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Everything posted by lextacy

  1. Does this work when you launch things one-by-one like the TDRS communication sats? Does this account for the phase angle of the first TDRS you launched , then give you a maneuver node to resonate with it? I have so much problems trying ot keep a 120 degree spacing between 3 TDRS's
  2. Ive noticed there are Dragon v2 space craft anywhere for past.90 . Laztec one is so old that the FPS is 1 fps its incompatible now. Im looking for a realism Dragon v2 if someone wants to help out. Maybe Kart is making one? I have no clue. Oh and I will not do a stock-alike as there are a few out there.
  3. My surface and orbital surveyor scanner says it scans for -water -minerals -exotic minerals nitrogen -karbonite -ect. But how do I get these resources? AFAIK the parts in game do not harvest those, only ore. Are these fake resources?
  4. I see your working on a lot of vintage pads. Thank you for making these Gotta give some love to the 57-80s era
  5. Do I really really need the dependencies? Ive read the functions of the dependencies but it says they have no function.
  6. After the shuttle towers would be willing to work on the vintage pads like LC10-14 (Atlas, Titan II), LC26 and LC 17 ?
  7. Anyway I can disable CO2 poisoning in the config? My kerbals are dying from invisible CO2 levels.
  8. Anyone ever try landing the Shuttle by gliding only and actually landing at the official landing strip without ever using the OMS? I have done this successfully ONCE out of 18 flights so far. There is serious mathematics and algebra involved it seems to land this thing with zero engine use from de-orbit burn. Anyone have any pointers for me to have a more success rate? Im tired of the "authorized" water landings LOL
  9. This launch had ignited a mass emotional feeling for me. Literally I was screaming and yelling and crying and I never do this with neighbors living in the apartments next door. No matter who you are, your will break down and defy your own rules cause this launch was historic to the max. No sporting event will ever unlock such an emotion. Conrats Space X and god speed!
  10. Scott Manley should do a KSP live stream simulation of this concept L0o0o0L
  11. That is some good news then. Cant wait to fly these things
  12. where can I find RO configs for the old Delta II-III pack ? The RO configs for 1.2.2 have "ULA" in the part name and this is wrong. I think these configs are leaked configs for the new upcoming ULA pack you are going to release. Don't know how those future ULA configs got slipped streamed into a 1.2.2 RO release.
  13. Ahh yes ! Forgot about the good ole relays TDRS will show me the way
  14. Good catch. Im trying to go without RT this time around so I can use the new stock comm system. Are you saying I MUST use RT for RO/RP-0? What mods are out there for stock comms?
  15. So I have RSS and all that good stuff and the stock game DSN system keeps disconnecting when my chosen KSC goes occluded. BUT arent there suppose to be "extra ground stations" ?! I have this toggled on and it doesnt work. I need a mod that will switch KSC to get signal back.....IN FLIGHT!!! Im so sick of getting out into the tracking station to pick a new KSC location thhen having to constantly load the flight scene again and again. Getting ridiculous. mods installed: -Kopernicus -KSC Switcher -RSS -RO -RP-0
  16. anyway to get this to work on us 1.2.2 users?
  17. cool! so that means I can peek around at outter planets like Neil DeGrasse Tyson?!
  18. Does this mod make use of any telescope mods such as Cacteye, James Webb, or Ordann ? If not that would be a great idea for a future update
  19. So here is my problem. After launching if im in orbit on other side of the Cape where I launched from, I will lose my signal. The game fails to give me the ground station tracking around the globe. I have to jump out and into the Tracking station and toggle the Australia site for example. then go back in my craft to get the signal. I know this is a conflict with RSS and/or KCS switcher. Is this by design? Whats my workaround here?
  20. AHH makes sense now. So this mod is more better out of the box with stock/TAC . If your running RO then people can just use my fix.
  21. Any reason my Kerbals died with 3% CO2 level? Resource panel says there was 0% CO2 , but Kerbalism panel says 3%. Either way the Kerbals should not have died. I think this mod is incompatible with RO ! UPDATE : Nevermind. There was an error in the Default.cfg Was Process { name = scrubber modifier = _Scrubber input = ElectricCharge@0.025 input = WasteAtmosphere@0.00002 output = CarbonDioxide@0.02 <-------We are creating toxic Co2 ?? } Change to this! Process { name = scrubber modifier = _Scrubber input = ElectricCharge@0.025 input = WasteAtmosphere@0.00002 input = CarbonDioxide@0.02 output = Oxygen@0.02 } So in a nutshell, the Kerbals were exhaling Co2 and then recycling it to get more Co2 ....LMAO!
  22. Hey, alot of Raidernicks probes , his Vostok and Voskhod pods, and all the FASA pods are not showing due to a bug in this mod. Once I removed RP all parts showed in VAB as required. I think there is a config in the RP blocking command pods. I havn'nt figured out which file was screwing around with the pods. It seems to be some conflict in the tech tree as I had to actually hand-type the pods name in the persistient save file where the tech tree is saved. RP was failing to include the pods to begin with. Placing the pods in the save file still yields no parts in VAB, but Ill leave that part up to you as I dont have time to fiddle around much. Cheers
  23. Its been a long ass while , but I have started playing Kerbal again as its winter now. I noticed that this mod has not been updated for a while so it is still locked at KSP 1.2.2. Im using 1.2.2 as its the only working RO/RSS solution we can have. I have taken the liberty to fix your Statics as most of them have serious errors. Problem : When saving new assets , upon game reload the KSC Terrain mesh takes place for what you originally saved. So if I make a launch complex LC5 and save the Static.....reload the game....the Complex will turn into the huge Terrain filler. Investigation : The reason for this is that most your static files have "name = Spawnmarker" . When this happens the game will find the earliest instance of name = Spawnmarker and find what mesh was used in A-Z order. The KCS Terrian Filler is the first on the list to make the parse pass. Thus the game loads that mesh instead of the LC5 mesh. Solution : I went and fixed all the name = errors and the game saves assets like a champ! Is there a way to post this fix to you in a fast efficient way? So to make a short story short your Statics all share a common name, but should have had a unique name. LoL might have been a case of the Find and Replace Mondays
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