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Curveball Anders

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Everything posted by Curveball Anders

  1. There are several people around the globe that doesn't agree that weapons are fun. and there are many other ways to cure the Kessler syndrome.
  2. As long as you make a backup of your current install first, it'll work. Or in your case, leave the off-steam directory as a backup.
  3. CKAN or backup your current install and then overwrite it with the new release. (I actually did the latter and it worked for me).
  4. That question is one of the deepest mystery in Kerbal history
  5. Exactly, it's indicating how Steam users are behaving, and only that.
  6. The patcher simply doesn't work. Just download the complete 1.9.1 and install it in a new directory and then copy over your saves. (Or overwrite your current install if you are brave/crazy )
  7. Actually no. Since you're only using one source of debateable quality. What you are saying is that the trend, using that single source, is indicating something
  8. The problem is that we don't have accurate numbers to tell us how accurate the Steam figures are. So we frankly don't know if we know or not. A similar issue is using this forum to ask the "user base" for answers. The problem is that it's just a fraction of the "user base" that's ever registered here, and a fraction of that fraction that logs in and reads anything and an even smaller fraction of the fraction of the fraction that ever posts. (And no, I'm not a steam user, and I block the unity stats in my firewall )
  9. Are volunteering to rewrite the game from scratch using a different game engine? Ain't gonna happen, ever.
  10. unless you remap them, which is recommended for some layouts (] is mapped on diacritic key "^~ on a swedish one, which requires another key to work ...) (I don't a proper ü on mine, it's " plus u)
  11. I concur. The thing comes down to the definition of a "rotor dish". The head isn't tilting, but the blades aren't rigid so the "dish" flexes (under cyclic control).
  12. I tested StageRecovery and noticed a little unexpected glitch. Using EAS4 struts (yes I like struts) to strut boosters to the core appears to fail when StageRecovery is installed. A somewhat informed guess is that the struts commits some form of severe buggery (excuse the term) on the neatly ordered tree that is KSP normal data format. I can deinstall SR, strut my craft. then reinstall and launch, and recovery works. But I I try recreate the same struts with SR installed the game refuses to attach them.
  13. I've got seismographs on several surfaces. I haven't rammed an asteroid into any of them, yet. But I do have a plan...
  14. The last x.x.0 has had bugs yes. Yet none of them has been relevant to me. so I've played them with great satisfaction
  15. I think (and this based on my fixed wing knowledge and completely random knowledge of rotorcraft). The blades of a chopper isn't 100% stiff (as can be seen when a chopper is on the ground and the blades drops). A Chinook doesn't actually tilt the rotor, but cyclic input tilts the "rotor dish" since the blades aren't stiff enough. Ergo, using cyclic and tilting the rotor dish are both correct
  16. From the linked "CH-47D FLIGHT CONTROLS STUDENT HANDOUT" Yaw (directional pedals). Directional control is accomplished by differential lateral tilting of both rotor discs, which causes the aircraft to turn about its vertical axis. Left pedal input causes a left tilt to the forward rotor disc and a right tilt to the aft rotor disc. Right pedal input causes the forward rotor disc to tilt right and the aft rotor disc to tilt left. The coordinated use of lateral cyclic and directional pedals is necessary to maintain or change course heading in flight with Advanced Flight Control System (AFCS) off To my fixed wing mind this sounds like that the CH-47D is "tilting" the rotor discs. If that's done by actually tilting the disc or achieving the same result using cyclic is beyond my limited fixed wing mind
  17. 1. I'll never play MP. 2. I don't give a dime for underground in a space game. 3. I prefer X-Plane if I want to play with aircraft. 4. Why would I bother about terrain modification in a space game? 5. Servers for what? 6. No weapons in KSP, ever. 7. Wings? Why bother about wings in a space game? 8. Clouds is a minor thing that pass on your way up or down.
  18. EVA Struts, never have a station without an engineer.
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