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Curveball Anders

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Everything posted by Curveball Anders

  1. While I mostly play stock, I cheat using a sandbox save to "simulate" designs and projects.
  2. I use an X-box controller for my PC too. Slightly different setup but having 2 thumb sticks plus d-pad is lowly. And even more lovely is that it doesn't clog up my already clogged up desk ...
  3. One solution would to have a launcher that supported user defined 'profiles'. Where the users could select which mods they wanted in that profile. Possibly including different save directories (or something like that). But it's very much a nice-to-have since most people only use one install, and those of us who use 2..n saves rarely have that much storage issues with the resulting bloat.
  4. It's still easter. Available hype time reduced by hiding/finding easter eggs, spend time with family and/or drinking rocket fuel and then recovering from family and/or rocket fuel. No worries, hype will happen, in due time
  5. As many others, my most "oh, <rude word> no!" was during a suicide burn landing at the Mün. Landing engines cutting out due to lack of fuel just close enough to the surface to actually survive the landing. I haven't had that rush playing a game since successfully landing a Eurofighter with one engine dead and missing half my starboard wing ...
  6. This is exactly my experience too. Fun and hilarious when you want it, challenging and hard when you need it.
  7. " But only 10 kinds of people understand base 2... "
    My kids seriously confused their math teachers by counting to 1024 on ten fingers.
    At the tender age of 7 ...

  8. This thread is going soo far off track ... Orcinus Orca, aka Killer Whale, Blackfish, Schwertwal (in german), Späckhuggare (in swedish). Apex predator in all oceans, kills great whites for fun and feeds on their nutritional livers (though it's uncertain if they complement with a nice chianti). The name 'killer whale' is supposed to be a bit of an error in translation, since they are more "whale killers" (orcas and humans are among the few species known to prey on whales). There's a story about a group of scientist researching great white behaviour outside the Californian coast, and they replayed a recording of an orca vocalisation for the group they studied. The group hastily evacuated the area (ruining that season of research), one was gps-tagged and later showed up outside Hawaii. The vocalisation was from a panicking orca calf basicly shouting "MUMMY!"
  9. If I ever found KSP short of a celestial body I'd vote for adding Norma Jeane Mortenson, or Marilyn Monroe for the youngsters.
  10. Guess where I've been sitting since before we left the station
  11. That's uncertain. There's a rumour that tickets from steam are vapour-ware ...
  12. No, this is what a flying whale looks like
  13. Then there wouldn't have been any KSP. He had to create something alone and in limited time to convince his bosses that it was worth investing resources in. Had he written it from scratch he wouldn't have had anything to show.
  14. My first was "Kerbal Aeronautic and Orbital Services" or K.A.O.S
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