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Everything posted by EdFred

  1. No, but there's that pesky radiation issue. What's the difference between wearing a pressure suit and a radiation suit? Both are still encumbering.
  2. Exercise in futility. No magnetosphere, it's a dead end street.
  3. EdFred


    Earth's magnetic field, or something related to it.
  4. Probe + large SAS + HH Pod + Fuel Tank (orange or half orange) + 2-4 radial mounted LV-Ns on giirders + Clampo-Sr's at each end along with a 4k battery and some solar panels is what I go with. I try and only use 2.5m parts anymore.
  5. The OS is fine (the only thing that crashes on it is KSP), but when everything goes full screen, it blows. I have to flip through the entire MS suite each day, with multiple files opened in each program. I am not going to hit ALT+TAB 10-15 times to get to the file I need or to open new ones, when I can right click on my taskbar and get exactly what I need much faster. Which is why I install classicshell first. I tried Win8 Metro UI for about a week. It sucked, so I installed classicshell. Oh, and don't even get me started with needing a #*^#&%*$*&$&*^ Microsoft Account to run certain things, or the bastardized version of outlook, or....
  6. Nice try, but I've been building computers longer than most users of this forum has been alive. The UI sucks for Metro. Charms, slide this way, move a mouse to a corner for this, move to another corner for this. It's horrible. The only nice thing about it was that on the metro screen I could start typing something and the options would show up. Other than that, Metro is HORRIBLE for a work environment, and multitasking.
  7. Push down w key, wedge toothpick in.
  8. No, the UI sucked. Very first thing I did with the 4 or 5 win8 boxes I got was install classic shell, even with my touch screen monitors. When I need to use 5 or 6 different programs concurrently at work, the Metro UI blew chunks. Way easier to access the other programs through the taskbar along the bottom.
  9. Also, don't they recycle/purify the urine to be used as drinking water again so they don't have to take as much water on missions?
  10. My answers were going to be similar, except what I was left with from Eve was much, much less than what was landed. Like less than 2t that actually made it to orbit. So for me the actual answer would be something that departed Duna and then went to Ike. Everything else that lands on another planet ends up being very light. I try not to carry more into orbit than absolutely needed.
  11. Bribes received, but not what I was looking for. I'm still Team Green
  12. I can be bribed to switch sides... But my price is pretty high. TEAM GREEN
  13. No, I get it. But have problems with absolute statements when it's really just a hunch. I have as much of problem with the statement, "There are other universes out there," as I do "There are no other universes out there,"
  14. Since when? Everything I've read seems to still be a hypothesis, not a definitive answer.
  15. I think what it comes down to and we probably agree. For our 4 dimensions, x, y, z, t our universe all there is. However, I like to think (though I have no math to back me up) that all the dark energy/matter in our universe is 'bleedover' from dimensions 5 and up. For whatever reason we are detecting the mass from the other dimensions, that's bleeding through to our 4 dimensions. Which is why I think there is something beyond our universe. Not that we are a 4D universe inside a 4D superverse where if we rip space-time we see a bunch of other 4D balloons, but that we would see (though we couldn't see it because we are 4D creatures) a 5-8D mesh which may be inside a 9-12D mesh. Or Brane, or whatever you want to call it.
  16. It is his truth. But truth != fact. - - - Updated - - - That depends on your POV. If space was compressed as they said in the video and it could be observed from an outside perspective, (5th dimension or higher) it may actually appear as a single point. Just like being on the surface of an uninflated/compressed balloon. To every habitat of balloon land it's always the same grid spacing to another coordinate on the surface. But from our point of view, not living on the balloon's surface we see it grow from a single point (ok, we can't compress them that small, but you get my point) into a large sphere. I am not saying that is it fact that you can observe our universe from the outside, but I think it not only possible, but probable. It just takes a completely different set of physics to do so, and as residents of this universe we probably can't leave it. But that doesn't mean that everything ends at the 'edge' of our universe. For us, our truth is the universe contains everything, but as I said above, truth != fact.
  17. I know, but I still have an issue with anything being stated as fact when it's most likely just 'the best guess we have.'
  18. Interesting video. Still conjecture, and not fact.
  19. Exactly, and just because that person says, "There is nothing that exists outside these walls" does not make it fact.
  20. If I never leave my house does that mean nowhere else exists?
  21. I'm still hoping to save Green Iron Crown.
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