporating the "Hab-Common" and "Hab-Quarters" modules into your parts conditionally if MKS is installed. This I understand completely. That's why balancing should probably be left to a USI-LS+KBPS player of your trust.
  16. When deployed, it's 10.647t. Also, the description is misleading: it's not 83 KerbalMonths and 16.8 Kerbalmonths+6.2 Multiplier but 83 KerbalMonths or16.8 Kerbalmonths+6.2 Multiplier. You can choose between the "Hab-Common" and "Hab-Quarters" modules in the VAB, or you can change them on EVA with an engineer, paying a small fee (61 SpecialedParts, 305 MaterialKits and some EC). When inflated, it weighs 53.08t.
  17. Note also, that in order to get the hab onus, you need to deploy the hab ring, which requires 44000 units of MaterialKits (which will be added to the mass). Yes, that's the correct number of Zeros. The smaller inflatables require less but still a lot of MaterialKits. Not sure if that changes your opinion on balance.
  18. I have 8GB system memory, don't know how much KSP was using anymore. Yes, I applied the padding in the screenshot. I tried to do it multiple times during flight, but it didn't do anything. The flight phase can be identified by the high frequency-stutter in the middle. I restarted the game and now it seems to run fine. Maybe it was because I had the game running for a longer period and somewhere, some stuff leaked.
  19. Actually, it got worse in 1.2.1 And here, Alt-End magic doesn't help. This is terribly annoying. Does anyone have ideas to fix this?
  20. I really wish they would fixed that in the next minor patch. In the mean time, I'm having good success pressing Alt-End with your mod.
  21. Apparently, this "wrapper for hardware" is not as thin as you think it is. Or maybe it's too thin for its own good. The point is, after the core version (let's be honest: it's the PC version), there is still a process of adapting for consoles, and this process entails the potential for bugs. In addition to that, there seem to be heaps of paperwork involved to get the patches out to players. It has been very obvious that SQUAD themselves have not put a whole lot of emphasis on the porting and the QA on consoles process. Good that I'm a programmer, so you can explain it to me.
  22. TBH, nowadays I just wish they would add more interesting features to the existing planets and fix the Kerbin textures. No, Monoliths are not defined as "interesting features".
  23. The saddest thing is: We knew this was gonna happen. From the moment when the console versions were announced as developed by Flying Tiger, we knew that this could only be a poor port by an inexperienced company, and we knew that one of the ports would be highly neglected by SQUAD, and it probably was gonna be the console port. This is by no means an "it's your own fault" for console players, on the contrary! Make a ruckus, demand your money back and make SQUAD know how bad the game is. For all the people with "unplayable" versions of the PC game: I'm not quite sure if I got super secret dev-builds off of Steam, or if my PC is magical, but my versions sure were more than "playable". They have been *played* by me for months. This includes but is not limited to: 1.0.5, 1.1.3 and 1.2. Yes, I had the occasional crash, more bugs than I can remember - but it's generally playable. This is in no way comparable to the console version where people simply can't recover their save. THAT's what I would call unplayable. Of course it's true. It has been pretty obvious that SQUAD devs themselves were very little involved in the console port, both in the creation and in maintenance. Most of the work was probably done by Flying Tiger. Yes, there is a huge difference between before/after 1.0. before 1.0, the game is early access. That means that everyone, those are: players, devs, streamers and reviewers say "This is an early access game, bugs are likely and somewhat accepted". I believe there was even a warning about early access games on steam, about exactly that. And this is a somewhat legitimate approach: when a Kid learns a new instrument, it might eventually get really good - but not before making many, many mistakes. However: at some point, the kid is expected to grow, just like a game. At some point there has to be a released, "finished" version. And if the game is unplayble and bugged at this point - *THAT's* where the excuses are over. For the record, I am a PC player and mostly happy about the game. But I totally understand why console players wouldn't be.
  24. Any way to get the pre-release versions? I'm willing to test, but I'm afraid I don't have them stored anymore.
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