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Curveball Anders

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Everything posted by Curveball Anders

  1. Lobbing a contract sat to solar orbit, being cheap I wanted to try using a Mün gravity assist. Launched to LKO, waited until the Mün opposite the sun and went for a manoeuvre to get me out of Kerbin SOI while sneaking as close I could to the Mün to gain as much extra dV I could. Quite standard stuff, but still I couldn't resist watching as the sat wiffed by close to the surface (well 25km) at 1000m/s. It's something with KSP that makes something obvious appear exciting
  2. For professional software there was EULAs, at least as hairy as today's norm. But for games there was possibly some text inside the leaflet or box, but that's about it. The reason is of course that the issue with users abusing intellectual property was limited to rapidly degrading analog copies that couldn't be redistributed very widely, and even less with commercial gain. Something that changed quite dramatically with the availability of something called 'Internet' expanding to the masses (as in those who didn't work/study at a good university ;))
  3. Today I reached an absolute milestone in my KSP experience. It took lots of careful research combined with hard determination. First I found an MM cfg to set the default in all probe cores 'Hibernate during Warp' to Automatic. (written by @Alshain) Then I built on my extensive R&D and wrote my first own MM cfg to have AV-R8 winglets default to 'roll authority off' . So I've now written my first KSP mod
  4. Unless I'm misinformed then KSP on Consoles runs under Unity just as it does on Win/Mac/Linux. Which might restrict the number of cool new features that KSP can use. The performance of W/M/L-KSP right now is very depending on raw single core CPU performance, with some help from extra cores and some help from powerful GPU.
  5. 1G ram (and only 1.5 swap) is very low for a ram hungry game like KSP (2G works for an unmodded game, unless you build monsters). But I guess that your GPU might add to the issue, by sharing the little ram you have ...
  6. There 9 "CompatibleKspVersion: False" in that log, ie mods not compatible with 1.3 Open the log file and use ctrl-f to find 'em. But not sure if it is has anything to do with the recursive calls and crash.
  7. It appears that you've installed Tweakscale twice, one inside the other. Which might explain why PlayerLoop gets called recursively.
  8. Not only that, it appears to be a 32bit OS with just 3G ram. It requires memory tweaks and good luck to run any larger mods at all.
  9. It's not so much a specific file or dll that Norton reacts to, but rather that 'unusual' files have a higher risk of generating a false positive from their use of 'reputation scoring'. So if you get a non-malware file getting trapped in this you shouldn't just restore it but also report it back to Norton as false positive.
  10. After my less than spectacular failure due to dodgy key assignments (and a pleasant trip to my local pub) I redid my mission to deploy 3 comm sats at Minmus and used the spare fuel on my launch vehicle to refuel Minmus Station One. But not without slightly hilarious issues. I prefer to play career without too much time warp, relying on KAC and doing various housekeeping and testing/tourist missions to spend time until any upcoming 'main' mission events. That means that I have alarms coming up in anything between 8-9 days and 300+ (interplanetary stuff). So what happens? Well suddenly I was stuck with two kind of critical manoeuvres in 8 days time, but less than 1 minute apart ... I had to do the circularisation burn at Minmus and then quickly switch to detach and circularise my final Kerbin Relay Sat hoping that I'd manage to do them both in time.
  11. Decided to put my new toy to the test. (As a sidenote, Core2-Quad 4x2.4GHz, 8GB DDR3, 450GB HDD, AMD HD4670, Dell 1680x1050, Ubuntu 16.04. All cobbled together from scrap for a grand total of zero funds. People give and throw away the darndest things :)) I had earlier dropped a station with attached lander at Minmus while trailling the new toy but while that mission was a success I realised that I'd forgotten to add antennas to the lander ... No real issue except that I had no relay sats at Minmus so I decided to do a quick easy and standard (at least for me) deploy of 3x basic relay sats. Wanting to try the install out (I copied the save from my win10 install) I decided to build a triple launcher from scratch. Eye-balling a Minmus launch at 6 degrees (letting MJ do a 42 turn launch) to 72Km it went almost good (actually it failed to circularise, ending up in a 75x69km orbit, I had to do an extra lap and a little boost at AP). Minmus transfer was obviously a standard manoeuvre, except that bloody Mün was in the way and I had to do some un-planned extra burns to actually get into a Minmus intercept. After dodging a dodgy Mün I managed to fine tune my Pe to 1M and found a good Ap using the ROC. Everything fine and dandy (well, after some tweaks), in the right spot, just release the first sat and ... I've forgotten add separators under the sats ... Ok, revert to launch, add separators under the sats, repeat all of the above. This time I can release the first sat. Except that I can't shift focus to it, since the Linux version of KSP isn't interpreting my swedish keyboard the same way as win10 is ... I then decided to close down KSP and go to the local pub. Tomorrow I'll try again, with a re-defined keyboard ...
