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Everything posted by EdFred

  1. I chalk it up to the Star Trek: First Contact situation. We haven't done anything worth noticing.
  2. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Just because we haven't seen beyond our universe, does not mean it's not there. You cannot make a absolute statement either way. You can offer up conjecture, or opinion, but you cannot state it as fact.
  3. EdFred


    "This statement is false"
  4. Banned for not actually busting myths!
  5. Banned for not coming up with a second ban.
  6. EdFred


    cantab, your riddles are the equivalent of having the rest of you trying guess my dog's birth date. Too esoteric. Dumb it down a little.
  7. Banned for not really being a General!
  8. How can I give negative rep to keep him around?
  9. If you're a guy looking to date girls, be ready to hear no, A LOT. You will be subjected to at least a 98% percent rejection rate. Before you've even said hello to her she already has an idea on whether she would go out with you or not, and the odds are not in your (our) favor. You get 10 seconds to make that impression. That's it. Ten seconds. If she's not flirty within the first minute you're destined to the friend-zone, or a quick dismissal. And whoever said being in the friend-zone is a step in the right direction, it's not. This is coming from someone that's been to the friend-zone more times than Emmitt Smith. And once there, there is no getting out of the friend-zone, ever. And even if you don't end up dismissed or in the friend-zone and end up dating the girl, keep in mind she is ALWAYS going to be looking to 'upgrade' for the first couple weeks/months.
  10. There's no proof either way, so an absolute cannot be stated.
  11. Always grew up around TV. It can be on or off, and it doesn't affect what I'm doing unless I'm writing my book, or talking on the phone. I will mute it in those cases.
  12. Rather than MOAR Boosters, MOAR Legs I had no buckling, crawling, or anything with my single man lander.
  13. For the defaults module settings, would opening the appropriate .cfg file be an option. Run the code so when it gets to a module tag in a part open the corresponding .cfg file and get the default values, over write the lines in the sfs/craft file, and keep on going? That's how I would do it. At a quick glance this is just going through every line of the file correct? Easy enough to save the partname as a temp variable and if module is encountered open the cfg file get that info and write it. While I've not done python or c, I have done this exact thing in VB and php.
  14. I made a 80 x 96 orbit and I followed the above rules. What was NOT listed in the rules was the prohibition of using the mouse button. How I accomplished was ad follows: Engaging the limit the acceleration to 22.5m/s Click engage engage autopilot Press space bar. At 6500-6700m press R Above 20,000m click the mouse button to de-limit acceleration.
  15. I never refuel. Every mission I do is self sufficient. All fuel needed for the trip is on the launchpad. dV matters.
  16. But how much extra dV did it take to get to a 8000km vs 800km vs 80km orbit ? Nothing is free.
  17. In real life, we fly an approach to landing at 1.3 times the stall speed. Find out your stall speed, and keep your velocity at 30% above that. When you know you've got the runway made (0.5-1.0km out or so), reduce the engine power slightly, raise the nose a little as you do, and you should have much better luck.
  18. I use it for my KSP filmstrips in my signature. { position:absolute; left:15px; background-color:#bada55; vertical-align:middle; }
  19. You can do the same exact thing at Duna, with a PE of around 12km.
  20. KSP computer is at home, but I know you gotta rotate the engines to maximize the thrust vector. After that it's determining when to start the gravity turn and at what turn percentage to do so.
  21. It's not a disagreement between the current aero, and a re-vamped aero. It's that certain groups of people (usually described in a negative context) don't like change. If it wasn't aero that was being proposed as being overhauled and something else, the same types of people would cry about that instead. Look at the whining that went on with the new space plane parts and the removal of the old ones.
  22. KER/KAC/MJ That's all. I had Infernal Robotic, but there were just way too many parts to sift through.
  23. That's why I went with the MFM qualifier. I've got 15+ year old IDE drives that I all I need to do is hook them up with a ribbon cable, and put the jumper settings to slave or auto.
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