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Curveball Anders

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Everything posted by Curveball Anders

  1. Who let the cats out? Miau Miau Miau ... Well, actually, Sarbian did ...
  2. Note that the keys might be different on an non-US/UK keyboard. But you can always re-assign them to something better.
  3. It's worse, and uglier, since KSP is developed by Squad for Windows, Linux and Mac. Then ported to consoles by Blitworks (and then checked by Squad). So development cycles within development cycles, and then add that each console needs to be accepted by the powers that be for each console (and sometimes even regional).
  4. If you're worried about spyware, log your outgoing connections. It's that easy, no need to read lots of more less "informed" sites spread around the Internets.
  5. 1. Kerbols SOI is infinite, so you can't leave it. 1b. With infinite fuel you can continue to move further out, but infinite is still infinite. 2. All the stars out there is just a pretty picture, called skybox. Sorry.
  6. Nokia 3310 isn't tough enough. Try the 6250 or even better Ericsson R310, phones designed to be used by construction workers (or people who wanted to signal that they had very rugged jobs ...). Added moral story: An office mate of mine had managed to drop/break 2 (company) phones in very short time. To show us (and his boss) that he was serious about being careful he got an "unbreakable" R310. Wanting to demonstrate it's rugged features during a team meeting he smashed it a couple of time on the conference table. The phone was un-damanged. Sadly he didn't check what was on the table when he showed off his new phone. His forceful whacking with the phone did send his Palm Pilot V flying, and crashing ...
  7. I must have missed something in the mean time. Testing a standard Kerbin-Duna, I get all the correct information, and I can hack that data into KSP or PM to create the departure node. It works perfectly. But when I try to use upload maneuver (connection works, correct vessel selected, getting the orbit info perfectly) I get a complete dummy maneuver created. What am I doing wrong? (The vessel in question is in a 200x200 orbit and is fully capable to execute the maneuver).
  8. Back to KSPTOT, now on Linux! (I actually slowly dropped out when I couldn't be bothered to dual-boot for one, even as wonderful as KSPTOT, program.) Works perfectly on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. With one single, and not very important, problem. Choosing 'About' in the menu gives an error stating that it can't find "images\testlogo.png". I regard that as a very minor issue (I also nicked the right part of Arrowstars sig to use as icon for the startup script)
  9. Now that's what I call a lawn dart ...
  10. I use it mainly for one thing (in a special save named JPL). Moving crafts into specific orbits when I reverse-design major missions. Starting with the final parts, like return to the surface of Kerbin. Then working backwards via return from [Object X] all the way to launch. Rarely with 'main' saves, but I have hacked the save file for stuck docking ports (I judge that adjusting for a bug) and even retrained Kerbonauts (defend that by advanced local training capabilities).
  11. I usually cheat by taking note of my pos and doing a quicksave before my re-entry burn. Then I check the diff between my landing and my start, and how off I was. Reload and redo the reentry burn at the calculated pos.
  12. Almost. Copy it, _blank it_ then paste your own image. Many logos looks best with transparent background. Another tip is to create your own directory under GameData and save your own stuff there. Makes it easy to transfer when upgrading.
  13. I prefer not do any longish (days+) warps, unless I can't find anything useful to do waiting for next 'big' move. My KAC list is usually quite long and often has entries that are year+ into the future.
  14. https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/1.6
  15. Actually, a Swedish boss would have to act in some way too, or get hit with heavy fines (labour laws aren't to be messed with). And while I've done similar stunts myself (but I was usually a bit more shady on my time report) as a manager I'd be very wary over the actual value of that work. While inspired sprints most often work, they rarely age well, and I've been forced to invest way too many hours into rewriting large chunks of code that even if it works, is incomprehensible and impossible to maintain And that goes for the code I've created in that fashion myself So if you had pulled off that stunt on any my projects I'd most likely had kicked you off the project
  16. Which is why you don't sit around and wait for it. You switch to another box or monitor and browse the forums while the game loads (Or go for a walk, grab some grub, read a book or take a nap) In other words, multitask
  17. Slight shot in the dark (I've been weened off Windows for some years). Updated drivers for the Nvidia chip? With dual gfx it's possible that normal checks and updates doesn't "see" the Nvidia one.
  18. 16 mods 40 sec to menu 01m10s to loaded Orbital Station One edit: That's including automatic backup done by my startup script.
  19. You can adjust the flow by setting the priority of each tank. So it allows for various forms of aspargus without the need of ducts.
  20. Another funky thing with them was the mid-engine (like a supercar) construction. Engine behind the pilot and a long shaft to a tractor propeller, leaving room (and weight) for heavy guns in the nose.
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