  12. It's underlining (and explaining as mouse overs) certain well known acronyms. Such as VAB, SPH and KSC for instance.
  13. It ran decently on my win7 sp1 laptop with 4GB ram as long as I limited my mods (KER/MJ and some minor stuff). The only thing I did was setting the max user space limit to 3GB with: bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVa 3072 I'm not sure it would work with only 3GB physical and with swap turned off. (It's still running on that laptop but now under Ubuntu 16.04 LTS).
  14. Because with the logs we can help you, without logs we can't.
  15. I use Open Broadcast Studio and it seems like a common choice.
  16. It's not the different version of those dlls that are the issue. It's that they indicate that you have several outdated mods installed. An access violation in mono is often due to one or more modding dlls not compiled against the version of Unity/mono that you are running. Keeping that amount of mods correctly updated manually is a freaking nightmare.
  17. I've got 4 install in my active directory and 7 more on my KSP_Backup drive. The mains are: 1_3 modded (main install) 1_3 stock (tracking down ev bugs in main) 1_2_1 modded (previous main) 1_3_1pre (prerelease for testing and bug hunting) The 1_2_1 modded should have been moved to KSP_Backup already, but I'm lazy
  18. That why I sometimes use a clone of my 'real' save, just copy the save catalog and rename it Fake
  19. I use a sandbox save 'called simulation' (or sometimes a copy of my current career save) for just such design iterations. For my currently ongoing Duna mission(s) I actually started with science return unit in LKO, then went on (or back) to a stage where my return vehicle and science pack was i Duna orbit, and so on until the last thing I designed was the initial lifter to reach LKO. That way I can be sure that I haven't done any complete misjudgements or forgotten any vital parts. Once satisfied I switch back to my 'real' save, build and launch the mission. Well aware that there are lots of things that can go wrong, esp with long missions where I run lots of other missions in parallel and I'm not always sure that I remember what I was supposed to do when a KAC alarm ("Tend to Duna Express!') goes off
  20. Do you have just the driver or the Killer Suite of 'accelerator' software installed? I'm asking since all form of so called network boosters/accelerator are notorious for messing with network traffic and KSP/Unity (and others) are equally notorious to get finicky with non-standard networks
  21. I'm just about to launch manned expedition to Duna (in this career save). This time around I did it in quite a complex way, mainly because I could and wanted to I started with 'Duna Express' who''s main component is a big relay antenna and science gathering package that's supposed to stay in Duna orbit. Stacked on top of this is a small science return vehicle (it's an Experiment Storage unit with just enough additional gadgetery to get it back to Kerbin). The second phase is a (initially) unmanned station with a lab and a (hopefully reusable) lander. The third phase (launched almost simultaneous with phase two) is a 'Space Bus Mk2' which is a vehicle that can shuttle 4 kerbals from LKO Station to Duna Station and back. All units (except the science return hack) is dockable and can be left in any stable orbit to be saved, refuelled, fixed or expanded if plans fail or get changed during the mission(s).
  22. One or more mods not matching game version most likely. A quick grep in output_log.txt reports at least 2 versions of module_manager and 4 versions of MiniAVC which seems odd if all mods was updated.
  23. Not out of ram per se, since "3320 MB physical memory" is what a 32b windows tend to report. The issue is rather "2048 MB user address space" which seems to indicate that you've got a crippled 'Starter' edition ps. The 'starter edition' just rightly be renamed 'non-starter edition' ds.
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